Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee
Monday, 22 April 2024 7:00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Barking

Contact: John Dawe, Senior Governance Officer 


No. Item


Declaration of Members' Interests

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes (12 February 2024) pdf icon PDF 102 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 12 February 2024 were confirmed as correct.


Segro Plot 2, Segro Park, Dagenham, Choats Road, Barking - 23/01946/OUTALL pdf icon PDF 482 KB

Additional documents:


The Senior Development Management Officer (SDMO), Be First, introduced a report on an application from Segro (East Plus) Ltd seeking an outline planning permission (all matters reserved), for the demolition of existing research building, gatehouse and associated hardstanding; construction of an industrial building (Use Class B2, B8, E(g)(iii)), with ancillary offices, creation of new vehicular accesses from Hitch Street; cycle, motorcycle, car, van and HGV parking; pedestrian access; hardstanding and circulation areas; ancillary infrastructure and all other ancillary and enabling works including landscaping, drainage, engineering, substation, pumping station, ground stability works and boundary treatment.


A total of 127 notification letters were sent to neighbouring and nearby properties together with appropriate site and press notices. No objections were received.


The SDMO in their presentation referenced the proposed design and quality of materials, the financial contributions as well as sustainable transport enhancements and proposed car parking provision, secured as part of reserved matters. The latter included a requirement on the owner to use reasonable endeavours to ensure car parking was reduced by 10% within ten years of the first occupation of the development, which would be secured through a s106 obligation. 


The SDMO explained that the current application would run alongside that previously approved in February 2023 application (21/00023/FULL), providing flexibility to the deliverability of the site.  That would allow an end user to have the option to implement the full planning permission or submit reserved matters.


The Chair welcomed the commitment of the applicant to achieve 25% local resident employment of the planned workforce during the construction and occupation phase of the development, as well as the significant financial contributions as part of the S106 Agreement.  In that respect, Members sought clarification as to how the funding of more than £300,000 would be used towards proposed Public Realm enhancements.  The SDMO explained that it would be focused on securing improvements in and around Dagenham Dock station and Chequers Lane, the precise nature of which would be discussed and agreed through an appointed Steering Group, and would be subject to appropriate consultations with ward councillors. 


Officers concluded that the proposed development would continue to promote employment opportunities within the borough and safeguard the vitality and viability of SIL sites through the provision of industrial floor space. Whilst it was accepted that the flexibility could result in a smaller building being brought forward, given it would enable the deliverability of an industrial building on a vacant brownfield site, on balance it was considered that in principle the proposal would be acceptable.


The maximum parameters of the scheme were aligned with the mass and bulk of the proposal under application 21/00023/FULL. Consequently, officers did not consider the design of the proposal would have a greater impact on the character and appearance of the area than the existing planning consent. Conditions would require full assessments based on the final detailed design to be submitted with the reserved matters. Likewise, a full package of S106 obligations including significant transport contributions had been secured to mitigate the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24.


Minutes of Planning Performance Review Sub-Committee (3 April 2024) pdf icon PDF 58 KB


A report detailing the Sub Committee’s findings as attached will be presented by the Interim Head of Development Control, Be First Development Management Team.



Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting of the Planning Performance Review Sub-Committee held on 3 April were noted as was an accompanying report from Be First which detailed the Sub-Committee’s findings together with an overview of the performance of the Planning Service over the period.


The Chair thanked Barry Coughlan, Interim Head of Development Management and his staff in the Be First Management Team, together with Marilyn Smith, Head of Planning Decisions and Assurance, and support from officers in Law and Governance, who collectively had worked hard to achieve outstanding performance outcomes over the past year, despite a number of challenges. These comments were echoed by other Members of the Committee.