Agenda and minutes

Wednesday, 4 December 2013 7:00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Barking

Contact: Margaret Freeman, Senior Democratic Services Officer, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2638 / e-mail -

No. Item


Declaration of Members' Interests

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest


Death of Warrant Officer Class 2 Ian Michael Fisher, 3rd Battalion the Mercian Regiment (Staffords) - 5 November 2013

As a mark of respect, Assembly to stand for one minute's silence.


The Chair made a statement regarding the tragic death of Warrant Officer Class 2 Ian Michael Fisher, who had been killed in action on 5 November 2013 when his vehicle had been subjected to an attack by a suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device on the final day of a two-day operation to disrupt insurgent activity in the vicinity of Kamparak, 25 miles north east of the provincial capital Lashkar Gah in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.


Warrant Officer Class 2 Fisher, aged 42, leaves a wife, Emma, two sons, James aged seven and William aged five, and his parents, Simon and Helen.


The Assembly stood for a minute's silence as a mark of respect.


Minutes (2 October 2013) pdf icon PDF 42 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 2 October 2013 were confirmed as correct.




Assembly agreed the following appointments:


·  Councillor Butt as Lead Member of the Living and Working Select Committee;

·  Councillor Ahammad as Deputy Lead Member of the Living and Working Select Committee

·  Councillor Lynda Rice to the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham Fostering Panel


Corporate Parenting pdf icon PDF 60 KB

Additional documents:


Assembly received this report, introduced by the Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Councillor White, which provided an update on the Corporate Parenting arrangements in the borough, particularly in relation to the progress and outcomes of the Members' Corporate Parenting Group (MCPG).


Referring to the Members' Briefing that had taken place at 6pm in this Chamber, presented by Skittlz, the LBBD Children in Care Council, Councillor White emphasised the responsibility on each of the Members of this Council for the children who were in corporate care.  He stated that:


·  there were over 450 children in corporate care;

·  all Members have looked after children in their wards and must take the role of corporate parenting seriously, acting as parents and ensuring that the needs of those children were catered for;

·  the children should be listened to and treated in the same way as we treat our own children.


The Chair of the MCPG, Councillor Letchford, reiterated Councillor White's comments and advised that Members also had a responsibility for care leavers.


He went on to outline the success of the Streetbase and Splash cards, Health Passports and the Pledge: Promises to our Children in Care, which had been developed in conjunction with Skittlz. 


Referring to MCPG meetings, Councillor Letchford advised that the appropriate services and organisations were always represented, as in the event that a member was unable to attend, a substitute representative would attend in their place. 


He advised that he had visited other Councils and that this borough is one of the most advanced and progressive in terms of Corporate Parenting. 


Assembly noted:


(i)  the roles and responsibilities of all Councillors as corporate parents to looked after children and care leavers;

(ii)   the progress being achieved by the Members' Corporate Parenting Group;




(iii)   to identify those areas falling within their remit, and that of other councillors, to be reviewed in order to support the work of the Members' Corporate Parenting Group;

(iv)   to endorse and sign the pledge promises to looked after children and young people.


Small Business Friendly Borough Award pdf icon PDF 33 KB

Additional documents:


Assembly received and noted this report introduced by the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Councillor Geddes, which provided background to the Small Business Friendly Borough Awards run by the Federation of Small Businesses and London Councils.


Councillor Geddes had attended the awards ceremony on 5 September 2013 and had been delighted to accept on behalf of the borough the award for "Best all round small business friendly borough", which award commends councils for successfully implementing wide-ranging policies to support and develop the local micro and small business community.


Councillor Geddes noted his thanks to his predecessor, Councillor McCarthy, and to officers.


Members added their congratulations and thanks to officers for their support.


Constitution Review - Contract Procedure Rules pdf icon PDF 38 KB

Additional documents:


Assembly received this report, introduced by the Chief Finance Officer relating to the review and amendment of the Council's Contract Rules.


Assembly agreed:


1.  the adoption and implementation of the proposed new Contract Rules (as set out in Appendix A to the report) in replacement for the current Contract Rules, Contracts Code of Practice and Contract Guidance Notes in the Council’s Constitution.


2.  to note the establishment of the corporate Procurement Board and the gateway processes which aim to embed a stronger compliance and governance culture across the Council.


3.  to delegate authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Head of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer, to make all necessary, procedural and/or incidental amendments to the new Contract Rules in order to ensure their provisions reflect changes in the law and best practice and that the Rules dovetail with the rest of the Constitution;


4.  to delegate authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Head of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer, to make all necessary and/or incidental amendments to the Constitution in order to bring the new Contract Rules into effect.


Constitution Review - Financial Rules pdf icon PDF 40 KB

Additional documents:


Assembly received this report, introduced by the Chief Finance Officer relating to the review and amendment of the Council's Financial Regulations and Rules.


Assembly agreed:


1.  the new Financial Regulations and Rules for full adoption across the Council (as set out in Appendix A of the report);


2.  to authorise the Chief Finance Officer to vary the revised corporate limits set out in section 2 and Appendix B of the report where changes were considered to improve the efficiency of the Council’s financial operations without unacceptably increasing risk;  and


3.  to authorise the Monitoring Officer to make the necessary amendments to the Council’s Constitution.


Treasury Management Mid-Year Review pdf icon PDF 454 KB

Additional documents:


Assembly received this report, introduced by the Chief Finance Officer, updating Members on treasury management activities in the current year.


Assembly agreed to approve the following changes to the Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2013/14:


(i)  Remove the variable counterparty limit for Lloyds Bank, which is currently the higher of £40m or 40% of total investable cash, to a fixed limit of £50m;


(ii)  Allow the in-house treasury section to manage (hold and sell), but not purchase, UK government GILTS with maturities in excess of one year and up to a maximum maturity period of five years; and


(iii)  Allow the in-house treasury section to invest in non-UK banks that meet the minimum credit rating colour band up to a maximum of £10m per counterparty and up to a total limit of £30m for all non-UK banks.


Motions pdf icon PDF 45 KB


1.   Academy status consultation


Moved by Councillor Vincent and seconded by Councillor Wade:

“The Council notes that school governing bodies now have the authority to convert into Academies via an Academy Order.  There is a legal duty to consult.

This Council believes that the consultation should be meaningful and that parents should have a say about the status of their children’s school and education provider.

This Council recommends that any school consulting on whether or not to apply for an order so that it can become an Academy, undertakes a detailed consultation with parents and all interested parties. This could include holding a ballot with parents in a school affected prior to the making of an application in order for governors to be fully informed of parental wishes and before any application for an order is made."

In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 14.9 of Part B, Article 2 of the Council Constitution, the Chair exercised his discretion in allowing the Leader of the Council, Councillor Smith, to move the following amendment, which was seconded by Councillor Mullane:


In moving the amendment, Councillor Smith said that since the publication of the motion on this agenda, the situation had changed with more recent developments around pressure on local authority maintained schools to move towards academy status, and as a result was causing concerns for Members to the extent that the wording should be amended as follows:


"This Council notes that schools now have the power to convert into Academies with a minimum of consultation.


"This Council believes that parents should have the final say on the status of their children's schools, and so calls on any school consulting on whether or not to become an Academy – whether through choice or by direction – to hold a ballot of parents."


Members spoke in support of the amended motion.


Councillor P Waker recorded thanks to the Executive Head of Beam and Leys Primary School, Leigh Culyer, and the Head Teachers of Beam and Leys respectively, Tracey Whittington and Grant Krog, for the work that they had done in this connection.


In response, Councillor Vincent thanked Members for their support and confirmed his personal support of the proposed amendment as moved by Councillor Smith.


The amendment was put to the vote and was unanimously carried, thus becoming the substantive motion, which was then put the vote and unanimously carried.




2.  Closure of the Broad Street Walk-in Centre    


Moved by Councillor Mullane and seconded by Councillor Worby:


"This Council believes that the first port of call of all residents for healthcare should be their family doctor.  We support the government view that care should be delivered ‘closer to home’.  We believe that A&E is not the place for routine healthcare or minor injuries.  However, we believe there is a long way to go yet before access to GPs is as good as it needs to be, with people waiting too long for appointments and a lack of availability  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44.