Agenda and minutes

Wednesday, 27 July 2005 7:00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Barking

Contact: Valerie Dowdell, Democratic Services Ofiicer, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2756 / Fax - 020 8227 2171 / e-mail -

No. Item


Minutes (6 July 2005) pdf icon PDF 13 KB


Agreed, subject to the inclusion of Councillor Mrs West’s apologies.


Petition opposing the extension of the existing Controlled Parking Zone in Manor Road, Dagenham pdf icon PDF 14 KB


Noted that the Council will not be extending the existing Controlled Parking Zone.


Petition relating to Parking Issues in Saville Road, Chadwell Heath pdf icon PDF 14 KB


Noted the actions taken to address residents’ concerns relating to road safety in exiting Saville Road into High Road due to cars being parked on both sides of the road.


Councillor Denyer emphasised the importance of enforcing regulations and requested that the relevant department ensures that appropriate enforcement is carried out.


Customer Services Report pdf icon PDF 8 KB

Presentation by Steven Forbes, Head of Older People’s Services, Social Services and Primary Care Trust.




Report of the Director of Finance: Statement of Accounts 2004/2005 pdf icon PDF 84 KB

Additional documents:


Agreed the interim Statement of Accounts and noted that a final version incorporating an Audit Certificate will be reported to Members.


In agreeing this item Members asked a number of questions in respect of the accounts.  Councillor Bramley commended the work done by Councillor Geddes and officers in monitoring the Council’s finances which had resulted in the production of a strong and healthy set of accounts.


Final Report of the Budget Process Scrutiny Panel pdf icon PDF 204 KB


Agreed the recommendations made in the report.


Councillor Ms Baker, Lead Member, said the Panel felt that the recommendations they have made will raise Members’ understanding further of the financial processes in the budget and she thanked everyone who had participated in the Panel for their work.


Report of the Standards Committee: Anti Fraud and Corruption Policy and Strategy pdf icon PDF 139 KB


Agreed the changes to the Anti Fraud and Corruption Policy.


London Bombings - 7 July 2005 pdf icon PDF 44 KB


The Leader of the Council referred to a letter he had received from the Barking Muslim Social and Cultural Society condemning the bombings, and the reply he had sent on behalf of the Council, endorsing the sentiments expressed in the letter that we must stand united to root out this evil to make the world a safer and more peaceful place.  Councillor Fairbrass also tabled a further letter from the Chairman of the Trustees of the Al-Madina Mosque condemning the atrocity, together with a copy of a guidance note issued to the local Muslim community.  Councillor Fairbrass said that he would reply to this letter and thought that the advice given was broadly applicable to all communities.


Councillor Fairbrass then went on to say that the Mayor will be holding a small reception on 18 August 2005 to say thank you to representatives from organisations who gave help and comfort to those injured by the bombings.  Three people from the Borough lost their lives and, when the Council opens a new Civilian/Memorial Peace Garden in the Borough next year, specific reference will be made there to the people who died in the atrocity.  Barking and Dagenham Labour Group Councillors are donating £1,000 towards this.  Councillor Fairbrass also commended Councillor Geoff Porter for his bravery in evacuating his tube train which had been close to the site of one of the bombings.


The Chair fully endorsed the sentiments expressed on behalf of the Assembly.


A minute’s silence was held in remembrance of the victims of the bombings on 7 July 2005.




Agreed the following appointments:


Development Control Board (Wednesday Panel) – Councillors A Agrawal and W Northover


Leader's Question time


·  Councillor Parkin asked the Leader of the Council if he would join him in congratulating the Barking and Dagenham Primary Care Trust on achieving 2 stars in the latest tables, having previously been a zero star Trust.  This puts them above average in the country.


Councillor Fairbrass joined Councillor Parkin in congratulating the PCT and hoped that they would continue to build on this achievement.


·  Councillor Bramley asked the Leader if he would restate the Council’s policy on ‘naming and shaming’.


Councillor Fairbrass said it had always been the Council’s policy to name and shame perpetrators of crime or anti social behaviour, except in exceptional cases where a child had particular vulnerabilities.  He reiterated that any press enquiries should be dealt with by the Council’s Public Relations office.


Town Show Award to the Learning Disabilities Team


The Chair presented a cup to the Learning Disabilities Team which was awarded to them as first prize for a float at this year’s Dagenham Town Show.  Last year they entered a float for the first time and also won first prize.  Service users contributed to the making of the float and the project took them nine months to complete.


On behalf of the Assembly, the Chair congratulated staff, service users and their carers on their achievement.