Agenda and minutes

Wednesday, 7 May 2003 5:00 pm

Venue: Town Hall, Barking

Contact: Barry Ray, Democratic Services Officer, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2134, Fax - 020 8227 2171 / e-mail -

No. Item


Minutes (29 April 2003)




Appointments to the Political Structure 2003/04 pdf icon PDF 15 KB

Additional documents:


Considered a report regarding appointments to the Council's political structure for the municipal year 2003/04.


(a)  Membership


Agreed to recommend the Assembly to agree (i) the revised structure for the Development Control Board set out in the report and (ii) that the membership of the Executive, the Scrutiny Management Board, the Development Control Board, the Panel for the Regulatory and General Matters Board, the Panel for the Personnel Board, the Standards Committee and the Community Forums be as set out in Appendix '1'.


(b)  Appointment of Chairs and Deputy Chairs


Noted that the Constitution automatically provides for the following positions:


  Chair  Deputy Chair


Executive  Leader of the Council  Deputy Leader of the Council

Ceremonial Council  Mayor  Deputy Mayor


Agreed to recommend the Assembly to agree that Chairs and Deputy Chairs for the other Council bodies be as set out in Appendix '2'.


(c)  Co-opted Members


Agreed to recommend the Assembly to agree that the following persons be appointed as co-opted Members on the Scrutiny Management Board for such times as education matters are considered:


Reverend R Gayler  representing the Church of England

Mrs G Spencer    representing the Roman Catholic Church


Mr P Carter and Mr B Phillips are already elected for a four-year period as Parent Governor representatives for primary and secondary schools respectively and as such will similarly be co-opted to the Scrutiny Management Board for education matters.


(d)  Best Value Reviews


Noted that the Council is currently carrying out two cross-cutting best value reviews on Procurement and Regenerating the Local Economy in response to issues raised in its Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA), in its CPA Self-Assessment and in follow up meetings with various inspectorates on improvement planning.  This type of review has replaced the previous service-based reviews.  The Assembly agreed the membership of the Member Panels for these reviews at the March and April Assemblies as follows:


Regenerating the Local Economy - Councillors Mrs Blake, Bramley, Bruce, Dale, Jones, Miles, Thomas and Wainwright


Procurement - Councillors Cook, Davis, Denyer, Huggins and Miles


Future reviews will take on board CPA requirements and are yet to be determined.


(e)  Representatives on Miscellaneous Bodies


Agreed to recommend the Assembly to agree that representation be as set out in Appendix '3'.


(f)  Appointment of Trustees to Local Charities


Agreed to recommend the Assembly to agree:


Ø  Dagenham United Charity


That Councillor Davis be reappointed as a trustee for the period ending 24 May 2005 (remainder of three year term of office).


That Mr F Tibble and Councillor Wainwright be reappointed as trustees for the period ending 24 May 2003 (remainder of two year term of office; it has been agreed they will serve a further four year term after this).  This leaves one vacancy.


Ø  Barking General Charities


That Councillors Mrs Bruce and Porter be reappointed as trustees for the municipal year 2003/04.


Ø  Barking and Ilford Charities


That Councillors Mrs Bradley and Mrs Flint be appointed as trustees for the municipal year 2003/04.


Ø  The Eva Tyne Trust Fund


That Councillors  ...  view the full minutes text for item 439.