Agenda and minutes

Tuesday, 21 September 2004 7:00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, Dagenham

Contact: Barry Ray, Democratic Services Team Leader, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2134, Fax - 020 8227 2171 / e-mail -

No. Item


Minutes (14 September 2004)




Thames Gateway Bridge - Consultation pdf icon PDF 92 KB


Received a report seeking agreement in principle to support the Thames Gateway Bridge (TGB), subject to certain caveats in respect of the public transport strategy / provision associated with the Bridge; the tolls regime to be applied; traffic mitigation measures; and design quality.


Agreed, in order to contribute to the delivery of the Community Priorities of Regenerating the Local Economy and Making Barking and Dagenham Cleaner, Greener and Safer, to:


  1. Support the principle of the TGB and recommend to London Borough’s of Greenwich and Newham that planning permission be granted subject to the following:


a)  That a commitment to a minimum transit service (East London Transit / Greenwich Waterfront Transit) of 20 bendy-buses per hour in each direction be secured through a s106 agreement on any planning consent;


b)  That the whole concept of Thames Gateway Transit be reappraised at the earliest opportunity by Transport for London (TfL), specifically in respect of the potential for tram operation and that a commitment to do so be secured through a s106 agreement;


c)  That such a reappraisal be reviewed every five years and a commitment to do so be secured through a s106 agreement;


d)  That the administration, setting and review of tolls is undertaken with input from local Boroughs (Greenwich / Bexley / Newham / Barking and Dagenham) and arrangements to secure this are to be determined and agreed and that a commitment to this be secured through a s106 agreement;


e)  That the area for discounts on tolls should comprise the whole administrative area of the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham;


f)  That local traffic mitigation measures as described in this report be secured through a s106 agreement;


g)  That any subsequent planning applications in respect of design should demonstrably seek to achieve the highest possible quality;


  1. The following in respect of the draft Authorisation / Orders and that these recommendations be referred to the Secretary of State for Transport as formal comment on the authorisation / orders:


a)  That no objection be raised in respect of the Tolls Order;


b)  That the Side Roads Order and any subsequent Traffic Regulation Order should restrict use of the public transport lanes to TfL authorised buses / transits only;


c)  That no objection be raised in respect of the Special Roads and Bridge Scheme 2004 application / authorisation.


Parks and Green Spaces Strategy Funding Programme 2004 / 2005 pdf icon PDF 123 KB


Received a report seeking approval to bring forward capital funding for staffing costs, feasibility works and park master-plans to assist in achieving the Parks and Green Spaces Strategy.


Agreed, in order to achieve the Parks and Green Spaces Strategy and support delivery of the Community Priorities of Making Barking and Dagenham Cleaner, Greener and Safer, to a re-profiling of the Capital Programme of £158,000 from 2005 / 2006 to 2004 / 2005, made up as follows:


  1. Parks and Green Spaces Strategy Programme Management 2004 / 2005 costs (costs to support the recently appointed Park Development Manager post at £54,000);


  1. Project Management 2004 / 2005 costs of the Transforming Your Space (TYS) projects, through the appointment of a dedicated TYS Park Development Officer (currently an Agency post) at £45,000;


  1. Costs to support the procurement of Park Master-plans for Valence and Old Dagenham Parks: £40,000 and £5,000 respectively, match funding for Barking Park Project Planning Grant; and


  1. Big Lottery Grant draw-down for the 2004 / 2005 feasibility and consultation phases of the TYS projects (i.e. Old Dagenham Park, Parsloes Park, and Padnall Green) at £51,000 and for inclusion onto the existing Capital Expenditure Programme.


Planning Delivery Grant 2004 / 2005 pdf icon PDF 29 KB


Received a report seeking approval to spend the 2004 / 2005 allocation of the Planning Delivery Grant.


Agreed, in order to assist in achieving the Community Priorities of Making Barking and Dagenham Cleaner, Greener and Safer, Raising General Pride in the Borough and Regenerating the Local Economy, to the spending of the Planning Delivery Grant for 2004 / 2005, in the financial years 2004 / 2005 and 2005 / 2006, on the areas set out in the report: