Agenda and minutes

Annual, Assembly
Wednesday, 15 May 2013 7:00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Barking

Contact: Margaret Freeman, Senior Democratic Services Officer, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2638 / e-mail -

No. Item


Appointment of Chair and Deputy Chair


Assembly agreed the appointment of Councillor Ramsay as Chair and Councillor Kangethe as Deputy Chair of the Assembly.


Declaration of Members' Interests

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes (25 February 2013) pdf icon PDF 76 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 25 February 2013 were confirmed as correct.


Death of Councillor N S S Gill pdf icon PDF 32 KB


Assembly noted with deep regret that Councillor Nirmal Singh Sher Gill had tragically passed away on Monday 25 February 2013.


In introducing the report, the Chief Executive paid tribute to Nirmal’s honourable and upstanding nature.


The Leader of the Council led tributes from the Assembly stating that Nirmal had been a supportive and loyal friend and colleague, who would be greatly missed by his family, the Sikh community, everyone in this Chamber and the residents not only of Longbridge ward but the whole borough for his hard work in the community.


Members commented on the high regard and respect people had for Nirmal, a gentle giant of a man who worked tirelessly on community cohesion and who was supportive of and reassuring to his colleagues.  He will be remembered for the countless positive things that he did for the borough and also for the Help for Heroes Charity during his Mayoral Year 2010-11.  Members also recalled his great 1990 election victory when he had won his seat by just 26 votes from the sitting Conservative councillor in a marginal seat.  When Nirmal stood for re-election in 2010 he won his seat by a huge majority, which was testament to the esteem that residents held him in.


Councillor Rocky Gill thanked Members on behalf of himself and his family for all their kind words at this difficult time and thanked those who had donated to the Help for Heroes charity.  Councillor Gill referred to the last Assembly meeting that his father had chaired with great aplomb and to the excellent speech he had given that same evening in support of his application to become Mayor again.


He went on to say that his father was a very religious man who contributed much to the Gurdwara – Singh Sabha London East.  He came from humble beginnings in the Punjab and never forgot where he came from, which was a message he impressed on his children.  His ambition had always been to become Mayor of the borough.  He had wanted to make the most of his Mayoral year and attended more than 500 engagements, through which he raised a record amount of money for a very worthy cause.  He was an advocate of community cohesion, which was something he practised.  He ensured that the Mayor’s parlour should be open to all and promoted the message that we should always work together and not focus on our differences but on our similarities.  He had seen his children graduate from university and recognised the importance of education as a way of supporting social mobility.  Equality and diversity was also important to him, becoming aware in his early days as a councillor of the lack of senior female directors and councillors.


Reflecting on his Mayoral year, Councillor Gill regarded the Royal Anglian Regiment parade through the borough and taking the salute as being one of his father's finest moments.


In closing, Councillor Gill paid tribute to his father as his mentor and best friend, whose legacy  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Death of Mr Kevin Madden pdf icon PDF 25 KB


Assembly noted with deep regret that Kevin Madden, the former Independent Chair of the Standards Committee had passed away on 27 March 2013.


The Chief Executive paid tribute to Kevin for the contribution that he had made to Barking and Dagenham in his work on the Standards Committee between 2008 and 2012, serving as Chair from 11 October 2010 until the expiry of his term of office on 30 June 2012.


Councillor I S Jamu, who had served on the Standards Committee with Kevin, noted that he had first met him many years ago when Councillor L Waker and himself had been Councillor representatives on the Thames Chase Joint Committee.  He had recognised Kevin's ability to positively contribute to issues and it was with great pleasure that Councillor Jamu had welcomed Kevin to the Standards Committee, knowing that he was an intelligent and knowledgeable man.


Councillor Jamu acknowledged the positive contribution made by Kevin in his stewardship of the Standards Committee during a very turbulent political period.


Death of Mr Bill Smith pdf icon PDF 28 KB


This being the first annual meeting of the Assembly following the passing of Bill Smith, the Council's first Chief Executive on 28 May 2012, the Chief Executive welcomed Bill's brother, Alan and his family to the Chamber.


The Chief Executive and Councillor Geddes in particular paid tribute to the work that Bill and the former leader, George Brooker, had done in helping to shape much of what the Council is today.


Members noted that Bill had been well liked and respected and had steered the borough on a steady path.  He cared about the elected members and the residents.  He and his team had worked hard to bring the Barking Riverside project forward and this was now the flagship development of the borough.


Longbridge by election - 9 May 2013 - verbal report

To congratulate and welcome the new councillor following their election as a member for Longbridge ward.


Assembly noted the following result of the Longbridge by-election held on 9 May 2013:


SyedAhammad (Labour Party) – 1555 (Elected)

Paul Ayer (Conservative Party) – 284 

Bert Bedwell (UK Independence Party) – 466 

Dave Croft (Liberal Democrats) – 78 

Giuseppe de Santis (British National Party) – 37 

Votes rejected – 6 
Electorate: 8185
Votes Cast: 2435
Turn-Out: 29.75%


Assembly joined the Leader of the Council in congratulating Councillor Ahammad on his election as a Member for Longbridge ward and looked forward to working with him in serving the people of that ward and the whole of the borough.


Appointments to the Political Structure and Other Bodies - 2013/2014 pdf icon PDF 31 KB

Additional documents:


Assembly received a report introduced by the Chief Executive that related to the appointment of Members to the various elements of the political structure and other internal and external bodies.


Assembly noted:


1.  the tabled versions of Appendices A, B, C and D setting out the proposed appointments;

2.  the statutory Co-opted Members (Appendix E); and

3.  that the appointment of the Mayor and the Mayor's Chaplain would be dealt with at the Ceremonial Council meeting on 17 May 2013.



Assembly agreed:


1.  the membership of the various Council meetings (Appendix A);

2.  the appointment of the Chairs and Deputy Chairs and Lead and Deputy Lead Members (Appendix B);

3.  the appointment of the representatives on various internal and external bodies (Appendix C);

4.  the appointment of the Trustees of Local Charities (Appendix D); and

5.  the continued representation of Councillors Kangethe and Letchford on the Eva Tyne Trust, pending the development of the Trust.


Appointment of the Director of Public Health pdf icon PDF 50 KB


Assembly received the report relating to the ratification of the appointment of the Director of Public Health, introduced by the Chief Executive.


Assembly noted that under the Health & Social Care Act 2012, the Council became responsible for co-ordinating interventions to protect and improve the health of the population, which included the transfer of Public Health staff from the Primary Care Trust to the Council, along with the post of Director of Public Health. 


Assembly agreed:


(i)  to ratify the appointment the current postholder as Director of Public Health for the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham, in line with the Transfer Order issued by the Department of Health; and


(ii)  to note the authorisation previously granted to the Corporate Director of Adult & Community Services in liaison with the Head of Legal & Democratic Services to make other consequential arrangements in connection with the Public Health transition, which will include amendments to the Constitution including the Scheme of Delegation.


Adoption of Powers under London Local Authorities Act 2007 - Mail Forwarding Businesses pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Additional documents:


The Divisional Director of Environment (DDE) introduced this report to the Assembly relating to the adoption of Section 75 of the London Local Authorities Act 2007. 


The DDE explained that the introduction of this measure would control mail forwarding businesses that can be a source of fraudulent activities by requiring those businesses in the borough to register with the Council and to pay a registration fee.


Members noted that the report had been considered and endorsed by the Cabinet at its meeting on 16 April 2013.


Assembly resolved:


  (i)  that the Council adopt the provisions of section 75 of the London Local Authorities Act 2007 to require mail forwarding businesses in the Borough to register with the Council from the appointed day;


  (ii)  that the appointed day from which the measures will take effect be 16 June 2013; and


 (iii)  that the fee for the registration of mail forwarding businesses be set at £110 for 2013/14, to be reviewed annually by the Cabinet.


Community Strategy 2013-2016 and Corporate Plan 2013-14 pdf icon PDF 41 KB

Additional documents:


Assembly received this report introduced by the Chief Executive, setting out the vision and priorities for Barking and Dagenham in the Community Strategy 2013/2016 and Corporate Plan 2013/2014.


