Agenda and minutes

Community Safety Partnership
Wednesday, 26 June 2019 10:00 am

Venue: Conference Centre, Barking Learning Centre, Town Square, Barking

Contact: Jade Hodgson, Community Safety Policy Officer 

Note No. Item

2 mins


Introductions and Apologies for Absence


The chair welcomed members to the meeting and introductions and apologies were made. The chair thanked members on behalf of the council for their attendance and commitment to the board.


2 mins


Declaration of Interests

Members of the Board are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


No declarations of interest to note.

5 mins


Minutes and Action Log pdf icon PDF 99 KB


The minutes from March CSP were reviewed by members and confirmed as correct.

5 mins


CSP Governance Review


The CSP have appointed a new chair, Councillor Mullane, Cabinet Member for Enforcement and Community Safety, this is to ensure the CSP aligns with other council partnership forums. The agenda set up will now hold partnership and substantive items come first with business as usual towards the end of agenda. A CSP governance pack is being developed which will be circulated to members for comments and approval.


The membership has been reviewed and new members and deputies appointed to ensure that the services and organisations are well represented. Previously the Executive Planning Group (EPG) and Safer Borough Board were in place however were not running effectively therefore has been dispensed where the board will work towards a task and finish approach where we need to consider areas such as perceptions of crime and safety and progress on the serious violence and knife crime action plan. The tension monitoring meeting and hate crime subgroup have now come together due to similar remits and memberships.


Additionally, the review has looked into how we are delivering on anti-social behaviour (ASB), our standing case conference looking at longstanding and problematic ASB issues and volt have been reinstated and starting to grow in terms of case managed to make the borough safer.


45 mins


Integrated Gangs Unit and Spark2Life Presentation


Part of this item is restricted, minutes from the board have been sent to members and will not be published due to sensitive information.


The East Area Gangs Engagement Team works across the tri-borough to improve the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. The team offers;

·  Home and prison visits with young people who are known to or believed to be affiliated with gangs.

·  Work in partnership and attend strategy and case management meetings to continue engagement with partners.

·  Provide support to people and families involved in or at risk of gangs.

·  Collaborative visits with YOS and social care.


Since December 2018, gang and negative youth culture awareness workshops have been delivered aimed at parents and professionals who work with young people. This has included training staff at future youth zone, so they are aware of risks. The workshops run through the YOS, schools and other partner agencies and are open to all parents and professionals. To date over 50 parents and professionals which has informed parents and professionals of the lives of young people are living. 


Greg Tillett noted that commitments have been made to the IGU and highlighted the need to not lose sight of how information is shared, youth to adult transition and the 18-25 cohort if the IGU commitments are changing. It was noted officers will continue to call in on Monday’s and attend monthly meetings, the only function that will change is not having one operational base. Andy Opie reinforced that initial discussions have taken place, but further discussions need to be had to agree a tri-borough approach.


Councillor Worby stated that the biggest response from parents is that they don’t know what is happening with young people therefore there is a need to explore providing information sessions to secondary schools. Angie Fuller noted that they are exploring a train the trainers’ model to ensure teachers are trained to run information sessions. Pip Salvador-Jones invited the East Area Gangs Engagement Team to do some training with partners linked to the Young Londoners Fund network.


Jamela Ricketts provided a follow on presentation on the work delivered by Spark2Life who provide high level intensive mentoring to offenders of those who are trying to leave the offending lifestyle.

  • Spark2Life are currently working within the IGU and Barking and Dagenham and Havering YOS and aim to link work together and join up work across boroughs for a wider impact across the young people. In Barking and Dagenham there are 2 staff who work with young people and young adults referred into the YOS and IGU. 
  • A focus on assistance and support into education, employment and training whilst challenging the mindset to ensure the changes made are long lived.
  • A key part of Spark2Life aims is to identify and train 5 clients to become future mentors to offer skills and aspiration for young people and adults.
  • The referral criteria for the provision within the IGU is primarily 18-25 years, violence offenders, known to be a group or gang  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.

15 mins


Young Londonders Fund Network


Pip Salvador Jones updated CSP members of behalf of the CVS. The YLF sessions have had good take up, to date 3 sessions have been delivered across the boroughs and all have been well attended. A total of 19 1:1 sessions have been delivered to build engagement and the network is now waiting to support applications into the fund.


Andy Opie advised that LBBD are working with partners to co-ordinate a bid into the Young Londoners Fund and Youth Endowment Fund around intervention and prevention for children and young people. Still early stages but around 3 areas, school exclusions, targeted young outreach and community based work to provide a voice and support. We will be liaising with partners to ensure joined up work.


