Agenda and minutes

Wednesday, 2 November 2005 7:00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Barking

Contact: Barry Ray, Democratic Services Ofiicer, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2134 / Fax - 020 8227 2171 / e-mail -

No. Item


Minutes - To confirm as correct the minutes of the meeting held on 5 October 2005 pdf icon PDF 11 KB


Agreed, subject to the inclusion of Councillors McCarthy and Miles’ apology for absence.


Petition Regarding Padnall Lake pdf icon PDF 29 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report outlining the background, issues and planned works in response to a petition requesting urgent works to improve Padnall Lake and the immediate surrounding area.


Agreed, in order to improve the water quality and the immediate surrounding area of the Padnall Lake, to:


  1. Note the details of the petition and the current position with regards to the planned improvements which are due to be carried out between January – March 2006, and


  1. Support a new bid of £100,000, for dredging and removal of the silt build-up at Padnall Lake, for consideration by the Capital Programme Management Office, for the 2006 / 2007 financial year.


Petitions for Better Security and Lighting on Footbridges pdf icon PDF 24 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report regarding two petitions concerning the footbridge linking Ripple Road and Sparsholt Road and the footbridges linking St Awdrys Road, Essex Road and Salisbury Road.




1.  The actions taken to date as outlined in the report;


2.  That the Council will install 6 temporary cameras, two at each bridge, and mirrors subject to approval from Network Rail; and


3.  That the Council will continue to put pressure on Network Rail to improve the security on the footbridges.


Petition Regarding Payment for Private Dog Patrols on the Gascoigne Estate pdf icon PDF 49 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report outlining details of a petition requesting the charge of £2.00 per week, for the Dog Patrol service on the Gascoigne Estate, be removed.


Noted that further consultation with residents will be undertaken and a review of the provision will be carried out following that process.


Local Issue - The London 2012 Bid to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games

Richard Sumray, Chair of the London 2012 Forum, and Councillor Ruth Cadbury, Chair of the ALG Cross Party Olympics and Paralympics Working Group, will talk to the Assembly about London’s successful bid to host the Olympics and Paralympic Games in 2012.


Received a presentation by Richard Sumray, Chair of the London 2012 Forum, and Councillor Ruth Cadbury, Chair of the ALG Cross Party Olympics and Paralympics Working Group, regarding London’s successful bid to host the Olympics and Paralympic Games in 2012 and the benefits this will bring to London as a whole and in particular Barking and Dagenham.




Committee Appointments


·  Licensing and Regulatory Board – 2 substitute vacancies to be filled by Cllr Mrs C Osborn and Cllr A Agrawal.


Appointment to Outside Bodies


·  Admissions Forum – Cllr L Smith

·  Dagenham United Charity – Cllr F Jones

·  Heathway Town Centre Forum – to only consist of the Alibon, River and Village Wards.


Report of the Executive pdf icon PDF 94 KB


Agreed that Section E of the Council’s Scheme of Delegation (Part C of the Constitution) be amended to include an additional responsibility to enable the Development Control Board to consider officer reports to the Urban Development Corporation Planning Committee.


Leader's Question Time


Councillor L Smith asked the Leader for his view on the recently launched Schools White Paper “Higher Standards, Better Schools for All - More Choice for Parents and Pupils”.


Councillor Fairbrass explained that he was against the proposals set out in the White Paper.  These would debar the Council from building any further Community Schools such as the Jo Richardson School, which was highly praised by Margaret Hodge, MP for Barking, at the School’s recent official opening.


Report of the Standards Committee pdf icon PDF 44 KB




1.  The changes to the Guide for Members’ Use of Council Resources, Facilities and Equipment (attached as Appendix A to the report);


2.  The amended Member and Employee Relations Protocol (attached as Appendix B to the report); and


3.  The adoption of the Planning Code of Conduct (attached as Appendix C to the report).