Agenda and minutes

Tuesday, 30 September 2008 7:00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Dagenham

Contact: Sola Odusina, Democratic Services Officer, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 3103, Fax - 020 8227 2171 / e-mail -

No. Item


Declaration of Members' Interests

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes (9 September 2008) pdf icon PDF 110 KB




Pre Tender- Term Contract for Electrical Repairs and Minor Works in Schools and Public Buildings pdf icon PDF 87 KB


Received a report from the Corporate Director of Regeneration seeking approval to tender for a Term Contract the Electrical repairs and minor works in public buildings and schools which covers day to day reactive electrical repairs and minor works.


The report asks for authority to seek tenders using the Restricted Procedure in accordance with the European Procurement Directives, for a three year term contract with the possibility of one year’s extension subject to satisfactory performance for the Electrical Repairs and Minor Works in Public Buildings and Schools. It is anticipated that the new contract will commence on 1st April 2009.


Agreed in order to assist the Council to achieve its Community Priority of Making Barking and Dagenham Cleaner, Greener and Safer, to


(i)  The procurement of the term contract for Electrical Repairs and Minor Works in Schools and Public Buildings on the terms detailed in the report,


(ii)  In accordance with constitution (Contract Rule 3.6) Lead Member for Adults Councillor Collins to attend the subsequent evaluation and award of the contract process, and


(iii)  The Corporate Director of Regeneration is given delegated authority to award the contract following the agreed procurement process.


East London Transit (ELT) - Route Alignment for ELT Phase 1b and Temporary Transfer of Powers pdf icon PDF 75 KB


Received a report from the Corporate Directors of Customer Services and  Regeneration concerning the implementation of the East London Transit Phase 1a (ELT1a) along roads in the Borough and ELT Phase 1b (ELT1b) which has been identified as a strategic bus way transit link between Barking town centre and Dagenham Dock. Serving the major development site of Barking Riverside and sharing some sections of alignment with ELT1a.


Transport for London (TfL) is intending to make a compulsory purchase order (CPO) in October 2008 to allow it to acquire the land required for the ELT1b works where such land acquisition is not possible through negotiation.  Only the highway authority for the roads in question is able to exercise the relevant power and this will not be transferred from LBBD to TFL until a section 8 agreement is entered into under the Highways Act 1980. Hence it is necessary to obtain Council approval for the route alignment and section 8 agreement by October 2008


ELT1b/TfL will be providing funding resources to the Borough to cover highway supervision fees.  ELT1b/TfL will be expected to lead on a communications and engagement plan, with support of Council officers, in order to mitigate any potential costs to the Council for high levels of interest from the community.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve all of its Community Priorities of raising general pride in the borough and regenerating the local economy, to recommend to the Assembly:


(i)  That the Council approves the route alignment for ELT1b subject to a footpath/cycleway connection being provided directly between the first phase of Barking Riverside and Thamesview social and community facilities and that  there is a direct public transport connection between Phase 1 Barking Riverside and Thamesview social and community facilities.


(ii)  That the Council enters into agreements with Transport for London pursuant to Section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972 and Section 8 of the Highways Act 1980 in order to transfer the functions and implement the proposals set out in this report


(iii)  That the Corporate Director of Customer Services in consultation with the Corporate Director of Regeneration and the Divisional Director of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to agree the details of the Agreements.


Attendance at the Seventh Annual Assembly of Standards Committees pdf icon PDF 30 KB


Received a report from the Corporate Director of Resources seeking approval for the attendance of the Chair of the Standards Committee and the three new legal partners at the Seventh Annual Assembly of Standards Committees taking place in Birmingham on the 13 and 14 October 2008.


The Council’s framework of Rules for Conferences, Visits and Hospitality (Part D of the Council’s Constitution) requires that the Executive’s approval is obtained for attendance at conferences and similar events where the cost is likely to exceed £3,000.


Agreed in order to assist the Council achieve its Community Priority of better education and learning for all, to the attendance of the Chair of the Standards Committee and the three Legal Partners at the Seventh Annual Assembly of Standards Committees.


Review of Election Polling Stations pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report from the Corporate Director of Resources reviewing the Borough’s polling districts and associated polling places.


The Council has a duty under the Electoral Administration Act 2006 to conduct a review of Borough polling districts and associated polling places every four years. The review undertaken by the Proper Officer for Electoral Registration (the Chief Executive), requires public consultation with a wide range of relevant interested persons/organisations to ensure full accessibility to polling stations for voting purposes by the local electorate, and in so doing to publish final proposals agreed by the Authority, which are subject to challenge through the Electoral Commission.


