Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny Management Board
Tuesday, 8 July 2008 3:00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Dagenham

Contact: Tina Robinson, Democratic Services, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 3285 / Fax - 020 8227 2171 / e-mail -

No. Item


Declaration of Members' Interests

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.




Minutes - 4 June 2008 pdf icon PDF 88 KB




Building Schools for the Future and Possible Requests for Schools to Become Independent Voluntary Controlled Schools

A presentation will be given by James Hodgson on the above issue following a request at the 4 June Board for information in relation to an item on the Forward Plan concerning Dagenham Park Community School.


We received a presentation from James Hodgson, a consultant leading on Building Schools for the Future Programme, and noted the principle of Building Schools for the Future includes the widening of services to children and families and ancillary use to create schools as the hub of the community, extended choice, diversity and fair access and that the government is seeking, in addition to the local authorities, more providers of schools through vehicles such as Trusts and Academies.  We noted that the Council’s approach is expansion of popular and successful schools, creating consortia of schools and partnerships between schools to share best practice.  The Council is required to take a position on Academy Schools, which is that the form of school proposed does meet the specific educational needs of the Borough.  In addition, it has no seriously under-performing schools in the Borough to which Academy status would be appropriate.”


The decision to change the status of Dagenham Park Community School is primarily due to the existence of the well performing William Ford Church of England Junior School adjacent to Dagenham Park and to reduce the number of pupils of William Ford going out of the borough should they chose to continue their education in a Church of England secondary school. 


We noted that discussions are ongoing with the Diocese of Chelmsford, who has already indicated that they have no issues with a multi faith governing body.  Additionally, the local community appear to be supporting the proposal as the next stage of the improvement of Dagenham Park Community School.  Consultation with other feeder schools and marketing will be undertaken in due course.



Children's Trust Scrutiny Panel - Final Draft Report pdf icon PDF 156 KB

Attached is the final draft report of the above panel which is scheduled to be presented to the Assembly on 8 October 2008.  The Board is asked for any advice or comments it wishes to make.

Additional documents:


Councillor Mrs Carpenter presented the draft report of the above Panel which, as part of its work, had looked at the operation and achievements of the Trust.  The Panel’s report was discussed and we noted that as part of its findings the Panel had identified a number of areas for improvement in its draft Action Plan, including performance reporting and management and the unwieldy size of the agenda and need to circulate the agendas earlier.


It was noted that a Voluntary Sector Strategy is being developed at present to encompass the whole Partnership and work will need to be undertaken to ensure that the voluntary sector feel included in developing strategy; although potential conflicts around commissioning would need to be borne in mind.  The Board supported the need to ensure that reports and documents are jargon free and plain language is used to make them easier for non-Council / officers to understand and therefore make the process more accessible and increase participation of the public and voluntary sector participants.


The issue of funding streams across the Partnership is being sorted out at present and with the development of capacity in commissioning it is anticipated that efficiency savings should be achievable in the future as a result of partnership commissioning.


We thanked the Panel for its comprehensive report and the Board would consider the setting up of ad hoc Panels to examine any underachieving areas with the Trust should this prove necessary in the future.  Accordingly, we support the draft report and draft Action Plan.



Scrutiny Panels - Update pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Additional documents:


Noted this report and agreed to consider the panels in more detail at our next meeting.



Forward Plan - July 2008 Edition pdf icon PDF 28 KB

Additional documents:


Considered the Forward Plan and specifically:


(i)  Pre-tender Contract for Monitoring of Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems in Schools and Public buildings  Requested Information to be provided to the Chair and Vice Chair of Scrutiny Management Board on this issue and particularly why the work has been delayed.


(ii)  requested the provision of further details at our next meeting on


(a)  Disposal of Land – Inclusion of Further Surplus Properties for Disposal


(b)  More Choice in Lettings and Sheltered Housing Assessment


(c)   Council Travel Plan


(iii)  National Memorial to the Evacuation Appeal Fund

Some concern was expressed that the siting of the proposed memorial has not yet been decided.  The Board agreed to recommend to the Executive that should it be agreed that the Council would make a donation, the monies should not be paid until it is confirmed that a memorial will be in London and all other arrangements meet the Council’s satisfaction.


(iv)  Timescale Issues

We have requested that the Forward Plan be provided to the Board at the earliest opportunity.


Register of Member's Interest and Gifts and Hospitality Registers

The Register of Members’ Interests will be available for inspection.


At the request of the Chair the Registers were made available for inspection.  The Divisional Director of Legal and Democratic Services explained that she, as Monitoring Officer, is the responsible officer for the Registers but that Councillors have a duty to inform of any changes within 28 days.  Annual reminders are sent out. 


The Standards Board is the responsible committee as such and internal Audit Team occasionally carries out an audit.  A recent audit has proved everything to be in order.


To ensure there is no accidental oversight the Board suggested that Member training includes a plain language session on the registration of Member’s Interests as these are quite complex.



Private Business


Agreed to exclude the public and press for the remainder of the meeting, as the business was confidential.



Urgent Action

This item is exempt from publication because it contains information regarding the financial and business affairs of a particular company (relevant legislation: paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972)


The Chair raised a number of issues in relation to an urgent action concerning a grant that she had been notified of under Section 17 of Article 1 of the Council’s Constitution.  Some other Board Members also expressed concern or raised queries but in doing so a number of Members expressed support for the general activity associated with the grant.  The Chair was particularly concerned over the original decision to set aside monies for the grant which it was felt had not been transparent in the committee papers at the time, last August.  Concern was also raised about the length of time since then and the way in which the matter had been handled.  The Chair was also unhappy with the letter notifying the urgent action and felt appropriate consultation had not taken place.


Officers were present to respond to all the queries and to give full assurance that, whilst there may have been some delays which were regrettable, the original decision had been made properly.  No Call-In had taken place.  The more recent action in relation to various conditions and the making of related payments were in line with usual procedures for grants. 


After a long debate the Board agreed that they had three main concerns:


(1)   the urgent action provision


(2)   that grants to individuals of individual organisation in excess of £200,000 should be a full Assembly decision


(3)   the Board should be notified of any late additions to the Forward Plan regarding Key Decisions.  This can be done verbally at the Board meeting.