Agenda and minutes

Community Safety Partnership
Wednesday, 13 December 2017 1:00 pm

Venue: Conference Centre, Barking Learning Centre, Town Square, Barking

Contact: Jade Hodgson, Partnership Boards Business Manager 

Note No. Item

2 minutes


Introductions and Apologies for Absence


The chair welcome everyone to the Board and introductions and apologies noted.

2 minutes


Declaration of Interests

Members of the Board are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


No declarations of interest to record. The board agreed for shorter minutes to be taken at future Community Safety Partnership (CSP) boards.



5 minutes


Minutes - To confirm as correct the minutes of the pdf icon PDF 329 KB

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The chair highlighted that no updates have been sent or sought on the action log. It was agreed in future that Jade Hodgson (JH) will be notified of all updates and completed actions.

Action 1 Jonathon Toy (JT) agreed to be finished by the end of February 2018.
Action 2 No completion date discussed, now planning a completion date for the end of March 2018.

Actions 3, 4, and 6 can be removed as these are duplicated actions.
Actions 7,8,10,11,12,14,15,16 and 17 to be closed.

Action 13 to be rag rated to Amber, reset dates.


ACTION: JH to update the action log, close completed actions and amend deadline dates.



Restore: London Presentation - Michael Fajobi pdf icon PDF 267 KB

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Michael Fajobi (MF) presented the Restorative Justice presentation to the board. Restorative Justice is currently focusing on adult offenders in a collaborative pan-London Service and Offenders abroad.


ACTION:Restorative Justice to work with YOS providing the service for young offenders/victims who want to access the service.


Joint Strategic Assessment


Crime and Disorder Strategic Assessment (CDSA)


The Board were presented with the Joint Strategic Assessment. Daniel James (DJ) confirmed the aims and priorities were in line with MOPAC mandatory priorities (e.g. high-volume crime such as violence, burglary, and ASB).


It was noted that by mistake attendees had only received agenda and web links, members were unable to access the restricted documents on ModGov. JT suggested that DJ focuses on the headline news to give attendees a chance to review the documents.


The strategy is to focus on young people from the borough, community safety, and priority neighbourhoods such as Barking Town Centre, Heathway and Becontree.


Recommendations from the Board included further analysis from subgroups that the Safer Borough Board can take forward. Managing of offenders, recommendations, and cross-over work identifying those who don’t reside in Barking and Dagenham. Also, further analysis of younger domestic abuse victims was recommended.


Working Group scheduled for 1st January 2018, 24th January 2018 and  Safer Neighbourhood Board in February 2018.


It was highlighted that there is no agreed sign off date for MOPAC on this assessment. Subgroups are required to work with DJ around what key impacts to take forward. It was requested that the paper is worked into a document that is easier to understand and digest and to there is a requirement to produce information on what programmes of work will look like for each subgroup. It was noted that reference to socio-economic influences are required.


ACTION: Review and transform the CDSA report into an easy read document to distribute.


ACTION: Assessment to be complied into PowerPoint for each subgroup with targets and priorities for each group to focus on going forward.


0 (SN) pointed out that data columns marked as ‘unknown’ should be reviewed.


The Metropolitan Police agreed that the aims were manageable and realistic.


The assessment will be revised with subgroup priorities included, this will be signed off by the Executive Planning Group at March meeting.


ACTION: JH to add revised assessment to EPG agenda in March 2018 for sign off.


Rita Chadha (RC) raised overlap elements such as Health and Care, in which CSP can steer areas of work and influence what emerges in Health and Care strategy.


Anne Bristow (AB) advised that there had been a better standard in previous years, the lesson learned going forward is to do the work ourselves in a planned way and to therefore get local buy-in instead of outsourcing the process.


The board agreed that the June meeting would review CSP process for the following meeting (e.g. resource time and revised process).


ACTION: JH to add CSP Process to the June CSP agenda for the board to review.




DJ presented the performance report to the board, attendees acknowledged administrative problems, it was noted that not all members saw the report and restricted documents prior to the meeting.


The Youth Justice Board (YJB) recommended that not all parties were playing their part and there were specific performance issues with Youth Offending. These are concerns shared across other boroughs and across London. It was recommended that it would be beneficial to write a draft improvement plan and copy in the Metropolitan Police for their own engagement.


ACTION: YOS management board to compile a draft improvement plan to address performance issues.


Sub Group Updates pdf icon PDF 178 KB


ACTION: JH to add Tim Barfoot (TB) back onto circulation list for sub-group updates.



Safer Borough Board pdf icon PDF 91 KB

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Safer Borough Board

JT advised the first meeting was held on Monday 11 December, the group met to forward plan and define the terms of reference. The subgroup agreed three main areas of focus:

  1. Intelligence and groups in tasking - Review how groups roles relate and strengthen problem solving skills (VOLT).
  2. Review the existing information sharing agreement.
  3. Communication of a preventative agenda and with Safer Borough Board responsibilities.


AB suggested to aim for a series of actions on each of the three areas listed and smarter targets with named individuals that are responsible for the actions, this will allow us to ensure their completion. It was highlighted that the use of delivery aims would be better than actions to feed into the strategic assessment and links into the Borough Manifesto.


The Metropolitan Police are looking to apply the Havering initiative Street Watch to the Gascoigne Estate. This would be set to go ahead without a discussion with Barking and Dagenham. The Board raised concerns on this including the management, growth, and communication of the initiative. JT has agreed to meet with the organiser of the scheme, and suggests that whilst volunteer type schemes can be a good thing, they may need to work collectively to be effective.


ACTION: MET to follow the recommendations of the Safer Borough Board and the CSP to place Street Watch into a framework.


AB stressed that the initiative would not be considered until early January at the earliest as it was not a priority service.


ACTION: JT to meet with Havering Street Watch organiser to explore implementing this in Barking and Dagenham.



Managing Offenders Group (Greg Tillet) pdf icon PDF 91 KB

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It was noted that this subgroup has not met since the last CSP there has. The group confirmed the that following the departure of Angela Stephens (AS). Probation service will support the administration of the group.



Children's and Young People pdf icon PDF 209 KB

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Angie Fuller (AF) will recruit youth matrix workers to come into the service at the end of January. The YJB improvements included a full analysis of first time entrants.


ACTION: AF to invite wider partners to Childrens’ and Young People Board


A report will be given to the Board on 24th January 2018, with an update on custody and remand services. AF agreed to invite wider partners to widen the board and get information that YOS doesn’t hold.



VAWG pdf icon PDF 114 KB

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Melody Williams (MW) advised that the last VAWG meeting was held in October 2017 and was their second meeting. They are developing a forward plan and success with White Ribbon Day and the VAWG newsletter. A strategy workshop will take place on 31st January 2018. Links have also been established with complex case systems.


Decent data sets are needed to monitor performance. There has been a dip in referrals and unprocessed cases banded. MARAC referrals are increasing, but data quality and flow issues are being experienced.


Hate, Intolerance & Extremism pdf icon PDF 215 KB


RC advised that there has been good attendance by all partners and good data sets, the subgroup is currently looking at misogyny as a hate crime and how to integrate it into strategy.


ACTION: Agreed that the police would meet with voluntary groups around knife crime after their presentation 2.



MPS Public Access Strategy pdf icon PDF 187 KB

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The board discussed the strategy in Hamera-Asaf Davey absence. Taking MOPAC’s position. Dagenham East Police Station will be redeveloped and will need temporary accommodation. Debating access points e.g. Dagenham Police Station. The board were advised there will be no clarity on the closure of Barking Police Station until January 2018.



Fire Safety Update


Home Fire Safety visits are making a positive impact. Vehicle arson is down.


Gang & Knife Crime Action Plan - Neil Matthews pdf icon PDF 749 KB


The board agreed that figures were across BCU and would need specified figures for Barking and Dagenham.


JT expressed that he would like to see figures of those living compared to those offending in the borough, with a gang’s matrix identifying our borough.


AF identified transfers from the probation office, of people from high density areas and would need to work with intelligence from the gangs’ unit. JT agreed that the flow and through of people was a problem, and the need to capture residents and rehousing through a pan-London protocol. This would be difficult to turn into a wider partnership plan.


Steve Thompson (ST) confirmed that the Knife Plan Strategy was still to be signed off and reiterated the BCU v. borough issues in the report. The dynamic of resident offenders v. person committing the offence v. flow of people needs to be addressed. It was highlighted that we also need to review the term ‘young people’ and the strategy difference between age groups.


ACTION: AF to agree a time-scale outside of the meeting and complete the piece of work by June 2018.


PSPO Consultation pdf icon PDF 93 KB


Broad Street PSPO Consultation


The Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) were discussed for both Broad Street and Barking Town Centre.


SN recommended that the map for Broad Street should be amended to show only full roads. Moped and scooters for example are not included as these are covered by the MET under Operation Venice. Littering has also not been included as there is already substantial power to tackle it, where as there is not with offences like spitting.


JT recommended that an enforcement programme that is achievable is required looking at ‘how’ we enforce in the Borough. In relation to this, TB added the importance of managing expectations and the limitations of resources.


AB recommended assessing the volume of crime. The PSPO will need a partnership agreement to enforce and a commitment to enforcement, mostly between Enforcement Services and the Police. Reminder of the Alcohol Control Zone which received complaints because behaviour was not challenged.


Agreement of the PSPO to commit to existing and not additional resources, which would be a valid challenge.


CSP needs actions when there is an operational plan, including time frame and plan, and a review period. TB and JT attend the weekly Intel Tasking Group and will plan from there.


ACTION: JT and TB to compile an operation plan for the PSPO’s once met with the Intel Tasking Group.


Further issues were raised in Barking Town Centre including women feeling unsafe. RC suggested using Box Up for younger men from January 2018 to target specific behaviours.


JT recommended to review the word ‘groups’ in the orders and focusing on the issue being caused as well as assessing how to use resources effectively.


ACTION: Take out reference to groups in the orders.



Broad Street pdf icon PDF 265 KB


Barking Town Centre pdf icon PDF 336 KB

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Community Safety Partnership Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 91 KB

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CSP Membership and Terms of Reference (ToR)


The board reviewed and agreed the updated Membership and ToR. AB advised she will be standing down from the CSP and Fiona Taylor (FT) will be chairing meeting going forward. Matthew Cole (MC) involvement for Community Safety has transferred to JT, MC will only attend as the director of Public Health.


RC recommended, and the board agreed that the Citizen Advice Bureau (CAB) should be added to the CSP Membership.


ACTION: Agreed that James Tullett and RAMFEL will be removed and replaced by the CAB.  member of the CAB, invites to be sent to the elected member. Jade Hodgson to invite elected member.


ACTION: JH to update membership to reflect newly appointed chair.


Safer Neighbourhood Board Chair's Report pdf icon PDF 175 KB

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ST reported that there are concerns around policing numbers, lack of constables and a 10% deficit in sergeants. It was noted that the MET Police were due to be provided with tablets between June and August 2017 to avoid them having to return to the police station to report a crime. ST highlighted that these tablets have not yet been distributed.


There are burglaries and stop and search concerns for Barking and Dagenham figures. Safeguarding is also a concern as there isn’t consistency or relationships with the senior commander team.

Sonia Drozd (SD) confirmed DVHR has been submitted. Some amendments need to be made, but there will be no revision version to the Home Office.


AB has recommended to push the publication date back from January as other case reviews are being released that month.


Chairs Report pdf icon PDF 271 KB

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Chair’s Report for noting and was circulated with the agenda.


10 minutes


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 395 KB


No business or comments to report.

5 minutes


Any Other Business


No business or comments to report.

2 minutes


Date of Next Meeting


Community Safety Partnership Board

Wednesday 28th March 2018, 10.00-13.00

Barking Learning Centre, Conference Room