All Councillors, Local Members of Parliament and local political parties, together with identified relevant organisations such as those that may have an expertise to access to premises or facilities for people with disabilities were consulted with the consultation period closing on 15 February 2008.  However in view of the number and complexity of some of the representations received and the need in some instances to consider the viability of alternative sites final reporting on the outcome of the Review was deferred until after the GLA/Mayoral elections held in May 2008.


Details of the initial proposals for polling districts and polling stations together with a summary of representations made on a ward by ward basis are set out  in the report. This also includes a number of officer recommendations where appropriate. 


Agreed in order to assist the Council to achieve its Community Priorities of promoting equal opportunities and celebrating diversity and developing rights and responsibilities with the local community, to adopt and publish the findings of the review having regard to the representations made and the officer recommendations on a ward by ward basis. 


Private Business


Agreed to exclude the public and press for the remainder of the meeting by reason of the nature of the business to be discussed which included information exempt from publication by virtue of paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


Transforming the Careline Service


Received a report from the Corporate Director of Customer Services and the Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services outlining the various options for the future provision of Adult Careline Services in the borough and specifically recommends the option of developing a three way partnership with two neighbouring authorities.


Agreed in order to assist the Council to achieve all of its Community Priorities and as a matter of good financial practise to


(i)  The entering into of a partnership agreement with Redbridge and Tower Hamlets Councils for the provision of Careline Services (Option 6) and authorise the Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services and the Corporate Director of Customers Services, in consultation with the Divisional Director of Legal and Democratic Services, to enter into the necessary agreements;


(ii)  The waiving of tendering requirements, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4.1.3 of the Council’s Contract Rules (Part D of the Constitution), to the extent that is necessary to enable the above proposals to proceed.


Modernisation and Rationalisation of Office Accommodation


Following an initial decision to pursue proposals to rationalise and improve the Council’s office accommodation, received a report from the Corporate Director of Resources reviewing the programme and proposing a more limited, three year, cost effective accommodation strategy.


A key part of these proposals is to maximise the use of space within existing buildings through a combination of better use of IT, more modern ways of working and efficiencies achieved through business process and spatial re-design and at the same time reducing the number of operational buildings.


Approval is sought to pilot this new approach and begin a procurement process to modernise one floor of the Civic Centre Annex.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve all of its Community Priorities of raising general pride in the borough, making Barking and Dagenham Cleaner, Greener and Safer, to:


(i)  The development of a more limited accommodation strategy as part of the One Barking & Dagenham Programme, based on the four strategic aims outlined in the report,


(ii)  Officers proceeding with the procurement to modernise the Civic Centre Annex as part of a wider self funding programme to make better use of existing assets, and


(iii)  Re-direct funding from the existing Accommodation Strategy and IT budgets to cover the cost of circa £995,000.


Award of contract for Sydney Russell Day Nursery


Received a report from the Corporate Director of Children’s Services advising Members of the result of the tendering exercise for Sydney Russell Nursery services and seeking approval from the Executive for the award of a three year contract to the provider Playaway Day Nursery at an annual cost of approximately £236,500 (these costs will be met by parents’ fees not by the Council and are based on 27 places at £175 per place for 50 weeks) with a planned commencement date of 3rd November 2008. 


The evaluation panel felt that Playaway Day Nursery would deliver the specified outputs and the best outcomes for the service.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve its Community Priorities of “Improving Health, Housing and Social Care” and “Better Education and Learning For All”, to the award of a three year contract, to commence on 3 November 2008 to the provider Playaway Day Nursery.


Tender for Alcohol and Criminal Justice Support Services


Received a report from the Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services concerning the procurement and delivery of Criminal Justice and Alcohol Treatment for adults, to be supplied to assist individuals to lead healthy alcohol/drug-free lifestyles and increase their opportunities to make a positive contribution in society.


The need to provide alcohol and criminal justice services has been subject to extensive consultation, with the benefit of input from all key agencies and professional groups and approval is sought to tender for Arrest Referral, 24/7 phone line, and Court Referral Services.


Noted that item 5.3 of the report should be amended to reflect the Contract being awarded to the successful provider/s for a period of 3 years rather than 1 year and


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve its Community Priorities of “Improving Health, Housing and Social Care” , “Making Barking and Dagenham Cleaner, Greener and Safer” and Better Education and Learning For All”, to:


(i)  The procurement of criminal justice support services on the terms detailed in the report, and


(ii)  The procurement of alcohol treatment services on the terms detailed in the report.