Assembly noted that both documents had been considered and endorsed for adoption at this meeting by the Cabinet on 16 April 2013.


Assembly agreed to approve:


(i)  the draft Community Strategy 2013-16 attached at Appendix 1 to the report; and


(ii)  the draft Corporate Plan 2013/14 attached at Appendix 2 to the report.


Members' Allowances Scheme 2013/2014 pdf icon PDF 33 KB

Additional documents:


Assembly received this report, introduced by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, which set out proposals in relation to Members' allowances for the 2013/14 Municipal year.


The Leader of the Council noted that the Members of the majority group understood the pressures on the people of Barking and Dagenham which was why it had recommended a freeze in allowances levels for the fifth year in succession.


Assembly agreed that the draft Members’ Allowances Scheme for the 2013/14 municipal year attached at Appendix A take effect from 16 May 2013.


Annual Report of the Select Committees pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Additional documents:


Assembly received the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2012/13.


In presenting the report, the Designated Scrutiny Officer (DSO) referred specifically to two elements:


1.  the continued role in examining and producing a balanced budget for the next two years, which was testament to the hard work of Cabinet and Scrutiny; and


2.  the in depth scrutiny of the Elevate Joint Venture, which had been an ambitious and detailed piece of work.


The DSO thanked the Members and the team of officers who had supported the Select Committees over the last year.


Assembly noted the summaries of work of the five Select Committees over the past municipal year.


Motions pdf icon PDF 29 KB

Additional documents:


1.  Train fare increases and unfair zonal system


Moved by Councillor McCarthy and seconded by Councillor P Waker:


"Barking and Dagenham Council notes with great concern the latest rises in train fares and the disproportionate costs incurred by people in Barking and Dagenham due to the unfair zonal system.  A weekly train ticket has increased by 25% since Boris Johnson became Mayor in 2008 – adding £440 a year to travel costs.


"Barking and Dagenham Council recommends that the current zonal system be reconfigured in order to remove the current bias in favour of west London.  This is to remove such discrepancies as a journey from Richmond to Bank costing less than one from Dagenham East to the same station.  We also call upon the Mayor of London to freeze prices in 2014 in order to halt spiraling costs."


In moving the motion, Councillor McCarthy gave examples of the cost of travelling from Dagenham East to Bank and Richmond to Bank as being £5.50 cash for 15 stops and 22 stops respectively and further noted that if using an Oyster card, the passenger from Dagenham East would pay £1.60 more than the passenger from Richmond.


In seconding the motion, Councillor P Waker noted a clear bias against the people of this borough, stating that the zonal system was outdated.


Members, in support of the motion, made the following points:


·  the disrespect that TfL has for services in the borough;

·  the poor maintenance of the electronic signage at the stations;

·  the lack of maintenance of the railway bridges; and

·  the continued lack of planning for a further river crossing within the vicinity.


Councillor Geddes, the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, raised concern regarding the young people of the borough who used Oyster Cards when travelling into London not necessarily being aware of price increases and confirmed he would be prepared to write to the Mayor of London accordingly.


In response, Councillor McCarthy thanked Members for their comments and support.  He concurred that there were accessible facilities issues at Dagenham East, Becontree and Barking stations and would include them in making further representations to the Mayor of London for a fairer zonal system.


The motion was put to the vote by way of a show of hands and agreed.


2.  Unacceptable practice of blacklisting of construction workers


Moved by Councillor Channer and seconded by Councillor Tarry:


"This Council notes:

-  The GMB campaign to highlight that 3,213 workers were blacklisted by construction firms and which calls for all of those affected to be given an unreserved apology and compensation by the firms.

-  That in 2009 the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) seized a database of 3,213 construction workers used by 44 companies to vet new recruits and keep out employment trade union and health and safety activists.

-  That of the 3,213 workers identified on the blacklist only 194 have been informed that they appear on the list.

-  Of the 194 people identified as featuring on the blacklist, 39 of these  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.