Agenda and minutes

Wednesday, 5 September 2007 7:00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Barking

Contact: Alan Dawson, Democratic Services Team Manager, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2348 / Fax - 020 8227 2171 / e-mail -

No. Item


Tribute to Private Tony Rawson


The Assembly stood in silence as a mark of respect to Borough resident Private Tony Rawson, 1st Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment, who was killed in action on 10 August 2007 whilst on active service in Afghanistan. 


Following this tribute, the Leader of the Council spoke on Private Rawson’s funeral and placed on record his appreciation of the Council staff, in particular those from the Cemeteries and Street Cleansing services, whose efforts on the day had been greatly appreciated.


Declaration of Members' Interest

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes (25 July 2007) pdf icon PDF 126 KB


Agreed, subject to the following amendments:


(i)  Minute 23 (Declarations of Members’ Interests)

The following Councillors declared personal interests in Agenda Item 7 (Petition requesting a new Community Centre - Minute 27 below) as follows:

·  Councillor N S S Gill as he is a member of the Executive Committee of the Gurdwara;

·  Councillor S S Gill as he is a member of the Gurdwara; and

·  Councillor I S Jamu as he is a supporter of the Punjabi Welfare Association who organised the petition.”


(ii)  Minute 28 (Petition requesting a new Community Centre)

The deletion of the word “additional” from the 1st paragraph.


Annual Report of the Barking and Dagenham Youth Forum (BAD Youth Forum) 2006/07 pdf icon PDF 43 KB


Received a report and a presentation from Kirsty Eley, Brian Taylor and Danielle Wainwright of the BAD Youth Forum on the key activities and achievements of the Forum during the 2006/07 academic year.  The Assembly also viewed the anti-bullying DVD “Disappearing Girl”, produced by the Forum’s Crime and Safety Sub-Group in partnership with Studio 3 Arts.


The Chair placed on record the Council’s appreciation of the work of the Forum over the last year and thanked Kirsty, Brian and Danielle for their attendance at the meeting.


Review of General Questions and Petitions Procedures pdf icon PDF 38 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report on proposed changes to the General Questions and Petitions Procedures within the Council’s Constitution.




(i)  The changes to these Procedures as set out in Appendices A and B to the report, subject to the additional inclusion of the clause “This condition will be waived where the Member, or a colleague on their behalf, has notified the Chief Executive in advance of the start of the meeting of their inability to attend due to ill health or family bereavement” in paragraph 13.5; and


(ii)  That the Constitution be amended accordingly.


Membership of Staffing Panels pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Additional documents:


Received a revised report on the creation of Panels to deal with staffing matters in respect of statutory and other JNC officers.


Agreed the composition of Panels to deal with staffing matters relating to Statutory Officers and JNC Officers as set out in the report and that the Constitution be amended accordingly.


Members' Codes of Conduct for Planning Matters and for Licensing and Regulatory Matters pdf icon PDF 110 KB


Further to Minute 33 of our last meeting, received a report on proposed changes to the Members’ Codes of Conduct for Planning Matters and for Licensing and Regulatory Matters which have arisen from the new Model Code of Conduct of Members.  Noted that these proposed changes have been considered and endorsed by the respective Boards.


Agreed the amendments to these Codes as set out in Appendices 1 and 2 of the report and that the Constitution be amended accordingly.


The Executive - Recent Business pdf icon PDF 31 KB


Received a report on recommendations from the Executive in relation to recent business that it has considered.


Agreed, in relation to the Introduction of Enforcement of Moving Traffic Violations using CCTV, to:


(i)  Adopt the powers of enforcing moving traffic violations, as provided in the London Local Authorities and Transport for London Act 2003; and


(ii)  19 November 2007 being the ‘appointed day’ for bringing these powers into operation within the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham.


Barking and Dagenham Partnership - Annual Review 2006/07 pdf icon PDF 84 KB


Received a report on the key activities and achievements of the Barking and Dagenham Partnership (Local Strategic Partnership) and its sub-groups for 2006/07.


Agreed to:


(i)  Endorse the contents of the report;


(ii)  Note the Government’s changes to the Local Area Agreement format for 2008/09; and


(iii)  Receive a further report on the implications of the changes and emerging priorities in the autumn as part of the planned consultation process for the new style Local Area Agreement.


Customer Service Presentation - Customer Services Department pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Presentation by Jackie Adams, Group Manager Rents and Benefits, Barking and Dagenham Direct Division.


Received and noted a presentation from Abimbola Odunsi, Head of Barking and Dagenham Direct, Customer Services Department, on customer service issues in relation to the revenues and benefits service provided by his Division.


(Note: A copy of the presentation is available at )


Motions pdf icon PDF 37 KB


(a)  Council Housing Allocations System - Call for Referendum


Moved by Councillor Bailey and seconded by Councillor Barnbrook:


“The bidding system for council housing was introduced without wide consultation and agreement from the people of this Borough. The system is a shambles and discredited. People are bidding and waiting whilst others far less deserving are given council housing. This is causing anger and resentment. I move that the council should immediately hold a referendum to allow the people of this borough to decide whether they want to return to the points system.”


Following a debate the motion was voted on and rejected by a majority.


(b)  Dagenham Town Show


To be moved by Councillor Rustem and seconded by Councillor Barnbrook:


“The Dagenham town show is billed as a family event. Yet it has a history of drunkenness, drugs and trouble. This puts people off attending especially families. I move to make the Dagenham town show from now on alcohol and drug free. “


Following a debate the motion was voted on and rejected by a majority.


General Question Time


In accordance the procedures referred to in Minute 41 above, the two questions received for this meeting were withdrawn as the Members who submitted them were not present.


Rugby World Cup 2007


The Leader of the Council conveyed the Council’s best wishes to the England Rugby Football Union team who will be defending their title at the 2007 World Cup which begins later this week, and confirmed that the St. George’s flag will be flown in the Borough to mark each of England’s games.