Agenda and minutes

Tuesday, 15 April 2003 7:00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, Dagenham

Contact: Barry Ray, Democratic Services Officer, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2134, Fax - 020 8227 2171 / e-mail -

No. Item


Minutes (8 April 2003)




Best Value Review of the Parks, Open Spaces and Grounds Maintenance Service: Final Report pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


Received the final report of the above Best Value Review.


Agreed to recommend the Assembly to agree the recommendations outlined in the action plan, as these are in line with the principles of Best Value and will lead to significant improvement over the next five years.


The Creation of a Neighbourhood Caretaking Service for the Council's Flatted Estates pdf icon PDF 194 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report setting out proposals for the establishment of a Neighbourhood Caretaking Service to service all the Council’s flatted estates; the redeployment of existing staff, the recruitment of new staff and the acquisition of new equipment for the service.


Agreed, in order to ensure a comprehensive, high quality and consistent caretaking service for all flatted estates, that the Director of Housing and Health:

  1. Establishes the new Neighbourhood Caretaking Service to enable the phased roll-out of the service across the Borough this year; and
  1. Implements the new service through the assimilation of existing staff and recruitment of new staff, and the purchase of new equipment.


Parking Control on Housing Estates pdf icon PDF 118 KB


Received a report setting out the problems associated with anti social or commuter car parking on council estates and proposing that car parking permit schemes for housing estates be established where requested by residents.  Such schemes are to be run in the same way as Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs).  The report also outlined a suggested method of consulting residents before any such new scheme is implemented.


Agreed, in order to respond to resident’s demands to introduce parking controls on Council housing estates:

  1. The proposed consultation process as outlined in Appendix 1 to the report.  No scheme will be introduced without resident consultation;
  1. The proposed rules for wheel clamping as outlined in Appendix 2 to the report;
  1. The report be circulated to the Community Forums and Community Housing Partnerships for information;
  1. The charges for estate parking control areas be set at the same levels as for CPZs;
  1. The Council seeks tenders for the appointment of a contractor for wheel clamping and vehicle removal, on a self-financing basis with provision for profit sharing; and
  1. Surplus revenue is made available to the relevant Community Housing Partnerships to decide how to spend.


Private Sector Housing Strategy pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report informing of the outcome of the public consultation on the Private Sector Housing Strategy, which was agreed by the Executive, in draft form, on 17 December 2002 (Minute 256 refers). 


The Private Sector Strategy describes the way in which the Council will progress its strategic objective of giving all residents the opportunity to live in a home which meets the Government’s ‘decent homes’ standard.  From July 2003, the Council’s power to give grants and other assistance towards home improvement will be dependent on having agreed and published its policy.


Agreed to the publication of the Strategy as amended.


Food Safety Service Business Plan 2003/04 pdf icon PDF 41 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report setting out the above plan, which forms the basis on which the Food Safety Service will be delivered in 2003/04.


Agreed to recommend the Assembly to approve the plan, in accordance with the Food Standards Act 1999.


Health and Safety Service Business Plan 2003/04 pdf icon PDF 42 KB

The Food Safety and the Health and Safety Service Business Plans are being circulated separately by the Housing and Health Department.  Please bring them with you to the meeting.

Additional documents:


Received a report setting out the above plan, which forms the basis on which the Health and Safety Service will be delivered in 2003/04.


Agreed the plan, in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.


Changes to Home Care Services pdf icon PDF 66 KB


Received a report detailing proposals to reduce the level of unused hours in homecare by a reduction in contracted hours for 14 staff with a compensation package previously used in other departments.  This measure will improve efficiency and reduce contracted hours by a total of 80 hours per week in order to better direct services towards older people requiring a higher level of support in the community.


Agreed the purchase of home care contracted hours at a one off cost of £13,998.40, in order to target Social Services revenue within the home care service at older people with complex needs living in the community.  The cost of this will be met from the home care budget, the effect of which will be cost neutral for the financial year.


Dagenham Dock Interim Planning Guidance pdf icon PDF 44 KB

Additional documents:


Further to Minute 243 (17 December 2002), received a report setting out the responses from the public consultation on the new planning guidance for Dagenham Dock, which is to be adopted as Interim Planning Guidance (IPG).


