Agenda and minutes

Community Safety Partnership
Wednesday, 26 September 2018 10:00 am

Venue: Conference Centre, Barking Learning Centre, Town Square, Barking

Contact: Jade Hodgson, Community Safety Policy Officer 

Note No. Item

2 minutes


Introductions and Apologies for Absence


The chair welcomed the board and introductions and apologies were noted. The board welcomed Sangeeta Bhuhi as the new MOPAC link officer and April Bald as the new Operational Director for Childrens’ Care and Support. The chair highlighted the board is an open public meeting however the second half of the board will be a private session for workshops and shared learning.


2 minutes


Declaration of Interests

Members of the Board are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.


No declarations of interest.


5 minutes


Minutes and Action Log pdf icon PDF 171 KB

Additional documents:


Minutes from July’s CSP board were review by members highlighted changes to be made. Comments were provided electronically via members who were not in attendance, these changes have been made. The action log was reviewed, and the following were added.


ACTION: CSP members to send potential schemes for Community Payback to Jonathon Toy.

ACTION: Jonathon Toy to contact Jeremy Nuttall to discuss community payback schemes with regards to children and adults’ programmes and safeguarding.

ACTION: Jade Hodgson to circulate data from Steve Calder CRC regarding BBR breakdown.


Stop and Search Update pdf icon PDF 101 KB

Additional documents:


Inspector John Goodwin updated members on the Section 60 that was put in place on Wednesday 19 September 2018. Steve Thompson raised concerns as to whether there is the correct level of resource to be able to deliver the section 60 for a large focus area. The Section 60 covered from Dagenham Heathway through to Romford Town Centre. It is vital that we ensure there is enough resource to implement and deliver the Section 60 to ensure we don’t lose community confidence.


ACTION: Fiona Taylor to contact Neil Matthews to request report on Stop and Search.

ACTION: Neil Matthews to circulate a briefing to CSP members on Stop and Search within the borough.



Information Sharing Agreement


Fiona Taylor highlighted that ISA’s have been requested and those submitted are not fit for purpose, following requests B&D will commission an overarching ISA to cover the CSP. On behalf of Rita Chadha Fiona Taylor highlighted the importance of the ISA given the opportunities for joint funding applications on serious youth violence. All members approved an overarching ISA is the best way to take this forward.


ACTION: Fiona Taylor to commission overarching ISA for the CSP.



DRAFT Community Safety Plan pdf icon PDF 30 KB


1.  Jade Hodgson updated members on the development of the Community Safety Plan. Continuous work is being done to ensure that the plan aligns with other strategies developed through partnership boards. The plan is being aligned with the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy to highlight shared priorities and to ensure the language is consistent. Work is also being done to ensure the plan links with the mayoral priorities. Jade Hodgson highlighted that the sign off timescale has altered and will be presented to Corporate Strategy Group (CSG – the Councils Chief Officer Group) in November and Cabinet in December 2018. Members noted the following;


  • Children and Young People priority group could include wider information around contextual safeguarding.
  • A stronger focus is on required on CSP priorities.
  • Align with other strategic proposals i.e. Prevent and ComSol.


Jonathon Toy outlined that the document reflects priorities on both a regional and local level and focuses on two main areas round Criminal Justice and Transition and Trauma. The plan outlines cross cutting themes, Fire Safety, Perception of Safety and Persistent Offenders as well as emerging trends. 


Jonathon Toy and Jade Hodgson welcomed further comments from CSP members on the development of the Community Safety Plan.


ACTION: Jade Hodgson to send updated plan to CSP members for review and comments.

ACTION: April Bald/ Angie Fuller to update the CYP priority slide to include contextual safeguarding.

ACTION: All subgroup leads to review priority slides to ensure all areas and reference to strategies are included.

ACTION: All members to review Community Safety Plan and send comments to Jade Hodgson.


Members of the board highlighted the direct impact the BCU has had on MPS representation for boards and subgroup meetings. It was highlighted that this has been seen across all strategic board structures. The board recognised the difficulty within police structures however members emphasised the need for a consistent representative at the correct seniority to update and take matters forward.


ACTION: Fiona Taylor to liaise with MPS to discuss having a continuous representative at boards and subgroups at the correct seniority.



Final VAWG Strategy pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Additional documents:


Sonia Drozd updated members on the development of VAWG Strategy on behalf of Hazel North-Stephens. It was noted that the strategy is in the final stages of development and has been taken to the board to ensure all members have had sight of the document. The strategy has been developed through consultation forums, VAWG subgroup, service users and survivors’ feedback. CSG have approved the strategy and next stage is to go to Health and Wellbeing Board in November 2018. The following feedback was noted;


·  Needs a wider conversation around commissioning arrangements, a commissioning group was favoured to combine all elements linked to the VAWG strategy. A plan is being pulled together to identify how we should commission services going forward.

·  Development of a pathway, similar to the Hoarding Pathway, would be useful to ensure people can identify the correct route and what options are available throughout the commissioning process.

·  As this is a public facing document the language needs to be reviewed to ensure both residents and professionals understand what is being put forward, for example using terminology such as Trauma Informed

·  MOPAC highlighted that the commissioning will need to consider the PAN London changes to DV services.

·  The CVS questioned the continued use of the word resilience.

·  Could the strategy include the issue of domestic violence and no recourse to public funds either through the strategy or the action plan?

·  The strategy could also be strengthened by structural inequality as opposed to fairness, cohesion and diversity.

·  CVS would welcome the acknowledgment on changes to the social care workforce post Brexit.

·  Will the council consider include the 10 day paid offer for domestic violence survivors proposed by the Labour Party?

·  The CVS applauded the commitment to lived experience.


ACTION: Hazel North-Stephens to review language within the strategy to ensure that both residents and professionals can understand what is being presented.

ACTION: CSP members to send any comments/ feedback on the plan to Sonia Drozd.

ACTION: Sonia Drozd/Hazel North-Stephens to move forward with commissioning group for DV services.

ACTION: Hazel North-Stephens to report back to Rita Chadha regarding the inclusion of the no recourse to public funds and the 10 day paid offer for DV.



Update on DVHR Investigations/ Processes


Fiona Taylor updated members of the board on the DHR process and open investigations. The chair highlighted that the process of identifying the membership will be agreed to ensure once a decision is made we can move forward in a timely manner. The requirements are for the CSP to agree an Independent chair, MOPAC are supporting with liaising with other boroughs to pull together a directory on independent chairs and experience of working with the chairs. MOPAC role will be to connect boroughs rather than offering recommendations. The CSP chair will write to members regarding any recommendation of an Independent chair at the appropriate time.


There is no further information available on the current cases to date however members will be kept informed once further information is available.



Private workshop sessions


A number of CSP members delivered 4 presentations, these sessions were held to address a range of Community Safety priorities and shared priorities across partnership boards.



Private workshop - Fire Safety


Steve Norman delivered a workshop on fire safety and prevention to highlight the importance of a partnership approach and best practice for fire safety. The workshop aimed to identified how to collectively recognise the risks across agencies to support the London Fire Service in delivering effective services. An updated on current structures and an interim cover for future boards was provided. Lee Walker has been assigned as an interim replacement for Steve Norman. All correspondence should be sent to Lee Walker and copy in Steve Norman.


An update was provided on the dwelling fire in Barking and Dagenham on Tuesday 25th September. The fire caused damage to two houses, it was identified that the partitioning of the house was what caused the fire to spread into the second home. Steve Norman highlighted that no one was hurt as a result of the fire.


Grenfell inquiry is currently on phase 1 reviewing everything that happened on the night of the incident, phase 2 will start in new year reviewing what led up to the night. There have been a number of buildings identified with cladding including private sector buildings that do not meet regulations. There has been a focus on blocks of flats above 8 meters.


How do we identify the risk?

Fire safety in the home training packages have been delivered, the London Fire Service would like to deliver this free training to all council workers and workers contracted to the local authority to increase the opportunity of identifying fire risks. A free online training package on Fire Safety in the Home for all who have contact with vulnerable people or who manage people who have contact with vulnerable people. This was developed in partnership with London Fire Brigade and the TSA. All CSP partners should encourage their staff to carry out the training. The link is .


There is an appetite to conduct further work looking at fly tipping, identifying inadequate doors/frames, hoarding etc. The chair highlighted work is being done within the council to address areas such as fly tipping across Enforcement and Public Realm Services.


The London Fire Service don’t have much involvement with police estates meetings or MPS representatives at fire safety groups. Members agreed a representative from LFB should be in attendance to ensure joined up working and information sharing across correct agencies.


ACTION: Councillor Mullane to liaise with Jonathon Toy regarding LFB presentations and shared learning sessions.

ACTION: Steve Norman to send John Goodwin the information for the Fire Safety group to arrange for an MPS representative to attend.

ACTION: Steve Norman to send Fiona Taylor details of home training package.

ACTION: Fiona Taylor to circulate training package to CSP members and work with April Bald to identify professionals to uptake training.

ACTION: Jade Hodgson to feedback to Steve Norman the dementia lead for the borough.



Private workshop - Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy pdf icon PDF 307 KB


Matthew Cole and Florence Henry updated CSP members on the development of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The strategies visions are to improve the health and wellbeing of residents and reduce inequalities at every stage of people’s lives by 2023. The refreshed strategy focuses on three themes, best start in life, early diagnosis and building resilience, these areas of focus have been identified by Health and Wellbeing Board as the areas that will have the biggest impact on resident’s lives.


The strategy sets out the six outcomes which we aim to achieve in Barking and Dagenham. Four of these outcomes relate to resilience and focusing on Adverse Childhood Experiences, education and skills and employment, physical and mental wellbeing and ageing well. The proposed outcomes of what we aim to achieve in Barking and Dagenham and the increased need for building social capital and structural factors are shared across strategic boards highlighting the need for strong joined up working. Members noted that the outcomes focus around Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) need to include how aces and experiences are having an effect on children within families. Across partners and organisations, we are realising the need for a different approach and now is as good a time as any to drive these changes.


Members of the board highlighted the increasing need for further focus on lower level emotional support to support ACE’s and mental health services within schools. Steve Norman put forward the potential of using the Safe Drive, Stay Alive concept and tailoring this in terms of health as a way on creating significant impact.


The Strategy has been aligned with partnership plans and strategies to ensure it highlights shared priorities and where there is requirement for partnership working. It was noted that the strategy will be going to public consultation in November and presented to the HWBB in February 2019 with commissioning intentions for April/July 2019.


ACTION: Matthew Cole to circulate the full School Survey report CSP members.


Private workshop - Knife Crime and Serious Violence Action Plan


ACTION: Jade Hodgson to circulate the Knife Crime and Serious Violence Action Plan.


Private workshop - Trauma Informed Intervention Model pdf icon PDF 88 KB


Jade Hodgson presented the Trauma Informed Health Intervention, the model is a trauma informed response to youth violence designed to support children and young people (CYP) at an earlier age who are at risk of becoming involved in violence and crime. There is a body of evidence that support indicators of behavioural issues for children and young people from school years 5 and 6 therefore we have focused on delivering the model for this cohort.


The model has been developed collaboratively with local schools, voluntary organisations and community organisations to design a programme that can be implemented through local schools as a form of preventative work. The programme has been heavily based on the understanding of Aces and the impacts that this has on later life, this foundation links into the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy outcomes around Adverse Childhood Experiences.


The board opened discussion on how organisations and partners can support the delivery of trauma informed care. The following was discussed;

  • LBBD substance misuse service have recommissioned services to become trauma informed supporting the targeted intervention tier within the trauma informed health intervention model. The service has adapted a trauma response to counselling provisions for both adult and childrens services which include a clinical psychologist. Involving family members within the services will support the development of social capital within the joint health and wellbeing strategy.
  • Angie Fuller advised that the YOS have commissioned a senior parenting worker to undertake the RockPool ACE’s programme training. The board need to identify how we can we bring current provision and new work together.
  • Steve Norman highlighted the need for further preventative work before primary schools and school preparedness identifying family environment pressures around the young person/child. The Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) have a priority of childhood neglect which links to the best start in life for the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


5 minutes


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 161 KB


Fiona Taylor asked for members to review the forward plan and called for any future agenda items. Members agreed the next partnership board in December 2018 will focus on the 6-monthly Crime and Disorder Strategic Assessment Review as the substantive item.


5 minutes


Any Other Business

-  Performance report questions


No other business to note.


2 minutes


Date of Next Meeting

Community Safety Partnersnhip Board

Wednesday 19 December 2018, 10.00-1.00pm

Barking Learning Centre Conference Room


Community Safety Partnership Board

Wednesday 19 December 2018, 10:00-13:00pm

Barking Learning Centre, Conference Room