Agenda item

Minutes (24 March 2010)


Agreed the minutes of the meeting of 24 March 2010 subject to the addition of the following paragraphs 12-21 to minute 81 in relation to the Health & Adult Services Select Committee: Dementia Services Scrutiny Review:


“12.  That the Local Authority and health partners review the social, occupational and creative art therapies on offer across the Borough in different settings for dementia patients and to work towards services and resources that are fit for purpose, accessible to meet changing needs and are staffed by appropriately trained staff and volunteers representative of Barking and Dagenham’s diverse population.  This review will need to take account of the impact of the personalisation of care services.


13.   That transport needs of patients and their carers be assessed when reviewing patient and carer plans and tenders for non-emergency transport for dementia patients be regularly reviewed to ensure that they address the changing needs of patients and their carers.


14.  That Transport for London be approached about a bus service along Goresbrook Road to improve public transport links to Cherry Orchard Nursing Home.


15.  That health agencies and the Local Authority ensure that all service providers, including GPs, have an easily accessible patient pack/file available for ambulance and hospital staff setting out the resuscitation and medical intervention wishes of the patient and their families.  The Select Committee recognises that sharing of this information must be in line with data protection requirements. 


16.  That Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust review dementia training for all staff in its hospitals and assess whether all wards should have a designated dementia trained nurse and additional staffing, such as health care assistants, to help patients who are less co-operative in taking food and medication and to assist those with mobility problems, which may help prevent falls and infections.


17.  That Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust review their arrangements for the provision of translators to help identify the needs of dementia patients whose first language is not English.


18.  That Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust address the needs of dementia sufferers and carers in its safeguarding adults’ policy.


19.  That, in line with suggestions from Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust, as part of a local action plan, NHS Barking and Dagenham develop proposals for improved liaison between specialist services which should include:

·  a monthly joint clinic with psychiatrists to be established so patient referrals can be dealt with efficiently and smoothly

·  NHS Barking and Dagenham and North East London Foundation Trust develop dementia link nurses to work with medical teams at King George’s and Queen’s Hospitals to improve patient care and

the voluntary sector be involved in this service, and


20.  That the Local Authority, North East London Foundation Trust, Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust, NHS Barking and Dagenham review and improve arrangements for the transfer of dementia patients from hospital to ensure that they are speedily back in the comfort of their own homes in familiar surroundings.


21.  That the Local Authority, North East London Foundation Trust, Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals Trust and NHS Barking and Dagenham, as part of their joint strategic plan for dementia services, set out their plans for end of life care and ensure health care professionals, including GPs, have appropriate training in relevant legislation, for example, the Mental Capacity Act.”

Supporting documents: