Agenda and minutes

Wednesday, 10 January 2007 7:00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Barking

Contact: Barry Ray, Democratic Services Ofiicer, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2134 / Fax - 020 8227 2171 / e-mail -

No. Item


Declaration of Members Interest

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes (6 December 2006) pdf icon PDF 96 KB




Petition regarding a request for a new community centre pdf icon PDF 25 KB




Petition regarding parking adjacent to Dorothy Barley School pdf icon PDF 60 KB


Received a report outlining details of a petition containing 302 signatures in respect of parking adjacent to Dorothy Barley Infants School.


Agreed, in order to curb obstructive and hazardous parking adjacent to schools, to:


  1. The use of a temporary CCTV unit in the Dorothy Barley Infants School area to enforce parking restrictions and deter parking abuse by parents delivering or collecting their children to/from school;


  1. Maintain the publicity campaigns with parents and children of the school and to inform of the new initiative involving CCTV parking enforcement; and


  1. The CCTV unit to remain in place until parking abuse reduces to such a level that consideration is given to its use at alternate school sites.  The unit should be reintroduced if it appears that parking abuse begins to increase.


Petition regarding parking adjacent to Manor Schools pdf icon PDF 52 KB


Received a report outlining details of a petition containing 326 signatures in respect of parking adjacent to Manor Infants and manor Junior Schools.


Agreed, in order to curb obstructive and hazardous parking adjacent to schools, to:


  1. The use of a temporary CCTV unit in the Manor Infant and manor Junior Schools area to enforce parking restrictions and deter parking abuse by parents delivering or collecting their children to/from school;


  1. A publicity exercise with parents and children of the school with regard to the new initiative involving CCTV parking enforcement; and


  1. The CCTV unit to remain in place until parking abuse reduces to such a level that consideration is given to its use at alternate school sites.  The unit should be reintroduced if it appears that parking abuse begins to increase.


Petition regarding traffic speed in Dagenham Road, Rush Green pdf icon PDF 18 KB


Received a report outlining details of a petition regarding traffic speed in Dagenham Road, Rush Green and the potential for road safety accidents and hazard to wildlife.


Agreed to:


  1. Note that the issues covered in the petition have been addressed over time by initiatives introduced in the Dagenham Road, Rush Green area; and


  1. Support Ward Councillors in their request to seek action to address anti social behaviour in the area by the Police Service.


Customer Service Presentation - Strategic Finance - Our Customer Focus pdf icon PDF 41 KB

Presentation by Patrick Clackett, Head of Strategic Finance and Audit.


Patrick Clackett, Head of Strategic Finance and Audit, gave a presentation outlining Strategic Finance’s customer focus. 


He explained that the service provides regulatory advice to the council on a wide range of issues, to help safeguard existing resources and enable the council to take opportunities, through risk based decision making.  The service also helps promote the best use of resources to ensure that potential options for efficiency and funding are identified, evaluated and turned into actions to benefit the council and the people it serves.


Motion pdf icon PDF 9 KB


The following motion was debated at the last meeting.  However, although the motion was debated, a vote on the motion was deferred as the meeting ran out of time.


Motion 12.  Singing of the National Anthem


Received the following motion moved by Councillor Mrs S Doncaster and seconded by Councillor Barnbrook:


“That to increase integration and improve citizenship all schools as part of their assembly should sing the National Anthem.”


The following amendment was moved by Councillor Alexander and seconded by Councillor Agrawal:


Replace the original motion with – “This Council notes the motion and reminds all Councillors that the Governors of the school set the school policy and the day to day running of the school is a matter for the Head Teacher.  If the mover of this motion has concerns about the policy of any school then they are advised to contact the Corporate Director of Children’s Services.”


The amendment was put to the vote and by a majority vote was agreed.


Agreed, that this Council notes the motion and reminds all Councillors that the Governors of the school set the school policy and the day to day running of the school is a matter for the Head Teacher.  If the mover of this motion has concerns about the policy of any school then they are advised to contact the Corporate Director of Children’s Services.




Barking and Dagenham Enterprises Board – Councillor Bramley


General Question Time


Councillor Bramley announced that he had in his possession a BNP leaflet which states the proposed artwork outside the Civic Centre is supposed to be a celebration of immigrants.  He asked the Lead Member to agree with him that this is nothing but a barefaced lie designed to upset people and set one section of the community against another one.”


Councillor Fairbrass referred to a book entitled ‘Destination Art’ (written by Amy Dempsey and published by Thames and Hudson, London 2006) in which is featured the A13 Artscape project.  He quoted from the dust cover, ‘Destination Art is the first ever comprehensive guide to the two hundred most important modern and contemporary art sites around the world’.


He explained that for some years, the Council has been using visual arts to reflect the history of this Borough.  The nearest art work is located just outside the Barking Town Hall Council Chamber and reflects the history of the Borough from over 4,000 BC to 2005, which was extremely well done and was a great way of introducing visitors, of all ages, to our history.


Three hundred yards west of the Town Hall building are located some very special lampposts designed by local children.  The castings at the top of the lampposts portray the history of Barking Abbey and Barking’s old industries and agricultural background.


To the north of the location of the lampposts is located the latest artwork, the ‘Lighted Lady’, which is very effective.  This represents the history of the nuns of Barking Abbey and the blue light at the top is a symbol of ‘Our Lady’.  The abbey was, until the dissolution of the monasteries by King Henry VIII, a Roman Catholic institution.


Close to the boundary with Redbridge, near Barking Park, is ‘The Catch’; a marvellous piece, portraying Barking’s oldest lost industry, its fishing fleet.


He explained that what was being achieved in these artworks was to reflect the history of the Borough or to mark the entrance to the Borough or both.  When someone travels past one of these pieces of artwork, they know they are in Barking and Dagenham.


He pointed out that Members would note that all these artworks were in the west of the Borough and that this was because it was not possible to do all these art projects at once.  He explained that about three or four years ago, he had asked the Arts Officer to give some thought to an artwork to be located near the Civic Centre, which would mark the eastern boundary and also point to our major open space – the Eastbrookend Country Park, which starts from behind the Civic Centre.  The Kestrel is that proposed artwork, which would tower above the Civic Centre. 


He confirmed that the Kestrel was not a ‘celebration of immigration’, as referred to in a BNP leaflet, and that with the exception of the artwork just outside the Barking Town Hall Council Chamber, which was done as part of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 74.


Final Report of the Leasehold Management Scrutiny Panel pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Additional documents:


Received the final report of the Leasehold Management Scrutiny Panel, which was introduced by Councillor Mrs Flint.


Agreed to the following recommendations made by the Scrutiny Panel following completion of its works:


  1. to review the arrangements at London Borough of Greenwich, particularly in relation to the following and to implement into local practice where possible:


  • information for leaseholders, written and verbal (appropriate specific details of the proposed documentation / information for leaseholders is set out in Appendix 2)


  • contact with leaseholders – in person and by telephone


  • information technology / data bases


  1. to ensure that when procuring a new IT system for Customer Services, the needs of the Homeownership and Leasehold Service and its customers are adequately specified.