Agenda and minutes

Wednesday, 16 June 2004 7:00 pm

Venue: Town Hall, Barking

Contact: Valerie Dowdell, Democratic Services Ofiicer, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2756 / Fax - 020 8227 2171 / e-mail -

No. Item


Minutes (19 May 2004) pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Additional documents:




Tribute to the late Councillor Mrs V W Cridland pdf icon PDF 7 KB


Tributes were paid to the late Councillor Mrs V W Cridland and a minute’s silence was held in her memory.


Leader's Question Time


Further to a petition submitted to the Assembly on 4 February 2004 requesting action to address issues of anti-social behaviour in and around Goresbrook Park, Councillor Thomas expressed concern that vandalism and nuisance is still rampant in the park, despite indications to the petitioners that things would improve.  Some of the original petitioners attended the Assembly to stress that they felt the issues needed addressing urgently.


Councillor Porter spoke in support of the petitioners, highlighting the fact that under-reporting of crime in the area is a major issue.  He also raised concerns about the Gale Street/Martins Corner area.


Councillor Fairbrass responded to the issues relating to the Goresbrook Park area.  The Head of Leisure and Community Services stated that the Council is working very closely with the Metropolitan Police and the Street Wardens.  He emphasised that they are targeting as effectively and efficiently as they can with the resources available and are extending the use of Anti Social Behaviour Orders.


Councillor Fairbrass stressed the importance of people reporting incidents.  There is a telephone number advertised on page 1 of the Housing and Health Annual Report which people can use and any information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence.  The number is 0208 227 5906 and it is a 24 hour service.


The Chair of the Assembly invited the petitioners to attend the next meeting of the Police Community Consultative Group, which is to take place at 7.00 pm on 14 July 2004 at the Civic Centre.


Managing the Council pdf icon PDF 41 KB

Presentation by Graham Farrant, Chief Executive, and The Management Team.


Futures 2004/05 to be circulated separately.  A folder entitled ‘Managing the Council’ will be made available to all Members at the meeting


The Chief Executive gave a presentation which provided an overview to the Assembly on the progress made in achieving the 2020 Vision following the modernisation of the arrangements in place to manage the Council.  Members were provided with a folder which contained the key documents relating to how the Council is being managed.  The Management Team, or their representatives, also presented key performance indicators for their departments.




·  To approve the Performance Plan for publication, subject to minor typographical or factual changes (circulated with the agenda)


·  To allow other changes or amendments to the Performance Plan that are required in order to ensure the plan complies with statutory requirements


·  The Council Scorecard objectives and performance indicators for 2004/05 and noted the changes


Any Other Business


Agreed that the next Assembly meeting be moved from 7 to 21 July 2004, in the light of the forthcoming By-Election.


Members were reminded to inform any constituents being invited to attend the next Assembly of the change of date.