20 mins


Violence Reduction Unit Presentation


The Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) was announced in September 2018 which builds on work occurring across MOPAC and City Hall by specialists from a number of organisations. The VRU has taken on work around mental health first aid, steppingstones, VAWG and Knife Crime strategies. The unit has conducted extensive engagement with partners to build on the development of the VRU.


The strategic aims for the VRU are to reduce levels of violence, increase feelings of safety and place communities at the heart of all work. To do this the unit have built on a public health approach looking at the concept and the approach and taking learning from models such as Glasgow and Chicago to ensure effectiveness to tackle the problem and find long term solutions. The draft work programme supports contextual model and recommends eight objectives as the focus for the first two years of implementation and delivery;


  1. Supporting individuals to be more resilient
  2. Supporting stronger families
  3. Young people leading change
  4. Enabling local communities to be strong, safe and resilient
  5. Keeping schools safe, keeping young people in school and improving alternatives
  6. Giving young people every chance to succeed
  7. Keeping young people safe in public areas and encourage greater activity during school holidays
  8. Changing the message around violence


Through development and evidence gathering a strategic needs assessment and review into homicide and serious case reviews has been conducted alongside developing a new approach to sharing information. The next steps for the VRU will be finalising the work programme and evidence base, finalise a commissioning and performance frameworks and conducted assessment on the work programmes.


Councillor Worby noted that the public health approach is based on work that has already been published through plans by local health and wellbeing boards. The biggest delivery the VRU can do is to lobby the government keep public health funding.


Councillor Mullane highlighted that where boroughs have lower crime figures then there is less focus on those boroughs. It was noted that the VRU are aware, however it was uncertain what affects this would have on Barking and Dagenham. Andy Opie questioned how we will benefit locally and whether there would be local connection other than management of local knife crime plans? There is potential to explore examining good practice sharing across boroughs. Lucy Satchell-Day asked the timeline for when we will see further details of the VRU.


ACTION: Kit Weller to feed comments on the VRU back to MOPAC and provide updates to the CSP.


10 mins


National Probation and Community Rehabilitation Company Service


The Justice secretary has recently announced further reform to probation system, previously it was a split market into public and private, however further changes are to be made where case management will be managed by the NPS. Accredited programmes and unpaid work requirements will form one commissioning pot and ALL other interventions will form another commissioning pot.


Staff will remain and join together to continue effective delivery and the services will continuing to invest in programmes and joined up working. NPS and CRC are already discussing co-locations joined up work to ensure effective transition over a 2 year period. A draft blueprint for the operating model has been released which is the public domain where market and partner engagement sessions will be held look at the final operating model which will be fed out of the CSP to keep members informed.


25 mins


RESTRICTED - Crime and Disorder Strategic Assessment

This item is restricted, due to senstive content this will not be published via MogGov.


This item is restricted, minutes from the board have been sent to members and will not be published due to sensitive information.

20 mins


RESTRICTED - Prevent Strategy and Action Plan

This item is restricted, due to senstive content this will not be published via MogGov.



This item was withdrawn and will be presented at a later date.

5 mins


RESTRICTED - Domestic Violence Homicide Review


This item is restricted, minutes from the board have been sent to members and will not be published due to sensitive information.

5 mins


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 181 KB


The chair requested any future agenda items for the CSP to be sent to Jade Hodgson. The board confirmed that contextual safeguarding and step up and stay safe will be the substantive items for September’s CSP board. The following items were added;


1.  London victim witness service – Victim Support

2.  LBBD exploitation strategy to be part of the exploitation and Step up Stay safe – Angie Fuller and April Bald

3.  Family Law Accessibility Group (FLAG) – Pip Salvador-Jones


5 mins


Any Other Business


The LBBD equalities officer asked the board if they would consider “Ask for Clive” this scheme is for local bars, shops and restaurants to display a sign which shows the LGBT community their venue is a safe space. The CSP agree to support the scheme.


Kit Weller provided a brief update on the London Victim Service. Hazel North-Stephens highlighted concerns that an allocation of 4+1 workers was agreed however Victim Support have advised there is 4 workers across the East BCU. The contract is nearly at the end of Quarter 1 and there is currently only 1 person is in post. Concerns have also been raised via Havering leads on this issue. The chair requested a report on the London Victim Service to be circulated to CSP members through Jade Hodgson.


ACTION: Kit Weller to provide report on London Victim Service.

ACTION: Kit Weller to take back concerns on London Victim Service and feedback to CSP members.


2 mins


Date of Next Meeting

Community Safety Partnership

Wednesday 25 September 2019, 10.00-1.00pm

Venue:  Conference Room 1, Barking Learning Centre


Community Safety Partnership Board

Wednesday 25 September 2019, 10:00am-13:00pm

Barking Learning Centre, Conference Room