Agenda and draft minutes

Scrutiny Management Board
Wednesday, 11 February 2009 6:00 pm

Venue: Meeting Room 2, Civic Centre, Dagenham

Contact: Clair Bantin, Scrutiny & Civic Team Manager, Civic Centre, Dagenham  Telephone - 020 8227 2995 / e-mail -

No. Item


Declaration of Members' Interests

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes - 21 January 2009 pdf icon PDF 92 KB




Budget Process 2009/10 pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report on the Council’s budget process for 2009/10, which included details of budget savings, pressures, invest to save and capital proposals. 


The Divisional Director of Corporate Finance outlined the key influences on the annual budget process and explained that the proposals in the report, together with any issues raised by the Board, would be incorporated into the base budget report, previously approved by the Executive on 20 January 2009, before being presented for formal approval to the Executive and the Assembly.


The level of savings had been agreed by Corporate Directors to deliver more efficient processes and protect front line services.  Some of the actions to achieve identified savings were already being implemented.


Officers confirmed savings were agreed by the various departments and it was up to the individual service to deliver the required level of savings within the designated financial year.  There had been a three to six month lead-in time to organise services to achieve the required savings in 2009/10.


Significant savings that are not made by any departmental service as set out in the report, but made in another area of the department, would be referred back to Members if there was a material policy change.  It was confirmed that there was a rigorous process in place with monthly Resource Monitoring Panels and Executive budget monitoring reports to ensure departments/services were delivering declared savings.


Arising from the discussions the following issues, as set out in the report, were raised by Members:



Appendix A – Budget Savings


·  9(S) - Cessation and reprovision of the Transport Contract was welcomed and assurances were sought that the management structure and effective processes were in place.

·  12(S) - Concern was expressed over the high level of savings relating to overtime working in leisure centres and the impact this would have on employees.  Officers stated that negotiations had taken place with trade unions and staff in respect of the current contracts of employment.  These were presently based on a 9am to 5pm contract, whereas the leisure industry is largely session work, creating a large overtime cost.

·  13(S) - Officers explained that the income would be generated by a drive to increase the number of events, as opposed to an increase in fees.

·  22(S) - It was confirmed that the Borough has been the only Local Authority in the country that has offered a free Music Service and that any necessary fees would be means tested.

·  25(S) - Proposals for savings in respect of Looked After Children – Health and Education Support (LACHES) must not compromise the delivery of the current award winning service.

·  29(S) - The Board would be given further information as to the scale-back of the Educational Psychology Service and the perception of schools financially losing out on this buy-back service.

·  There was general concern about savings through cuts in posts and resources within the Children Services Department and assurances required that proposals would be managed correctly.  Officers explained that it was not the number of children requiring services  ...  view the full minutes text for item 74.


Treasury Management Strategy 2009/10 pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Additional documents:


Received a report from the Divisional Director of Finance setting out the Treasury Management Strategy Statement, Prudential Indicators, Investment Strategy and Borrowing Strategy 2009/10, in compliance with Section 15 (1)(a) of the Local Government Act 2003.


The Council started borrowing in May 2008 and Officers will be seeking approval from Assembly to authorise a borrowing limit of £200 million for 2009/2010 with staggered repayment terms


Members asked that officers look at whether there was any benefit in considering granting residential mortgages.