Agenda item

Living and Working Select Committee: Supported Housing for Older People Scrutiny Review

The Select Committee’s main report has been circulated under separate cover.


Received and noted the draft final report of the Living and Working Select Committee (LWSC) which presents the findings from the in-depth review of older people’s housing in the Borough conducted by the LWSC during the past year.  Councillor White introduced the report on behalf of the Lead Member, Councillor Vincent, and outlined some of the key aspects and recommendations arising from the review.


Councillor Rush referred to recommendation 8 within the report, which proposes that the Gascoigne Road residential premises for people with learning disabilities and complex needs should be reviewed as part of the overall process of de-commissioning of residential placements, and suggested that the recommendation should be re-worded to avoid any ambiguity regarding the future of the site.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve the Community Priority of ‘Fair and Respectful’ and ‘Healthy’, to commend the report to the Assembly subject to the issue referred to above being clarified with the appropriate Members prior to next week’s Assembly meeting.

Supporting documents: