Issue - meetings

Procurement of Repair Works at Choats Road, Barking

Meeting: 23/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 83)

83 Procurement of Culvert Repair Works at Choats Road, Barking pdf icon PDF 665 KB


The Cabinet Member for Public Realm and Climate Change presented a report on the proposed procurement of a design and build contract for the delivery of necessary repair / strengthening works to the Choats Road culvert bridge, together with the funding requirements for the works.


A routine inspection of the bridge, which provided a crucial gateway to the Barking Riverside / Thames View area as well as being a key logistics route to the Dagenham Dock area, identified that voids were forming under the concrete culvert slab which supported the road.  Consulting civil engineers were commissioned to produce a feasibility and options appraisal examining options to repair and/or replace the culvert and the Cabinet Member advised that the preferred solution was carry out repair / strengthening works, at an estimated cost of £850,000.  It was noted that approximately £578,000 was already available within the Highways capital budget to fund the works, with the remaining funding to be sought in the next round of capital works bids.


Cabinet resolved to:


(i)  Agree that the Council proceeds with the procurement of a contract for repair / strengthening works to the culvert bridge at Choats Road, Barking, in accordance with the strategy set out in the report; and


(ii)  Delegate authority to the Director of Public Realm, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Public Realm and Climate Change, the Strategic Director, Resources and the Head of Legal, to award and enter into the contract and all other necessary or ancillary agreements to fully implement and effect the proposals, subject to the necessary budget provision being in place to meet the full cost of the project.