Agenda and minutes

Planning Visiting Sub-Committee
Tuesday, 18 July 2017 2:00 pm

Venue: Farmhouse Venue, Dagenham Road, Dagenham

Contact: David Symonds, Democratic Services Officer, Civic Centre, Dagenham 

No. Item


Declaration of Members' Interests

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


There were no declaratoins of interest.


Farmhouse Venue, Dagenham Road, Dagenham pdf icon PDF 568 KB

Additional documents:


The Visiting Sub-Committee met at the Farmhouse Venue, Dagenham Road, Dagenham in order to review and assess the application in respect of its immediate surroundings and impact on the metropolitan green belt, following an earlier visit to the site on 5 January 2017 and its pending application being considered at the Board meeting on 31 July 2017.


The current application sought permission for the erection of a permanent marquee within the grounds to accommodate up to 400 guests together with the creation of additional parking spaces on land between the existing curtilage of the site and the Millennium Centre car park.


If granted the permission would effectively override existing planning conditions 9 and 11 that restrict the erection of temporary buildings, tents or other structures within the grounds of the site, and restrict the provision of seating for guests attending events to a maximum of 180 seats.


The purpose of conditions 9 and 11 of the existing permission is to limit traffic generation in view of the access arrangements and limited on-site parking capacity, and to prevent harm to the visual amenity and openness of the Green Belt.


The applicant has previously hosted a number of events at the venue utilising a temporary marquee that accommodated approximately 300 to 400 guests.


The applicant now proposed a permanent marquee, a lightweight metal framed structure with glazed windows and a tarpaulin roof covering. This would be fixed to the ground and remain on a permanent basis.