Agenda and minutes

Tuesday, 18 November 2003 7:00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, Dagenham

Contact: Barry Ray, Democratic Services Officer, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2134, Fax - 020 8227 2171 / e-mail -

No. Item


Minutes (11 November 2003)




Performance Monitoring pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:


Discussed a report and presentation on key Performance Indicators for the second quarter of 2003/04.


In introducing the report, the Chief Executive referred to the recent assessment of the Council's performance since it received its Comprehensive Performance Assessment; the Council has maintained its 'Fair' rating.  The Executive concluded that, to secure further improvement, the Council must consolidate its efforts to raise performance in the areas monitored under the CPA process while maintaining its drive to continually improve all Council services.


The Executive requested various information for its next Performance Monitoring meeting and will be receiving separate reports on two matters covered in the presentation, namely (i) issues relating to the housing repairs service and (ii) Ombudsman complaints.


Development Control Performance Indicators and Action Plan pdf icon PDF 81 KB


Received a report setting out an Action Plan for improving the Council's performance in dealing with planning applications.


Agreed the Action Plan set out in the report.


Capital Programme - Realignment of Funding for 2003 / 2004 onwards for Social Services and Education, Arts & Libraries Schemes pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Additional documents:


Further to the position report submitted on 19 August 2003 (Minute 87), received a report requesting adjustments in the Capital Programme for the above departments.


Agreed, to enable continuity, ensure the delivery of the Capital Programme and assist in achieving relevant Community Priorities:


  1. The net additional funding requirement of £1,148,900 over the five year Capital Programme for schemes identified in Appendix A of the report; and


  1. The re-profiling of the 2003/04 Capital Programme and virements between schemes as also shown in Appendix A.


The Executive will receive a further report in December 2003 on all final changes to the Capital Programme for 2003/04 for all departments.


* Barking Town Square pdf icon PDF 80 KB


Received a report advising that the Government has earmarked £3m to support the Barking Lifelong Learning Centre, setting out the next steps and key issues for moving forward on this project and asking the Executive to make provision from the Capital Programme to facilitate the commencement of detailed design work.


Agreed, in order to progress this project:

  1. To underwrite the initial detailed design fees (up to £300,000) until formal approval is given by the Government and the University of East London, on condition that Urban Catalyst instruct their architects to accelerate the programme for producing the detailed design.
  1. That officers negotiate with UEL and Barking College to jointly underwrite these costs.


* Barking Reach pdf icon PDF 67 KB


Received a report advising that English Partnerships and Bellway Homes have reached agreement on establishing a new joint venture company to develop Barking Reach and that the existing arrangements, including the Barking Reach Development Company involving Bellway and the Council, need to be wound up.


Agreed to wind up the existing arrangements for this reason, subject to detailed negotiations on the alternative arrangements that will be introduced and the submission of a further report setting out the implications of the changes.


* Incident on A13


The Executive was advised that operatives from the Council's Environmental Management Division were recently called in by contractors working on the A13 to deal with a serious spillage from a fuel tanker which began leaking its load at Burdett Road and, having crossed the Borough boundary, caused a multi-car pile-up; the team did an incredible job and stayed at the scene until 6.00 a.m.


The Executive asked that a letter of commendation be sent on their behalf and that arrangements be made to further recognise the team's achievements at the Ceremonial Council.


Private Business


Agreed to exclude the public and press for the remainder of the meeting, as the business was confidential.


Award of Contract For Refurbishment of the Travellers' Site, Eastbrookend

* Item considered as a matter of urgency with the consent of the Chair under Section 100 (4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.