Agenda and minutes

Tuesday, 20 May 2003 7:00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, Dagenham

Contact: Barry Ray, Democratic Services Officer, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2134, Fax - 020 8227 2171 / e-mail -

Note No. Item


Minutes (7 May 2003)




Members Allowances 2003/2004 pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report setting out the recommendations of the Independent Review Panel into Members Allowances.  The report proposed a number of changes following the annual survey of all Members as well as a report concerning their activities, responsibilities and time input in order to carry out their duties as Councillors.


Agreed, to recommend the Assembly to agree the Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2003/04, as set out in Appendix A to the report, with effect from 15 May 2003, in accordance with the recommendations of the Independent Review Panel.


Gascoigne Community Centre Car Park pdf icon PDF 61 KB


Received a request from the Gascoigne Community Centre Committee to take control of the Community Centre Car Park in order to restrict parking to users of the hall.


Agreed, that a fence and gate be erected in the car park adjacent to the Community Centre to allow the Community Centre to restrict parking to hall users only, until such time as the land is required for Housing use.


Corporate Grant Applications pdf icon PDF 39 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report setting out the grant applications for 2003/2004 as well as the outcome of the assessment and monitoring undertaken by the Grants Officers.


Agreed, to approve grants for organisations as listed in Appendix A of the report in order to enable organisations to deliver their various projects to the benefit of the Community and to attract funding from external sources into the Borough, subject to the following amendments:


Age Concern

No grant

Alcohol Advisory Service


Bereavement Service

£10, 486

Centre for Independent Living

No grant



Disablement Information and Advice Line

No grant

Life of Independence for Everyone

No grant

Mencap Society

No grant

Mind (Dagenham Association of Mental Health)

No grant

North East London Mediation


St Francis Hospice

No grant


These amendments have been made in light of changes in priorities in Social Services following the move away from the Standard Spending Assessment (SSA) to the Formula Spending Share (FSS).


Selection of Registered Social Landlords pdf icon PDF 65 KB


Received a report outlining the background and reasons for a panel of preferred Registered Social Landlord (RSL) partners.  The report set out the criteria for the selection and brought forward proposals on which RSL’s should comprise the panel.  The report also indicated how the strengths of the RSL partners would be matched to the many varying development and regeneration opportunities.


Agreed, in order to enhance the delivery of affordable homes through the assembly of a panel of RSL’s to provide high quality and efficient development and management services, that:

  1. Anglia Housing Group (Stort Valley Housing Association), East Thames Housing Group, Metropolitan and Ujima be appointed to the Council’s panel of RSL preferred partners;
  1. Further enquiries be made of London & Quadrant Housing Trust and Presentation Housing Association with a view to adding these to the RSL panel; and
  1. A review of the performance of RSL partners and consideration of new applications to join the panel be held on an annual basis.


Managing Unauthorised Encampments




Private Business


Agreed to exclude the public and press for the remainder of the meeting, as the business was confidential.


Long Service Awards



* A13 Goresbrook Interchange - Authorisation of Funding to meet Contractor's Potential Claim

* Item considered as a matter of urgency with the consent of the Chair under Section 100 (4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972