Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee
Monday, 6 July 2020 5:00 pm

Venue: Meeting to be held virtually

Contact: John Dawe, Senior Governance Officer 


No. Item


Declaration of Members' Interests

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes (28 April 2020) pdf icon PDF 214 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 28 April were confirmed as correct.


Film Studios, London East Business and Technical Park, Yewtree Avenue, Dagenham - 20/00314/FUL pdf icon PDF 1 MB


The Principal Development Management Officer (PDMO), Be First, introduced a report on an application from LBBD for the development of film studios at London East Business and Technical Park, Yewtree Avenue, Dagenham, involving the change of use and refurbishment of existing industrial buildings (Use Class B8) to workshop space and introduction of mezzanine, purpose built staging and flexible workshops (Use Classes B2/B8) and new office space (Use Class B1(a)).  The application also included:


-  ancillary offices, toilets (internal and external) and storage space,

-  areas of screened plant and equipment,

-  soft and hard landscaping,

-  boundary fencing and planting,

-  350 vehicle parking spaces including blue badge spaces and 20% active EV charging points,

-  dedicated loading and waiting areas for larger logistics vehicles,

-  dedicated cycle parking areas for staff and visitors (226 spaces),

-  photovoltaic and solar thermal panels, and

-  an enclosed building accommodating refuse, services and secure cycle store.


It was anticipated that the development would be delivered in two phases of construction as detailed in the report, namely: 


·  Phase 1 - Conversion of Unit C into permanent workshop and office space; construction commences on the main office, gatehouse facility and necessary site infrastructure, including all elements required for the secure boundary; construction commences on the stages and ancillary temporary workshops to the east of Unit A; and


·  Phase 2 (following the completion of Phase 1) - Secret Cinema to be relocated to another site; conversion of Unit A into permanent workshop space and the remodelling of the film studio main entrance and visitor car park; construction commences on the stages and ancillary temporary workshops to the west of Unit A.


Construction works associated with Phase 1 were expected to commence in late 2020 with practical completion by March 2022. Dates associated with construction of Phase 2 were not currently available.


Given the strategic nature of the application it was referable to the Mayor of London.


In respect to consultations in addition to the requisite site and press notices a total of 330 neighbouring properties were consulted. There were no objections raised to the development. A separate public consultation event involving 60 people was held on site in February, the majority of which favoured the application. 


The PDMO in summarising the key issue associated with the proposal concluded that the development would result in the provision of a world-class new film studio at Dagenham which would create new job opportunities and attract investment into the Borough and would bring a brownfield site back into productive use.


The proposal was of a good quality, inclusive design and offered the opportunity to create links between the film industry, the local community, local schools, universities and the Council. The proposed design was considered to be acceptable and would not have an adverse impact on the local area, Green Belt, heritage assets or residential amenity.


Other matters, such as transport, flood risk and sustainable drainage, energy, sustainability and biodiversity had been assessed as part of the application and were  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Central Park, Rainham Road North, Dagenham - 19/00602/FUL pdf icon PDF 672 KB


The Principal Development Management Officer (PDMO), Be First, introduced a report on an application from LBBD for Central Park, Rainham Road North, Dagenham involving improvements to existing sport facilities namely rugby, football and tennis together with the upgrade of landscaping and provision of new park facilities comprising a new toddler playground, a new adventure playground zone, an interactive maze and associated grass amphitheatre / picnic zone, new nature zones incorporating wetlands, wildflower meadow and native planting, areas designated for public art and a new network of paths.


In respect to consultations in addition to the requisite site and press notices a total of 63 neighbouring properties were consulted. There was one response which whilst supportive of the development, raised concerns about the amount of litter already generated in the park which would in their view be exacerbated by the development and required the provision of more litter bins in the park. It also stated that there should be car parking spaces dedicated to electric vehicles to future proof the park as the number of EV owners driving to the park increase as well as addressing issues of sustainability and protecting the environment.


Both issues were raised at the meeting by Jonathan Brennan, a registered speaker, the response to which was summarised in the report by the PDMO and who explained that the provision of litter bins would be managed through the imposition of a condition on the application. Furthermore, officers representing the applicant gave an undertaking to work with Mr Brennan to identify the most appropriate locations in the park to locate litter bins. As for EV charging points, whilst there were none provided for as part of the development it was stated and confirmed by Members that the Council as part of its ambition to be the green capital of London, was committed to delivering a low emission vehicle charging network across the Borough by 2022, which would include Council parks. 


The PDMO concluded that the proposed development was considered to meet the exception tests for development in the Green Belt and would result in a significant upgrade to the existing facilities in Central Park, providing enhanced sports facilities, play and amenity space designed to cater for a range of ages and interests, as well as providing extensive new planting.


The proposed design was considered to be acceptable and would not have an adverse impact on the Green Belt or the local area.  Furthermore, the proposal, subject to conditions, would not have an adverse impact on the surrounding residential amenity. Other matters, such as heritage, transport, flood risk and drainage, and biodiversity had been assessed as part of the application and were considered acceptable.


The proposal generally complied with the relevant policies set out in the National Planning Policy Framework, the London Plan, the Draft London Plan, the Local Plan and Draft Local Plan.


In expressing wholehearted support for the proposed development, the Committee resolved to:


(i)  Agree the reasons for approval as set out in the report,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Applications update

Verbal report from James Coulstock, Deputy Chief Planning Director, Be First


The Deputy Chief Planning Director, Be First, updated the Committee on the status and progress of the application for Trocoll House, Wakering Road, Barking.