Agenda and minutes

Tuesday, 8 March 2005 7:00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Dagenham

Contact: Alan Dawson, Democratic Services Officer, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2348, Fax - 020 8227 2171 / e-mail -

No. Item


Minutes (22 February 2005)




London Thames Gateway Development Corporation: Proposed Planning Protocol and Service Level Agreement pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report on the proposed Planning Protocol and draft Service Level Agreement between the Council and the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) for the London Thames Gateway area, which have been produced as part of the preparations for the transfer to the UDC of local planning authority responsibilities for specified developments in certain areas of the Borough.


Agreed, in order to establish a working relationship with the London Thames Gateway UDC on planning matters, to:


1.  The proposed Planning Protocol and draft Service Level Agreement, as set out in Appendices A and B to the report respectively;


2.  Authorise the Director of Regeneration and Environment to conclude negotiations with the UDC on the Service Level Agreement; and


3.  Note the financial implications of the arrangements as set out in paragraph 7.1 of the report which, in line with the Charging Policy Commission, should be fully funded by the UDC.


Acquisition Programme To Support Regeneration and Empty Homes Initiatives pdf icon PDF 22 KB


Received a report on a proposed programme of property acquisitions as part of the Council’s Private Sector Housing Strategy.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council in achieving its Community Priorities of ‘Improving Health, Housing and Social Care’, ‘Making Barking and Dagenham Cleaner, Greener and Safer’, ‘Raising General Pride in the Borough’ and ‘Regenerating the Local Economy’, to:


1.  Authorise the Director of Housing and Health (or his nominated officer), subject to (i) consultation with the Director of Finance and the Solicitor to the Council and with the approval of the Lead Member for Housing, Health and Adult Care, and (ii) a maximum of 10 properties per year being financed from existing budgets, to


a)  proceed with the identification, negotiation and purchase of properties for acquisition; and


b)  if appropriate, delegate the negotiation and purchase of properties to recognised partner Registered Social Landlords.


Regenerating the Local Economy Cross-Cutting Best Value Review: Third Quarterly Progress Report on Implementation of the Improvement Plan pdf icon PDF 40 KB

Additional documents:


Noted the third quarterly progress report on the implementation of the improvement plan following the Best Value Review of the Council’s Regeneration service, including the key recommendations of the Inspection Report.


Housing Futures: Stock Option Appraisal pdf icon PDF 171 KB


Received a report and presentation on the stock option appraisal carried out as part of the Council’s Housing Futures programme.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council in achieving its Community Priorities of ‘Regenerating the Local Economy’ and ‘Improving Health, Housing and Social Care’ and to meet tenants’ aspirations, to


1.  The pursuing of Model 3, as detailed in the report, as the route on which further analysis will be undertaken, which will include:


·  Feasibility studies on Borrowing and Private Finance Initiative schemes

·  A further 100% survey of tenants to confirm their support for the direction the Council is taking

·  Detailed consultation with High Rise tenants

·  Further staff briefings in April 2005

·  Presentations on the  findings to the Housing Futures Forum in May 2005

·  Identifying ways in which Model 3 can become affordable

·  Reviewing the viability of tenants’ aspirations


2.  Note that a further reports will be presented in due course, which will include details on risk analysis and contingency plans.


More Choice in Lettings pdf icon PDF 17 KB

Additional documents:


Further to Minutes 180 and 234 (9 November and 21 December 2004 respectively), received a report on the arrangements under the More Choice In Lettings (MCIL) housing allocations policy which is to be introduced in April 2005.


Agreed, in order to comply with legislation and best practice, to:


1.  The MCIL policy being introduced with effect from 4 April 2005 (and not 1 April 2005 as previously agreed);


2.  An annual review being carried out of the MCIL Register;


3.  An amendment to the Key Worker Policy to ensure that the scheme is open to employees resident in the Borough, as well as non-residents;


4.  The Council retaining the right to make direct offers to MCIL applicants to whom there is an ongoing duty under homelessness legislation;


5.  The revised criteria for assessing the size of accommodation an applicant can bid for, as detailed in paragraph 5 and Appendix A to the report;


6.  The inclusion in the MCIL policy that the Council does not operate blanket policies, as detailed in paragraph 6 of the report; and


7.  The Council reserving the right to limit bids on certain properties that require sensitive letting, and support sustainable communities.


Disposals at UnderValue: Corporate Procedure pdf icon PDF 26 KB


Received a report seeking approval to a corporate policy for the disposal of Council assets at less than best consideration in accordance with the provisions of the General Disposal Consent (England) 2003.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council in achieving its Community Priorities of ‘Regenerating the Local Economy’ and ‘Improving Health, Housing and Social Care’, to adopt a policy for the disposal of assets at undervalue as follows:


1.  That the general rule is that capital receipts should be accepted on disposal of assets;


2.  Where there is a proposal to forego part or all of a capital receipt, the sponsor shall provide the justification for adopting its course and the proposal should be subject to an appraisal challenge.  This is in line with the previous approval by the Executive in support of regeneration for the Barking Town Centre and Thames View Estate.  The appraisal challenge will include a financial assessment of the impact of disposing of the asset on both the existing Capital Programme and the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy; and


3.  That the decision to accept capital receipts or alternative benefits be reserved to the Executive.


Private Business


Agreed to exclude the public and press for the remainder of the meeting, as the business was confidential.


Capital Works Roofing Programme to Low Rise Dwellings - Appointment of Contractor


Progress Update on the Harts Lane and Whiting Avenue Estates Land Quality Inspection


* New Dagenham Library and Customer First Centre


* Redevelopment Options for Goresbrook Parade


Thames Accord Limited Review for 2003/04


Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 1997 - Admission Agreement


Contract for the Procurement and Management of Temporary Accommodation Within the Private Sector Leasing Scheme


Re-Tendering for the Banking Contract


City Learning Centre (CLC) Extension at Eastbrook School


* Wakering Road Artscape Project - Tender Issues





* Items considered as a matter of urgency with the consent of the Chair under Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.