Issue - meetings

Appeal against dismissal

Meeting: 29/08/2023 - Personnel Board (Item 6)

Appeal against Final Written Warning - Reconvened

Additional documents:


Further to Minute 3 (24 August 2023), the Board reconvened to continue hearing an appeal from an employee within the Support and Collections service against the issuing of a Final Written Warning.


The appellant continued to present their case against the Final Written Warning.  Having presented for over five hours, the Chair advised the appellant that they would be given a further 15 minutes to conclude their case, in order to move on to the next stages of the process. 


The appellant stated that they needed a further lengthy period to conclude their case, which the Board felt was unreasonable in the circumstances.  As the appellant had refused to answer a question put by the Presenting Officer, the Board reached the view that the meeting should be concluded.


The Board retired to make a decision in private and resolved, having  consideration the papers and the submissions at the meeting, to dismiss the appeal.


Meeting: 24/08/2023 - Personnel Board (Item 3)

Appeal against Final Written Warning

Additional documents:


The Board convened to consider an appeal against a Final Written Warning issued to an employee within the Council’s Support and Collections service. The appellant was present at the meeting and was unaccompanied.


In line with the procedure for the meeting, the Presenting Officer explained the circumstances leading to the issue of the Final Written Warning and responded to questions from the Board and the appellant. 


The appellant then began to present their case.  After a lengthy period of time and as the appellant was only part way through their case, the Board agreed to adjourn the meeting and to reconvene at a later date (subsequently agreed for 29 August) to conclude the hearing.