Browse meetings

Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common)

This page lists the meetings for Health & Wellbeing Board and ICB Sub-Committee (Committees in Common).


Role and Remit


The Health and Wellbeing Board was established on 1 April 2013 under the Health and Social Care Act 2012.  The remit of the Board is to strengthen working relationships between health and social care, and, encourage the development of more integrated commissioning of services. Through its work the Board will improve health outcomes for local people and reduce health inequalities.  The main functions of the Board will be to:


·  Understand local need and the wider determinants that impact people’s health, and using this intelligence to produce the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment , a document from which commissioning and service delivery will flow.

·  Drive the continuous improvement of health and social care through the borough’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy, and using this strategy to ensure that health and wellbeing need is met and commissioners are responsive to health and wellbeing priorities.

·  Encourage partnership working and integration in health and social care service.  Overseeing joint arrangements between relevant bodies for the provision of services through Section 75 agreements.

·  Involve elected officials, patient representatives and local people in the commissioning of health and social care services giving communities a greater say in how their needs are addressed.


Further detail about the form and function of the Health and Wellbeing Board can be found in Part 2, Chapter 7 of the Council’s Constitution.


Public Participation


Members of the public are encouraged to attend meetings to give their views and speak with regards to the business of the Board.  At each business item, once Board Members have given their views and time permitting, the Chair will invite speakers from the public gallery.  Members of the public who wish to speak can submit their question / comments in advance to the Clerk of the Board using the contact details below.


Executive Status of the Board


The Board is an executive committee of the Council and has executive functions as delegated by the Cabinet; as such the executive decisions taken by the Health and Wellbeing Board are subject to ‘call-in’ for which the procedure can be found in section 6 of the Part 2, Chapter 8 (Call-In Process).


Furthermore, as an executive decision-making body of the Council, key decisions (or decisions that the Board believes are in the public interest) are listed in the Forward Plan with at least 28 days notice ensuring transparency in the decision-making process.  The latest edition of the Forward Plan can be found at HWBB Forward Plan .