Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee
Monday, 16 October 2023 7:00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Barking

Contact: John Dawe, Senior Governance Officer 


No. Item


Declaration of Members' Interests

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes (11 September 2023) pdf icon PDF 77 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 11 September 2023 were confirmed as correct.


Barking Riverside, Stage 2 South Boulevard - Sub Framework Plan and Discharge of Conditions - 23/01182/AOD pdf icon PDF 728 KB

Additional documents:


The Senior Principal Development Officer (SPDMO), Be First Development Management Team, introduced a report on an application from Barking Riverside Ltd seeking approval of details in relation to Stage 2 South Boulevard Sub Framework Plan (SFP) pursuant to Condition 31 (Sub Framework Plan) and 32 (Details of Sub Framework Plan), in addition to the partial discharge of conditions 4 (Phasing and Stages), 5 (Partial Discharge), 23 (Flood Defence Buffer Zones), 33 (Nature Conservation and Landscaping), 35 (Temporary Pedestrian and Cycle Routes) and 36 (Design Code) attached to planning permission 18/00940/FUL dated 26/10/2018.


A total of 568 notification letters were sent to neighbouring and nearby properties from which objections were received from two individuals and two interest groups, the material planning considerations and issues raised from which were addressed by the SPDMO in their planning assessment of the application. In addition to the published papers, a supplementary report was presented which contained details of a further public objection, which the SPDMO concluded had no material planning considerations on the application.


A representation was made at the meeting by Mr Andrew Boff, a local resident who opposed the application on the basis of protecting footpath 47 that ran adjacent to the application site. Mr Boff stated that the site of the footpath was recognised as of metropolitan importance, there being a huge amount of natural diversity in the location. When objections were raised the planning response, as stated in the report, was that the footpath was outside the redline boundary of the application site, and that the public right of way access was not compromised. In addition, the applicant (BRL) had confirmed that they were fully committed to protecting the footpath and ensuring it was preserved for public use.  Mr Boff commented that the statement ran contrary to the views of the Mayor who, when questioned at a Greater London Assembly meeting in May this year, stated that due to the nature of engineering activity the footpath would need to be temporarily diverted as homes were built in and around Barking Riverside.


Mr Boff also referred to condition 33 of the application which he felt failed to address and protect against the potential for the leaching of construction related waste from the development. Consequently, whilst there might be good intentions of BRL, there was nothing in the report to guarantee the long-term protection of the footpath.


Finally, referencing the subsequent application on the agenda concerning the Section 106 strategies (23/01180/S106A), Mr Boff stated that the Open Space and Recreation Strategy drawn up for the development had not recognised the closure of the warehouse on Thames Road which had left a significant hole in the community infrastructure in the area.  He felt, therefore, it would be prudent to direct some of the Section 106 monies generated by the application to re-create this unique facility. Irrespective of the Mayor’s comments, it was confirmed that the Planning Committee could not take into account the objection as presented as it had no material planning effect on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.


Barking Riverside, Stage 2 South Boulevard - Section 106 strategies - 23/01180/S106A pdf icon PDF 246 KB

Additional documents:


Further to Minute 16 above, the Senior Principal Development Officer (SPDMO), Be First, introduced a report on an application from Barking Riverside Ltd seeking approval of revised Section 106 Legal Strategies together with reserved matters and the discharge of the following conditions:


1. Schedule 4, Part 3 Para 27.1.2 (Housing Strategy July 2023);

2. Schedule 4, Part 3, Para 28.1 and Para 32.1 (Build to Rent Strategy Plot DC3B July 2023);

3. Schedule 4, Part 2, Para 10.1 and 10.2 (Transport Strategy July 2023);

4. Schedule 4, Part 2, Para 25.2 (Car Parking Strategy July 2023);

5. Schedule 4, Part 1, Para 12.2 (Travel Plan July 2023);

6. Schedule 3, Part 1, Para 1.2 (Retail and Non-Residential Use Strategy July 2023);

7. Schedule 3, Part 3, Para 7.2 (Health Strategy July 2023);

8. Schedule 3, Part 4, Para 10.2 (Placemaking Strategy July 2023);

9. Schedule 3, Part 5, Para 12.2 (Open Space and Recreation Strategy July 2023 with the Open Space and Recreation Strategy, 02 May 2018);

10. Schedule 3, Part 7, Para 16.2 (Energy Strategy July 2023);

11. Schedule 3, Part 13, Para 13.1 (Employment, Skills & Training Strategy July 2023);

12. Schedule 3, Part 8, Para 17.2 (Waste Strategy July 2023);

13. Schedule 4, Part 2, Para 8.1 (Transport Monitoring Report May 2023) of the Section 106 Legal Agreement dated 08 March 2019 (as varied 15 July 2021) of planning permission reference 18/00940/FUL (as amended).


A total of 568 notification letters were sent to neighbouring and nearby properties from which objections were received from two individuals and two interest groups, the material planning considerations and issues raised from which were addressed by the SPDMO in their planning assessment of the application. In addition to the published papers a supplementary report was presented which contained details of a further public objection, which the SPDMO concluded had no material planning considerations on the application.


The SPDMO summarised the details of the proposal and outlined the relevant background information including the extensive planning history dating back to 2007 and the most relevant planning applications. There being no questions from Members, the SPDMO concluded that the application details had demonstrated that all matters relating to the S106 strategies were of a high quality and continued to pursue and raise the standard of the approach envisaged by the extant outline consent and the signed Section 106 Legal Agreement.  As such, the proposals would facilitate the continued delivery of homes, commercial development, and associated infrastructure in a compliant and innovative way.


The Committee resolved to:


(i)  Agree the reasons for approval as set out in the report; and


(ii)  Delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Inclusive Growth (or authorised Officer), to approve the Revised Section 106 (S106) Legal Strategies (23/01182/AOD) for Barking Riverside.