Agenda item

*Governance Working Party

See supplementary agenda


Received a report summarising the work of the Governance Working Party, which undertook a review of the Council’s political structure arrangements.




Executive Arrangements


Ø  Pending the final content of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill, that the size of the Executive remains at ten Members. Also that based on the proposed models of executive governance, the option of an indirectly elected Leader with a four year term, with provisions for votes of no confidence, be favoured as this matches closest our existing model.


Ø  That a pilot be introduced for six months to trial individual decision-making within the remit of the Deputy Leader’s housing portfolio. This will be reported back on with any related recommendations in time for any changes to be implemented for the 2008/09 council year. In agreeing this pilot, however, to reaffirm the principle that cross cutting portfolio decision making should continue to be conducted through the Executive. The administrative arrangements for the pilot to be worked up by officers for implementation at the earliest opportunity.


Ø  That the process of appointing non-Executive members to support portfolio holders be formally approved on an annual basis by the Assembly to maintain integrity and transparency.


Ø  That job profiles for Executive Members be amended to provide for regular portfolio briefings to take place with the wider Council membership at least quarterly. 




Ø  That the Scrutiny Management Board (SMB) adopts a more strategic approach to planning their activity which has regard to knowledge around performance and complaints etc. and which also incorporates ways of holding individual portfolio Members to account for their areas, The approach should also consider ways of scrutinising performance and financial issues.


Ø  That the SMB also reviews new ways of working in relation to scrutinising the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) and the Local Area Agreement (LAA), and to build this into its scrutiny planning process. The implications of the forthcoming legislation in relation to the “Community Call for Action” powers will also need to be built into the Council’s scrutiny function.


Ø  That the SMB considers, in advance of legislation, the appointment of a standing Scrutiny Panel, similar to the Health Scrutiny Panel, to scrutinise police activity.


Ø  That the SMB should make sure that scrutiny focuses predominantly on issues that will make a difference to the community, and to that extent there should be more Member engagement with and within the community as a whole.  With this in mind further regard will be had as to the effects of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill in terms of the emphasis being placed on the setting up of Local Involvement Networks (LINks) which will enhance local authorities’ role to scrutinise health provision.


Ø  The Call-In process to (a) lose the challenge element introduced last year, and revert back to a one stage procedure whereby a minimum of two Members are required to Call-In a decision, and (b) relate only to decisions to be implemented by the Executive.


  Policy Commissions


Ø  Reinforce the role and usefulness of Policy Commissions as a tool within the Council’s overall political structure to assist with the development of policy, including that influenced through the Local Strategic Partnership.


Other Meetings


Ø  To reaffirm that the existing responsibilities/roles of other meetings should remain as they are with the exception of a number of staffing related matters appertaining to the functions of the Executive and the Personnel Board to bring them in line with the requirements of the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) Regulations SI 3384/2001 as follows:


·  The composition of Panels to deal with dismissals as well as consider disciplinary action and grievances against all JNC employees and Statutory Officers to be agreed at the Assembly as part of the normal appointments process, and having regard to the political balance requirements, the membership to be drawn from a wider selection of Members, with at least two Members of the Executive to include the Leader of the Council and the relevant Lead Member.


·  All decisions regarding the redundancy of non-JNC posts to be managed by the Chief Officers with an appeal line to the Chief Executive as Head of the Paid Service.


·  With the exception of appeals against final written warnings and dismissal which will remain with the Personnel Board, other employment related appeals by non-JNC employees will be to the Chief Executive as Head of the Paid Service.




Ø  To note (a) the need for a review of staffing resources to enhance support for the scrutiny function, but also to support Members generally in their democratic and community leadership roles, and that (b) the Chief Executive will bring forward proposals to relevant meetings in due course.




Ø  That appropriate amendments be made to the Council Constitution to give effect to the agreed recommendations including waiving the appropriate sections to enable the six months’ individual decision making pilot to proceed.

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