Agenda and minutes

Wednesday, 26 April 2006 5:30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Dagenham

Contact: Alan Dawson, Democratic Services Officer, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2348, Fax - 020 8227 2171 / e-mail -

No. Item


Minutes (5 April 2006) pdf icon PDF 164 KB




Partnership Working Policy Commission pdf icon PDF 40 KB

Additional documents:


Received the draft final report of the Partnership Working Policy Commission and Councillor Geddes, Lead Member of the Commission, introduced the report and highlighted its main recommendations.


Agreed, in accordance with the Policy Commission final report protocol, to note the draft final report and commend its formal adoption to the Assembly.


* Budget Monitoring 2005/06 pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report providing an update on the Council’s 2005/06 revenue and capital position as at the end of February 2006, together with a proposal to support improvement to Children’s Services to ensure key targets are met in relation to young people.


Agreed, as a matter of good financial practice, to:


(i)  Note the current position of the Council’s revenue and capital budget as at 28 February 2006;


(ii)  Note the position and projected out-turn for the Housing Revenue Account; and


(iii)  A permanent budget transfer from corporate contingencies of £247,000 for three years commencing in 2006/07, to support improvement to Children’s Services to ensure key targets are met in relation to young people.


* Completion of the Best Value Reviews for Waste Management and Street Scene Services pdf icon PDF 36 KB


Received a report on the Waste Management and Street Scene Best Value Reviews carried out in 2002 and the achievements and improvements within the service as a result of the reviews.


Agreed, in accordance with the Council’s Best Value Review process, to note the achievements of the service since the reviews started and to formally sign-off as complete the Waste Management and Street Scene Best Value reviews and associated action plans.


Private Business


Agreed to exclude the public and press for the remainder of the meeting, as the business was confidential.


Specialist Fostering Tender - Award of Contract


* Review of Passenger Transport Services


* Best Value Review of Legal Services


Councillor Cameron Geddes


The Chair placed on record the Executive’s appreciation to Councillor Geddes, who is not seeking re-election at the May Local Elections, for his services to the Council over the last 20 years and particularly in his role as a Member and past Deputy Chair of the Executive.



(* Items considered as a matter of urgency with the consent of the Chair under the provisions of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.)