Agenda and minutes

Wednesday, 6 December 2006 7:00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Barking

Contact: Barry Ray, Democratic Services Ofiicer, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2134 / Fax - 020 8227 2171 / e-mail -

No. Item


Declaration of Members Interest

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes (ordinary Assembly on 11 October 2006 and the Special Assembly 11 October 2006) pdf icon PDF 149 KB

Additional documents:




Presentation by Anne Bristow, Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services pdf icon PDF 193 KB


Received a presentation by Anne Bristow, the newly appointed Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services.  The presentation outlined the role of the Adult and Community Services Department in improving the quality of life, improving health as well as creating choices and control for the resident’s of the Borough.


Local Government Ombudsman - Annual Letter 2005 / 2006 pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Tony Redmond, the Local Government Ombudsman, will present his annual letter for 2005 / 2006


Received the Local Government Ombudsman's Annual Letter 2005 / 2006, presented by Mr Tony Redmond, the Local Government Ombudsman. 


The report commended the Council on a number of issues including a general reduction in the number of complaints received, a total of 86 complaints against last year’s total of 103, and the previous year’s total of 133.  The most significant trend was a fall in housing related complaints from 60 to 42.  Complaints relating to housing benefit and social services also fell. 


It was particularly pleasing to note that Barking and Dagenham was the only Local Authority not to receive any complaints regarding planning issues and that the average response time to first enquiries was 21.6 days against a requested timescale of 28 days.


Mr Redmond also commended the relationship between his office and the Corporate Complaints Team and the Council’s willingness, in general, to respond constructively to settlement proposals.


Members welcomed the report and thanked Mr Redmond for his presentation.


Local Issue - Heritage Services Presentation pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Presentation by Heather Wills, Head of Community Services and Libraries, Judith Etherton, Borough Archivist and Birthe Christensen, Museum Manager, Valence House.


Received a presentation by Heather Wills, Head of Community Services and Libraries, Judith Etherton, Borough Archivist and Birthe Christensen, Museum Manager, Valence House.  The presentation outlined the importance of heritage, a brief description of Valence House and Eastbury Manor House and the future capital developments at these sites, as well as an overview of the services provided.


Motions pdf icon PDF 13 KB

To debate and vote on motions submitted in accordance with Part B, Article 2, paragraph 15 of the Council Constitution.


Motion 1.  Development, Planning and Regeneration


Received the following motion moved by Councillor Barnbrook and seconded by Councillor Bailey:


“The Council and thus local people must have the last say in all matters in regard to development, planning and regeneration, without veto, and not other authoritive (sic) bodies.”


Following discussion on this item it was moved by Councillor Mrs Reason and seconded by Councillor Agrawal that the motion be now put.  The motion was put to the vote and by a majority vote the motion was not agreed.


Motion 2.  Flying of the Union Flag


Received the following motion moved by Councillor Mrs Knight and seconded by Councillor Barnbrook:


“To help restore civic pride and embrace the values of citizenship and Britishness (sic) that the Union Flag should fly over all council buildings 12 months of the year.”


The following amendment (amendment 1) was moved by Councillor Connelly and seconded by Councillor Bailey:


Add at the end - “As well as the union flag being displayed on all public buildings the cross of Saint George and the council crest flag should be displayed at the same time, these should be the only flags displayed.”


The following amendment (amendment 2) was moved by Councillor Little and seconded by Councillor Fairbrass:


Replace the original motion with – “That this Council adheres to its current custom of following the regulations, circulated by Command of Her Majesty, for flag flying on Government Offices.”


The first amendment was put to the vote and by a majority vote was not agreed.


The second amendment was put to the vote and by a majority vote was agreed.


Agreed, that this Council adheres to its current custom of following the regulations, circulated by Command of Her Majesty, for flag flying on Government Offices.


Motion 3.  Covering of the face in public buildings


Received the following motion moved by Councillor Bailey and seconded by Councillor Steed:


“In the interest of safety and community integration that all items that fully cover the face should be banned from all public buildings.  This includes crash helmets, ski masks and balaclavas, and all religious face coverings such as the burqa and niqab.”


The following amendment (amendment 1) was moved by Councillor Connelly and seconded by Councillor Bailey:


Add at the end - “If there is a genuine medical reason for the face needing to be covered e.g. burns victim or other covering to prevent injury or infection, that covering to be allowed in public buildings.”


The following amendment (amendment 2) was moved by Councillor Mrs Rush and seconded by Councillor Agrawal:


Replace the original motion with – “This Council will invite all visitors to cash offices, in Civic buildings, to voluntarily remove any head covering on entry, however we acknowledge the diversity of individuals and respect the right of our residents and visitors to exercise their lawful rights.”


The first amendment was put to the vote and by a majority vote was not agreed.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 60.




Deferred to the next meeting.


Leader's Question Time


Deferred to the next meeting.


General Question Time


Deferred to the next meeting.


Final Report of the Leasehold Management Scrutiny Panel pdf icon PDF 187 KB

Additional documents:


Deferred to the next meeting.