Agenda item



Motion 1.  Building Schools for the Future (BSF)


Moved by Councillor R. Gill and seconded by Councillor Smith.


"This Council welcomes the Government decision to continue to grant BSF funding to the Borough’s two sample schools, Dagenham Park Church of England and Sydney Russell, to enable them to proceed with planned school improvements.


However, this Council is deeply concerned by the cancellation of over £200m of the remaining BSF funding which was planned for local secondary schools in Barking and Dagenham.


Over the next five to ten years, Barking and Dagenham will be faced with significant pressures on school places, especially with the re-development of Barking Riverside and the University of East London site.  We need funding to provide first class facilities for both our primary and secondary schools.  Without that finance previously earmarked for our schools, some of our young people will not get the education they deserve.  


We therefore, call upon the Cabinet and our local MPs to continue lobbying Government for the necessary funding to ensure we can meet the needs of every child, and their families, in the borough."


Councillor Smith proposed a vote of thanks to Margaret Hodge MP for the support she had given.  He also passed congratulations to the schools in the borough for the best ever GCSE and A level results, noting that four schools had a 100% pass rate, and commending the excellent head teachers for their dedication and hard work.


Councillor Tarry commented that the cancellation of over £200m of BSF funding is committing a generation of young people to a bleak future and will have an impact on schools over the next 10/20 years.  He seconded Councillor Smith’s proposal of thanks to Margaret Hodge MP.


In summing up, Councillor R Gill reminded the Assembly that the borough had received only £47m of the promised £270m and that this is having a devastating effect on the borough.  The need for school places is a big issue and if central government removes funding for it, then building and regeneration becomes pointless.  Councillor R Gill referred to children today still being taught in portakabins as he himself had been.  He stated that education is a child’s right and this Council’s statutory responsibility.  He thanked both Margaret Hodge MP and Jon Cruddus MP for their support in organising productive meetings with the Secretary of State for Education, Michael Gove.


The motion was put to the vote and unanimously agreed as follows:


For:  Councillors Alasia, Alexander, Ashraf, Butt, Channer, Clee, Davis, Douglas, Geddes, N Gill, R Gill, Hunt, Hussain, AS Jamu, IS Jamu, Kangethe, Letchford, McDermott, McKenzie, Miles, Mullane, Obasohan, Ogungbose, Perry, Poulton, Rai, Ramsay, Reason, Rodwell, Saeed, Salam, Smith, Tarry, Twomey, Vincent, Wade, L Waker, P Waker, White and Worby.


Against:  None


Abstain:  None



Motion 2.  Playbuilder Grants


Moved by Councillor Tarry and seconded by Councillor McDermott


"This Council is dismayed at the decision of the Education Secretary, Michael Gove, to freeze Playbuilder Grants this year to councils across the country which would have provided the funding to refurbish existing playgrounds and play areas and build new play facilities for local children.


Because of the Government’s decision, locally the future of proposed new and renovated playgrounds and play areas at St Chad’s, Central Park, Harts Lane, Middle Meadow, Mayesbrook Park, Pondfield Park, Barking Park and Abbey Green is now in doubt.


Barking and Dagenham councillors believe any Government decision to scrap funding for new play schemes will be at odds with the London 2012 vision - to use the power of the Olympic games to create a healthier London.


This Council hopes, in light of the Olympics and the aim to leave a games legacy of a healthier London, that the Government sees sense and recognises that decent play facilities are not an extravagance, but a necessity.


Senior councillors intend to lobby Lord Sebastian Coe, Chair of the London 2012 Organising Committee, calling on him to put pressure on Government ministers not to betray the Olympic legacy to London youngsters, by scrapping funding for new play areas in the Borough.


Councillors will also lobby Ministers and we urge local people to write to the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister calling on them to rethink this short sighted decision."


Members spoke in support of the motion stating that they were dismayed to note the freeze on Playbuilder Grants and that this decision was shortsighted of the government.  Play areas are important for children and their parents in terms of sport and exercise and also to enable them to socialise with each other. 


In response, Councillor Tarry referred to the improvements on the Marks Gate estate which have brought the community together, with constituents commenting to him on how wonderful it now is.


He stated that the relatively small amounts of money that would have been coming to the borough would have had a massive impact and that the freeze is an assault on the lives of ordinary people. 


The motion was put to the vote and unanimously agreed as follows:


For:  Councillors Alasia, Alexander, Ashraf, Butt, Channer, Clee, Davis, Douglas, Geddes, N Gill, R Gill, Hunt, Hussain, AS Jamu, IS Jamu, Kangethe, Letchford, McDermott, McKenzie, Miles, Mullane, Obasohan, Ogungbose, Perry, Poulton, Rai, Ramsay, Reason, Rodwell, Saeed, Salam, Smith, Tarry, Twomey, Vincent, Wade, L Waker, P Waker, White and Worby.


Against:  None


Abstain:  None

Supporting documents: