Agenda and minutes

Licensing and Regulatory Committee
Wednesday, 26 July 2017 7:00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Barking

Contact: Leanna McPherson, Democratic Services Officer, Civic Centre, Dagenham 

No. Item


Declaration of Members' Interests

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes (26 April 2017) pdf icon PDF 58 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 26 April 2017 were confirmed as correct.


Gambling Act 2005 - Draft Barking and Dagenham Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy 2017 - 2020 - Public Consultation pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Additional documents:


The Senior Licensing Officer introduced a report to the Board on the draft Barking and Dagenham Statement of Gambling and Licensing Policy 2017 – 2018. 


The Council, as the local licensing authority for gaming and betting, was required under the Gambling Act 2005, to have in place a statement of the principles (a ‘policy’) by which it would abide in carrying out its licensing responsibilities and to review that policy every three years. The review of the Council’s current gambling licensing policy was overdue.


On 25 April 2017, the Cabinet approved a draft revised Barking and Dagenham Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy for the period 2017-2020, for the purpose of formal public consultation. The public consultation commenced on Monday 19 June 2017.


The draft revised policy established that the Council had serious concerns around the impact that further growth in the local gambling opportunity may have in the most vulnerable and ‘at risk’ areas of the borough. It confirmed that, as a result, the Council considered it necessary to limit facilities for gambling in areas where its most vulnerable residents may be placed at increasing risk.  It stated the Council’s position to be that all areas where there was high overall risk of gambling related harm were inappropriate for further gambling establishments. Operators were asked not to consider locating new premises or relocating existing premises within these areas, accordingly.


The draft policy went on to set out the considerations the Council would have when determining applications for gambling premises licences and detailed the types of controls the Council might expect to see in place at licensed gambling establishments


A full discussion took place on the report before the Board and key points included:


- making the consultation process available in paper format;

- the enforcement role of the council in relation to large groups of males congregating outside premises;

- the availability of gambling machines in local pubs; and

- the assessment of local areas before an application is approved or refused.


The Board thanked officers for the comprehensive report and:


(i) Noted the content of the Barking and Dagenham Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy for 2017 – 2020; and

(ii) Noted the process for review of the policy.




Applications and Appeals pdf icon PDF 56 KB


The Licensing and Regulatory Board were provided with updates on appeals and applications made to the Council at each meeting.


The Service Manager, Public Protection, addressed the Board providing the following updates on work undertaken since the last meeting of the Board in April 2017:


- Temporary Event Notices (TENs) processed: 23;

- Personal Licence: 48

- Premises Licence/ Transfer/ Vary Designated Premises Supervisors (DPS): 55

- Special Treatment Licence Applications:  75;

- 53 Test purchases of alcohol: No. 49 passed and No.4 failures;

- Other Applications received and processed : 10; and

- Appeals: 0.


Those premises that had failed test purchases would be cautioned on record or may have to attend a Licensing Sub Committee for a review of their licence.


The Board noted that the Immigration Act provisions, which related to licensing came into effect 6 April 2017. The changes meant that every applicant for personal licence and late-night refreshment would be checked for eligibility to work in the UK. Working arrangements and work plans were currently being agreed.


The Board were advised that the Borough Licensing Police Team was part of the Tri-borough Policing model which came into effect on 1 June 2017. As such, Police Officers from Redbridge and Havering would be covering the Police work activities within the borough.


In response to questions, the Board noted that the Tri-Borough model was relatively new to all parties involved and feedback would be provided to the Council on it’s progress.


The report was noted by the Board.



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 49 KB


The Work Programme was noted by the Board.