Agenda and minutes

Tuesday, 27 September 2005 7:00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Dagenham

Contact: Alan Dawson, Democratic Services Officer, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2348, Fax - 020 8227 2171 / e-mail -

No. Item


Minutes (13 September 2005)




Asset Management: Condition Surveys and a Backlog Maintenance Programme for Corporate Buildings 2005 / 2009 pdf icon PDF 22 KB


Received a report detailing the outcome of the condition survey programme of the Council’s corporate estate undertaken to obtain an assessment of the level of backlog maintenance and the associated financial implications.


Agreed to support a bid of up to £8.1 million in the Council’s Capital Programme for backlog maintenance repairs to the Council’s corporate estate as identified by the condition survey, subject to individual schemes’ approval via the Capital Programme Management Office (CPMO) process and decisions on priorities during the 2006/07 Capital Programme bid process.


East London Housing Partnership - Revised Protocol pdf icon PDF 30 KB


Received a report concerning the decision by the East London Housing Partnership (ELHP) to put forward a revised protocol setting out the responsibilities of its Board, and the agreement that Local Authorities should take the protocol through their own processes.


Agreed, to ensure the views of the Borough are presented on all business concerning the East London Housing Partnership, to:


1.  The adoption of the East London Housing Partnership protocol; and


2.  Councillor Kallar as the Executive Lead Member with responsibility for Housing Strategy, or his elected nominee, being the Council’s representative on the ELHP Board.


Response to Consultation on the Draft East London Sub Regional Development Framework pdf icon PDF 46 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report detailing the Council’s proposed response to the consultation on the draft East London Sub Regional Development Framework (SRDF), as well as the proposed response of the Thames Gateway London Partnership (TGLP) Transport Task Group to the transport issues contained in the SRDF.


Agreed, that in order to meet the Council’s Community Priorities of ‘Regenerating the Local Economy’, ‘Raising General Pride in the Borough’ and ‘Making Barking and Dagenham Cleaner, Greener and Safer’, and make sure that the best interests of the Borough and East London as a whole are considered by the Mayor as part of the SRDF process, to:


1.  The submission to the Mayor of London of the Council’s response to the draft East London SRDF as set out in Appendix 1 to the report; and


2.  Endorse the TGLP’s response to the Mayor of London to the specific transport related issues within the SRDF as set out in Appendix 2 of the report.


Consultation Responses on Grant Distribution & New Schools Funding Arrangements for 2006/2007 pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report concerning the Government’s consultation on proposed changes to the formula (revenue support) grant distribution system from April 2006, which could have a fundamental impact on the Council’s funding across all services, and a modified method of distribution for the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) from 2006/07. 


Noted that the deadline for the response to the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) consultation on the DSG is 30 September 2005, which will require the response to be sent prior to the expiry of the Council’s Call-In procedure.


Agreed, that in order to ensure the best possible outcome for the Council, to:


1.  Approve in principle the consultation responses as set out at Appendix B and C of the report; and


2.  Authorise the Director of Finance to approve the Council’s final responses to the DfES and the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister by 30 September and 10 October 2005 respectively.


Planning Advice Note No.2 - Local Labour and Local Business Agreements pdf icon PDF 286 KB


Received a report in respect of ‘Planning Advice Note No.2 – Local Labour and Local Business Agreements’ intended to provide guidance on the Council’s approach to local labour and local business agreements both in their relevance to the Council’s Economic Development Strategy and their status in regard to local, regional and national planning policy.


Agreed, that in order to provide clarity to developers, local businesses, training providers and residents on the Council’s approach to local labour and local business agreements and the circumstances in which the Council may seek their implementation through use of Section 106 agreements, to adopt Planning Advice Note No.2 in relation to ‘Local Labour and Local Business Agreements’ as set out in the report. 


Proposed Redevelopment of University of East London Longbridge Road Campus pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report concerning the current version of the draft brief for the  future redevelopment of the University of East London (UEL) Longbridge Road Campus Site.


Agreed, that to assist the Council in achieving all of its Community Priorities on this key site and ensure that the redevelopment of the UEL site is undertaken in a sustainable manner that best meets the needs of the existing and future communities, to;


1.  Approve the draft brief for the UEL Longbridge Road campus site as a reflection of the Council’s corporate aspirations for the redevelopment of the site; and


2.  Officers exploring the feasibility of retaining both the original facade of the building and any materials of historical merit.


Delivering Best Value - The 2005/06 Review Programme pdf icon PDF 177 KB


Received a report concerning the Government’s decision to remove the requirement for local authorities to review all functions over a five year period, and the Council’s subsequent change in emphasis to its approach to Best Value reviews.


Agreed, that to ensure the Council meets its obligations to deliver Best Value, to:


1.  The revised approach to Best Value reviews, including Member involvement to comprise the individual Portfolio Holders and 2 other Members; and


2.  The scope of the reviews of the Council’s Information Technology, Legal and Transport services.


Capital Strategy pdf icon PDF 100 KB

A full set of annexes in support of Appendix A are available in the Members Rooms and will be included in the published version of the Capital Strategy.

Additional documents:


Agreed, that to ensure good forward planning and direction of capital investment, that the Council’s Capital Strategy be noted and reviewed annually alongside the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy for endorsement by Assembly.



Private Business


Agreed to exclude the public and press for the remainder of the meeting, as the business was confidential.


Pension Fund - Fund Managers


Five Year Land Quality Investigation Programme - Appointment of Framework Consultants


Internal Refurbishment (Kitchen & Rewires) Interim Phase II - Appointment of Consultants


* Application for Home Extension Loan to Offer Stability to an Adoptive Placement of Three Children


* Staffing Matter

(* Items considered as a matter of urgency with the consent of the Chair under the provisions of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.)