Agenda item

Local Development Framework Issues and Options Papers


Received a report on the Local Development Framework (LDF) Issues and Options Papers that have been prepared in relation to the following key topics:


·  Vision for planning our Borough

·  Site allocation

·  Environment

·  Community

·  Housing

·  Employment

·  Town centres and retail issues

·  Transport

·  Your neighbourhood


These papers will form the basis of the first stage of community and stakeholder involvement in the production of the three main LDF documents, namely “The Core Strategy”, “The Borough-Wide Development Policies” and “Site Specific Allocations”.


Considered each of the nine papers and made a number of observations and suggestions in respect of the specific questions posed.


Agreed, in order to facilitate the first stage of consultation in relation to the preparation of the Council’s Local Development Framework and in line with requirements under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, to:


(i)  Approve the LDF Issues and Options Papers, as attached as Appendices 1 - 9 of the report, and the summary of the LDF Issues and Options Papers (Appendix 10) for public consultation; and


(ii)  Authorise the Head of Planning and Transportation to make any necessary non-material changes to these documents prior to the commencement of the public consultation exercise, including appropriate amendments arising from the discussions at this meeting.

Supporting documents: