Agenda and minutes

Planning Performance Review Sub-Committee
Tuesday, 16 February 2021 7:00 pm

Venue: Meeting to be held virtually

Contact: John Dawe, Senior Governance Officer 


No. Item


Declarations of Interest


None received.


Review of Planning Decisions pdf icon PDF 1011 KB

The item includes:


Summary Report

Appendix 1 – Applications bundle

Appendix 2 – Appeals bundle

Appendix 3 – Full list of decisions

Additional documents:


The Chair explained that the Sub-Committee’s role was to consider and report back to the Planning Committee annually on a random sample, selected by himself and the Deputy Chair, of 20 delegated planning decisions taken from the total number of those decisions between 1 July 2020 and 31 January 2021, as detailed in Appendix 3 to the covering report.


The Sub-Committee examined and evaluated the samples to assess whether the relevant planning policies and criteria had been applied correctly in each case, as well as reviewing planning appeal performance and scrutinising those decisions which had been overturned as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report. The sample date period had been chosen so as to establish an accurate benchmark of performance having regard to the new Planning team, new software as well as new ways of working.


The Deputy Chief Planning Officer presented the report providing an overview of all decisions taken within the period which showed that when considered against latest MHCLG quarterly performance figures produced for all 342 local authorities in England, LBBD were placed joint 1st both nationally and in London and 54th nationally and 3rd in London respectively for taking major and non-major development decisions ‘within time’. Although there are no national benchmarking indicators for certificates of lawful development and prior notifications, the performance levels of determination ‘within time’ for both were 99.7% and 100% respectively. The overall position indicated that the Borough’s performance was now on a significant upturn.


The report also included a breakdown within the date period of approvals / refusals across various application types and, in that respect, commentary around household applications and reasons why approvals (59%) were significantly lower than neighbouring authorities.


Appendix 1 contained a bundle of the 20 delegated planning decisions which included an overview title page, key drawings, the officer delegated report and decision notice. Members selected a sample number of the decisions which the Deputy Chief Planner then summarised the background and decision taken on each.  The Sub-Committee was satisfied that the relevant planning policies and criteria had been applied correctly in each case.


It was noted that a full report detailing the Sub Committee’s findings would be presented to the Planning Committee for noting in April 2021.