Agenda and minutes

Tuesday, 3 November 2009 5:00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Dagenham

Contact: Tina Robinson, Democratic Services Team, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 3285 / e-mail -

No. Item


Declaration of Members' Interests

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes (20 October 2009) pdf icon PDF 76 KB




Response to Green Paper - 'Shaping the Future of Care Together' pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report from the Corporate Director of Adult and Community Services on the Government’s recently published Green Paper “Shaping the Future of Care Together” which sets out its vision for a National Care Service, the options for reform and how a new system could be organised and paid for.


The Green Paper represents the first ever national debate on the reform of adult care and support in England.  The proposals have significant potential implications for the future funding of social care and benefits as well and how the resourcing of social care is managed, including the control of a local authority over its budget. 


The Corporate Director commented that whilst the debate on care and support and the elements of the National Care Service is very much welcomed, there is a consensus that none of the outline funding options present an acceptable solution to finding the necessary financial contributions for the new system.  Furthermore, there is a concern that many of our local residents could be significantly disadvantaged under any new funding arrangements and, with this in mind, it is essential that the Government issues the draft charging regulations as soon as possible in order for full and proper consideration to be given to the overall proposals. 


Agreed, in order to help inform any subsequent legislation, that the Council’s response to the Green Paper as proposed in section 2 of the report be submitted to the Department of Health.


Local Development Framework - Residential Extensions and Alterations Draft Supplementary Planning Document pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report from the Chief Executive on the Residential Extensions and Alterations Draft Supplementary Planning Document, which contains design advice for applicants when considering and applying for planning permission for residential extensions and alterations.


The new guidance takes account of changes arising from the General Permitted Development Order which increases the range of works that can be undertaken without planning permission, as well as providing clearer and more detailed advice on how to ensure extensions and alterations that do require planning permission are designed properly as a means of preserving neighbours amenity and privacy and improving the quality of applications submitted.


Noted that whilst the Local Development Framework includes a separate policy on the conversion of properties into flats this document will strengthen a number of areas.  Also discussed a range of other issues including the use of garages as dwellings and boundary and dormer window regulations.  The Head of Regeneration and Economic Development invited Members to contact him with any further enquiries that they may have.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve its “Clean” Community Priority, to:


(i)  Approve the Residential Extensions and Alterations Draft Supplementary Planning Document as set out in Appendix A to the report, which will now be subject to public consultation; and


(ii)  The Draft Document being used as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications by the Development Control Board and planning officers as appropriate.


2010/11 Local Implementation Plan - Funding Submission pdf icon PDF 142 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report from the Chief Executive on the Council’s proposed programme of works forming the 2010/11 funding submission to Transport for London (TfL), as part of the Council’s five-year Local Implementation Plan (LIP) for transport improvement schemes in the Borough.


Noted that due to time constraints these proposals were initially submitted toTfL in September 2009 on the proviso that formal approval of the Executive would be sought on the detailed programme. 


Agreed, in order to assist the Council in delivering a range of transport improvement schemes in 2010/11, to the Council's 2010/11 Local Implementation Plan submission to Transport for London as set out in Appendix A to the report.


Pre-Tender Report - Procurement and Management of Temporary Accommodation (Private Sector Licensing) for Homeless People pdf icon PDF 130 KB


Received a report from the Corporate Director of Customer Services on proposals to tender a three-year contract for procurement, management and maintenance of the existing temporary accommodation portfolio, which is used to accommodate homeless people.


Agreed, in order to accord with statutory obligations and enable the Council to commission value for money services, to:


(i)  Approve the tender process for the procurement and management of temporary accommodation (private sector licensing scheme) as detailed in the report;


(ii)  Nominate Councillor P Waker to be involved in the procurement process for this contract; and


(iii)  Authorise the Corporate Director of Customer Services, in consultation with the Divisional Director of Finance and the Legal Partner, to appoint the preferred bidder(s) upon the successful completion of the tender process.


Council Debt Write-Offs - July to September 2009 (2nd Quarter) pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Additional documents:


Received and noted a report from the Corporate Director of Customer Services of the value and type of debts written off from the Income, Collection, Rents and Benefits Service areas as uncollectible for quarter two of the 2009/10 financial year (July to September 2009).


Further noted that a number of these debts will be publicised in accordance with the policy agreed by Minute 69 (6 November 2007).


* Parking Services IT Solution Replacement pdf icon PDF 125 KB

Additional documents:


Further to Minute 30 (14 July 2009), received a report from the Corporate Director of Customer Services on the detailed proposals, including costings, for the IT package which will support the range of new initiatives contained within the draft Parking Strategy for the Borough.  Noted that these proposals were endorsed by the One B&D Business Applications Board at its meeting on 11 September 2009. 


The range of new measures will facilitate better engagement between customers and the Council across all popular and established mediums, coupled with the ability to review photographic and video evidence of alleged contraventions for which customers have been notified.  Furthermore, the measures will provide for a more efficient and effective approach to enforcement, particularly in relation to persistent offenders, and it was noted that the projected increase in the recovery rate of penalty charge notices (PCNs) will be the primary means of meeting income targets which have been increased to reflect the planned recouping of the necessary investment over a three-year period.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve its Community Priorities, to:


(i)  The inclusion of £288,000 in the 2009/10 Capital Programme for the replacement of the parking services software and associated support components;


(ii)  The tendering and subsequent procurement of the IT solution software, implementation and support through the East Shires Procurement Organisation tendering process facility and that the support contract should be for three years with an optional two-year extension;


(iii)  The additional hardware and IT services being procured through Corporate ICT utilising the Office of Government Commerce Buying Solutions ICT Framework Agreements;


(iv)  The handheld devices being procured in accordance with Council procedures; and


(v)  Authorise the Corporate Director of Customer Services, in consultation with the Divisional Director of Finance and the Legal Partner, to award the appropriate contracts.


Private Business


Agreed to exclude the public and press for the remainder of the meeting by reason of the nature of the business to be discussed which included information exempt from publication by virtue of paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


* Award of Contract for Construction of Skills Centre pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report from the Corporate Director of Children’s Services on proposals to progress the development of a Skills Centre in Barking Town Centre.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve its Community Priorities, to:


(i)  Ratify the decision to tender for a contract for design and build of the Skills Centre through the use of the existing construction framework agreement;


(ii)  The appointment of Kier London to undertake the Stage 1 section of a two-stage design and build tender on the terms set out in the report, subject to appropriate due diligence;


(iii)  Authorise the Corporate Director of Children’s Services to implement the decision in consultation with the Divisional Director of Finance and the Legal Partner; and


(iv)  The provisional capital budget and prudential borrowing requirement as set out in the report, subject to a further report once the full capital and revenue costs have been established.


(* The Chair agreed that these items could be considered as a matter of urgency under the provisions of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.)