Agenda and minutes

Tuesday, 25 January 2005 7:00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, Dagenham

Contact: Barry Ray, Democratic Services Team Leader, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2134, Fax - 020 8227 2171 / e-mail -

No. Item


Minutes (18 January 2005)




London Housing Strategy and Housing Investment in the Regions pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report introducing the London Housing Board’s draft consultation paper ‘London Housing Strategy 2005 - 2016’ which will inform future housing policy and drive the allocation of future housing capital finance across London.


Agreed, in order to influence the next London Housing Strategy to better address the housing and regeneration issues facing East London and in particular, Barking and Dagenham, to:


1.  The response to the draft London Housing Strategy, attached as Appendix B to the report, which endorses the East London Housing Partnership paper with the added specific comments in paragraph 3 of the report; and


2.  Note the implications of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister’s proposals on the regional allocation of future housing investment and endorse the proposed response as set out in paragraph 5 of the report.


Council's Response to the Government's Reforms on Planning Obligation pdf icon PDF 141 KB


Received a report outlining the Government’s proposals to revise Circular 1/97 which sets out the Government’s policy on ‘planning obligations’ (also known as section 106 agreements).


Agreed the response to the Government’s reforms as set out in Appendix 1 of the report in order to shape the planning process.


Green Roof Advice Note pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report introducing the Green Roofs Advice Note, which will serve to outline best practice guidance on the incorporation of green roofs in new development schemes.  The Advice Note will also inform the review of local statutory planning policy.


Agreed, in order to support the Community Priority of 'Making Barking and Dagenham Cleaner, Greener and Safer', as well as supporting biodiversity, providing habitat links and open space, assisting to reduce surface water run off whilst positively contributing to the character and appearance of the Borough, to:


1.  Adopt the Green Roofs Advice Note, attached to the report as Appendix 1; and


2.  Install Green Roofs as part of new development schemes, wherever possible, as part of the regeneration agenda of the Borough.


The Boroughs Draft Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation Document pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report setting out proposed revisions of the Borough's Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation.  The report outlines sites for reduction or de-designation as well as seeking to safeguard areas of local value.


Agreed, in order to provide up to date information on the ecological assets in the Borough and accommodate the Councils programme of regeneration and renewal, the revisions of the Borough’s Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation as set out in paragraph 2 of the report.


Final Report of the Marketing of Shops Scrutiny Panel pdf icon PDF 79 KB


Noted the report of the above Scrutiny Panel, which will now be submitted to the Assembly on 2 March 2005.


In respect of recommendation 2, Members were reminded that under the current Scheme of Delegation the Director of Regeneration and Environment acts as the corporate landlord for the Council’s property portfolio; and that all Members were welcome to attend meetings of the Development Control Board whenever a change of use application is being considered for any shop in the Borough.


Revised Budget 2004 / 2005 and Base Budget 2005 / 2006 pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report setting out the revised position of the Council’s revenue budgets for 2004 / 2005, and a base budget position for 2005 / 2006.


Agreed, in order to reflect decisions made during the year and set an initial position for deciding the overall 2005 / 2006 budget, to:


1.  The revised budget for 2004 / 2005 and the base budget for 2005 / 2006, as set out in Appendix A (i).


2.  The budget virements for the 2004 / 2005 revised budget as set out at Appendix A (iii) in order to stay within the overall approved budgets; and


3.  To note the position on the projected outturn for 2004 / 2005.


Budget Monitoring Report 2004 / 2005 pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report providing an update on the Council’s revenue and capital position from the beginning of April to the end of November 2004.


Agreed, as a matter of good financial practice, to:


1.  Note the current position of the Council’s revenue and capital budget;


2.  Note that the Director of Education, Arts and Libraries and the Director of Corporate Strategy continue to review their budgets to ensure where possible a balanced position;


3.  Note that as part of the budget setting process for 2005 / 2006 consideration will be made for the Social Services current underspend position of £1.5 million and the earmarking of relevant resources for e-priority outcomes expected of the Council; and


4.  Note the position and projected out-turn for the Housing Revenue Account.


Private Business


Agreed to exclude the public and press for the remainder of the meeting, as the business was confidential.


Pension Fund - Fund Manager Selection


Provision of Extra Care Housing - D'arcy Gardens & Colin Pond Court


Staffing Matter - Social Services Department


Staffing Matter - Education, Arts and Libraries Department (restricted circulation, reports circulated separately)


* Sale of Land-Locked Land Rear of 17 Springpond Road, Dagenham


* Community Care Reviews





* Item considered as a matter of urgency with the consent of the Chair under Section 100 (4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.