Agreed to adopt the amended Dagenham Dock Interim Planning Guidance in order that it can be used as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.


Business Improvement Districts pdf icon PDF 79 KB


Received a report outlining the Government proposals contained in draft legislation for giving powers for carrying out improvements funded through the collection of an additional levy on business ratepayers from within a designated “Business Improvement District” (BID).  Funds would be spent on issues such as environmental matters, CCTV and signage


The draft legislation presently provides for BID applications to be made from April 2004.  Potential BID areas are the River Road industrial area and Barking Town Centre.


Agreed, in order to help stimulate economic activity and help to develop the local economy, that ‘in principle’ approval is granted in order to develop a BID application for the River Road Industrial area and Barking Town Centre, subject to external funding support being available to undertake the necessary preparatory work.


* Progress Towards Co-ordinated Admissions to Secondary Schools and Related Admissions Matters pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report outlining the work underway towards co-ordinated admission to schools in Barking and Dagenham.  The report sets out how the Council has been working with Voluntary Aided Schools to develop an application process common to all schools in the Borough; at the same time, a Working Party of Headteachers and officers has been reviewing the existing Admissions Criteria.


The Admissions Best Value Review, confirmed in the Barking and Dagenham Local Education Authority’s OFSTED Inspection Report, recommended a review of the Admissions Criteria and the Casual Admissions processes.  The proposals are intended to make the process of joining a Barking and Dagenham school more transparent, equitable and efficient.


Agreed the proposed implementation strategy, consultation document and process, in order to comply with the Education Act 2002, which requires co-ordination of admissions procedures across the Council’s schools by September 2004.


* Tanner Street and The Clevelands, Bloomfields and Wakerings Regeneration Area Planning Brief pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report providing an update on the decanting of the Clevelands, Bloomfields, and Wakerings (CBW) estate and the results of consultation on the draft Planning Brief for the Tanner Street Area including the CBW estate.


Agreed the Tanner Street Gateway Planning Brief (Appendix 1 to the report) and the revised timetable and programme for the development of the Foyer Project (section 8 of the report) in order to enable this project to proceed to the next stage in delivery.


* Traveller Site Provision pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report on the future of the Council’s Authorised Gypsy Site at Eastbrookend, Dagenham.  The Site was considered following a Best Value Review and changes in policy affecting management of unauthorised traveller encampments.  The report provided an update on issues arising and proposed 6 options for the future of the site, as follows:


·  Option 1 - No change.

·  Option 2 - Sell land to Travellers.

·  Option 3 - Closure of the site.

·  Option 4 - Convert to short stay use only.

·  Option 5 - Convert the site to a “Mobile Home Site”.

·  Option 6 - Upgrade and convert to combine long and short stay use.


Agreed, in order to comply with legal requirements, best practice and government policy:

  1. Option 6 - the refurbishment of the site to improve safety and provide two temporary pitches;
  1. Accept the Government’s grant to refurbish the Eastbrookend Gypsy Site to cover 75% of the projected total capital costs of £451,500 with the Council funding 25% (£112,875);
  1. To fund £112,875 from the capital programme for 2003/4 (£100,000 brought forward from the 2004/05 programme plus an additional £12,875); and
  1. Receive a further report on proposals for the long-term management for the site, to include running costs.


Provision of Passenger Lifts at Dagenham Dock Station, Chequers Lane in Connection with Channel Tunnel Rail Link Works


Nursing Home Care for Older People


Frail Elders Day Services


Annual Report on the Council's Career Trainee Scheme


* Barking and Havering NHS Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT)


* Thames View Neighbourhood Nursery


* Provision of Highways Term Contract 2003 - 2006 and Extension of Current Term Contracts 2003 - 2004


* Highways Reactive Maintenance Term Contract 2003/06


* Application to Extend Term Maintenance Contract for Repairs and Renewals to Asphalt and Built Up Felt Roofs

* Item considered as a matter of urgency with the consent of the Chair under Section 100 (4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972

* Item considered as a matter of urgency with the consent of the Chair under Section 100 (4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972