Agenda and minutes

Wednesday, 5 April 2006 7:00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Barking

Contact: Barry Ray, Democratic Services Ofiicer, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2134 / Fax - 020 8227 2171 / e-mail -

No. Item


Minutes (1 March 2006) pdf icon PDF 177 KB




Final Report of the Community Consultation Scrutiny Panel pdf icon PDF 51 KB


Received the final report of the Community Consultation Scrutiny Panel.


Agreed, in order that consultation can be undertaken in a meaningful, efficient and cost effective way, that:


1.  A review of the methods used for preparing consultation documents and the way consultation is carried out is undertaken.  An appropriate strategy needs to be developed which has regard to cost effectiveness and is not overly bureaucratic.  This should incorporate a review of the current strategy and toolkit;


2.  The Council needs to ensure it has the capacity within the new structure to lead and manage consultation at a senior officer level;


3.  Relevant officers should be trained before undertaking consultation;


4.  A cross-departmental corporate body called a Consultation Board should be set up to co-ordinate and initially monitor all consultation.  The Board should incorporate any relevant consultative elements of the Research Governance Framework;


5.  The Consultation Board should monitor / question the following:


·  why is the consultation being proposed

·  who is going to undertake the consultation (in-house or external organisation)

·  what is the rationale for it

·  how are the results going to be analysed

·  how are the results going to be disseminated

·  how are the results going to be fedbackin a cost effective way

·  how are the results going to be used to influence decisions and/or policy and/or improve services

·  how will outcomes be monitored;


6.  The Membership of the Board should include:


·  the Executive Portfolio Holder

·  relevant senior officers

·  an Equalities and Diversity Officer;


7.  The Community Consultation Scrutiny Panel should reconvene after a maximum period of two years to review the work of the Consultation Board and assess its financial viability;


8.  Members be made aware of results of consultation exercises and alerted to any issues arising;


9.  There should be a more systematic approach to the use of existing forums for consultation;


10.  A clear distinction between service and corporate related consultation should be maintained;


11.  The contract for the Citizens’ Panel be re-tendered, and increased use be made of it, following a review of the present workings and restraints of the current contract; and


12.  Opportunities to share a Citizens’ Panel with key partners should be explored.


Report of the Standards Committee - Code of Conduct for Members of the Licensing and Regulatory Board pdf icon PDF 114 KB


Received a report proposing a Code of Conduct for Members of the Licensing and Regulatory Board.  The purpose of the Code is to provide clarity about participation in the functions of the Licensing and Regulatory Board and to help Members work within the Council’s Code of Conduct for Members and avoid any potential conflicts of interest that might arise.


Agreed, in order to ensure that the Members have guidance in dealing with Licensing and Regulatory Board matters and in so doing protect the Council and individual Members from allegations of unfairness, findings of maladministration and legal challenge, to adopt the proposed Code of Conduct for Members for Licensing and Regulatory Matters for inclusion in Part E of the Council Constitution.


* Scheme of Delegation - Chief Officer Responsibilities pdf icon PDF 94 KB


Received a report seeking to authorise the Chief Executive and the Corporate Directors to carry out the delegated functions as they fall to each Department in light of the reorganisation of the Council.


A detailed review of these delegations is underway to take account of the new structure and any split / changes in responsibility will be reported to the Annual Assembly as part of an overall review of the Constitution.


Agreed to authorise the Chief Executive and the Corporate Directors to implement decisions which, under the new arrangements, fall to each department with effect from 1 April 2006.


* Councillor J Porter - British Transport Police Chief Constable's Commendation for Bravery


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Fairbrass, congratulated Councillor Porter for receiving the Chief Constable’s Commendation from the British Transport Police for showing outstanding bravery on 7 July 2005. 


Councillor Porter works as a Tube Driver.  On 7 July, as he was approaching Edgware Road station, an explosion occurred on a passing Circle Line train.  Councillor Porter remained calm and ensured that hundreds of passengers were led to safety through the smoke and dust, guiding passengers along the track and past the wreckage.


Councillor Porter received his award at an event held on Monday 3 April 2006.


* Thanks to Retiring Councillors


Councillor Fairbrass reminded the Assembly of the key achievements by the Council over the last four years and thanked all Members of the Council.


In noting the key achievements, Councillor Fairbrass thanked the following Members, who are retiring at the next election, for their service to the Borough and wished them all the best for the future: 


·  Councillor Ms M Baker (8 years service)

·  Councillor Mrs J Blake (12 years service)

·  Councillor Mrs E Bradley (27 years service)

·  Councillor Mrs J Bruce (32 years service)

·  Councillor L Collins (39 years service)

·  Councillor Mrs J Conyard (11 years service)

·  Councillor C Geddes (20 years service)

·  Councillor R Parkin (17 years service)

·  Councillor A Thomas (20 years service)

·  Councillor Gibbs (23 years service)

·  Councillor A Clark (3 years service)


These sentiments were endorsed by all present.


The retiring Members will be thanked formally at the Ceremonial Council on 16 June 2006.





* Item considered as a matter of urgency with the consent of the Chair under Section 100B (4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.