Issue - meetings

Procurement of Specialist Intervention Service (SIS) Family Contact Services

Meeting: 19/03/2024 - Cabinet (Item 100)

100 Procurement of Specialist Intervention Service (SIS) Family Contact Services pdf icon PDF 198 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care and Disabilities introduced a report on proposals to procure a new four-year Framework Agreement for the provision of Family Contact services, commencing 1 September 2024.


The Cabinet Member explained that the Council had a duty under section 34 of the Children Act 1989 to make arrangements for children in its care to have reasonable contact with their parents and 'other persons', as prescribed within the Act.  The service was led by the Council’s in-house Specialist Intervention Service (SIS) Family Time Family Contact Team who used a mixed model of in-house delivery supported by externally commissioned accredited Family Contact providers via a Framework Agreement.  The current ‘call off contracts’ in place with providers would be extended until 31 August 2024 to provide sufficient time to complete the procurement of the new Framework.


Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Agree that the Council proceeds with the establishment of a four-year framework contract for the provision of SIS Family Contact Services and invite providers to apply to be on the Framework, in accordance with the strategy set out in the report;


(ii)  Agree that the Council enters into two new ‘call off contracts’ under the current framework for a period of two years;


(iii)  Approve a new waiver under paragraph 35.5 (g) of the Council’s Contract Rules (for below-threshold contracts), to extend contracts for three providers (on the preferred providers list) for the three-month period 1 June to 31 August 2024; and


(iv)  Delegate authority to the Strategic Director, Children and Adults, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care and Disabilities and the Head of Legal, to award and enter into the access agreement and all other ancillary call-off agreements upon conclusion of the procurement process as appropriate.