Agenda and minutes

Tuesday, 12 August 2003 7:00 pm

Venue: Town Hall, Barking

Contact: Barry Ray, Democratic Services Officer, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2134, Fax - 020 8227 2171 / e-mail -

No. Item


Minutes (29 July 2003)




Best Value Review of Street Safe Services - Final Report pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Additional documents:


Received the final report of the Best Value Review of Street Safe Services (Traffic Management, Highways, Road Safety and Parking), which presents the findings of the review and makes recommendations for the future of the services concerned.


Agreed, in order to achieve significant improvements to the Street Safe Services over the next five years, that:

  1. The Assembly be recommended to agree the proposed action plan, together with the financial implications contained in the report;
  1. The Parking Enforcement Service be market tested; and
  1. The day-to-day Management of the Council’s public car parks be market tested.


Homelessness Strategy pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report in accordance with the Homelessness Act 2002, which requires that local housing authorities conduct a review of homelessness in their areas and develop and publish a Homelessness Strategy.


The report sets out briefly how the Strategy was conducted, the increasing homelessness trend in the Borough and draws attention to some of the actions being taken to both prevent homelessness and extend and improve the range of temporary accommodation for those who become homeless.


Agreed to recommend the Assembly to adopt the Homelessness Strategy in accordance with the requirements of the Homelessness Act 2002.


Private Sector Leasing Scheme - Additional Accommodation Requirements pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Additional documents:


Further to Minute 231, 26 November 2002 at which it was agreed that up to 100 Private Sector Leased properties be procured, received a report setting out the current numbers and benefits of this scheme and requesting expansion of the scheme in recognition of its success, which represents a financial saving to the Council over the use of Bed and Breakfast accommodation.


Agreed, in order to reduce the Council’s reliance on Bed and Breakfast accommodation, that:

  1. A further 150 Private Sector Leased properties be procured;
  1. The Director of Housing and Health be delegated authority to purchase additional accommodation above 250 properties, with a regular update report to be submitted to the Executive on a quarterly basis; and
  1. Retrospective approval is given for the 4 additional Private Sector Leased properties procured above the 100 ceiling.


Safeguarded Wharves on the River Thames - Response to the Mayor of London's Consultation Document pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report outlining the Council’s preliminary response to the Mayor of London’s draft consultation document ‘Safeguarding of Wharves on the River Thames’.  The response is aimed at providing a sustainable balance between the Council’s aspirations of quality riverfront development and the protection of wildlife habitats, river activities and employment uses, while at the same time safeguarding those wharves with a viable working future.


Agreed: in order to assist the Council in achieving its Community Priorities of “Raising General Pride in the Borough” and “Regenerating the Local Economy” that the following response be made to the Greater London Authority:

  1. The Safeguarding of the Wellbeck, Pinns, Kierbeck, Debden and Ripple Way Wharves are deferred, subject to a review following confirmation of the route of the Docklands Light Rail;
  1. There are no objections to the safeguarding of De Pass, Victoria Stone, Dockland and RMC Roadstone Wharves subject to a review following the publication of the London Rivers Action Groups ‘Creekmouth to Castle Green Area Study’, the Barking Reach Masterplan and the review of the Unitary Development Plan;
  1. That appropriate conditions should be applied, with regard to landscaping, noise, flood defence, access and water quality following consultation with the Councils’ appropriate officers;
  1. Consideration should be given, to the safeguarding of the Jetty and wharf associated with the adjacent Rugby Cement site, to support the predicted growth in green industry operation in connection with the Dagenham Dock Industrial Park; and
  1. There are no objections to the removal of F McNeil & Co. Alexander Construction, Maple, Bowen, New Free Trade and Dockland Construction Wharves from the consultation document.


Thames Gateway Bridge - Response to Transport for London's Consultation Document pdf icon PDF 64 KB


Received a report prepared in response to the Transport for London (TfL) consultation exercise on the proposed Thames Gateway Bridge.  The Bridge is a major project with considerable potential to link local communities to new opportunities, support the regeneration of the Thames Gateway and otherwise meet the needs of the area in respect of transport, support to town centres and social inclusion.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council in achieving its Community Priority of “Regenerating the Local Economy”:

  1. The Council’s response to TfL (as set out in Appendix A to the report); and
  1. To support the Thames Gateway Bridge proposal, in principle, subject to further details being provided and a satisfaction resolution of the issues set out in the response being achieved by TfL.


Private Business


Agreed to exclude the public and press for the remainder of the meeting, as the business was confidential.


Introducing More Choice in Lettings


Selection of Registered Social Landlords for Barking and Dagenham's Preferred Partners Panel


The Clevelands, The Wakerings, The Bloomfields (CBW) and Tanner Street Regeneration of Barking Town Centre: Foyer Delivery


Staffing Matter