Agenda item

Community Cohesion Scrutiny Review


The Lead Member of the Safer and Stronger Community Select Committee, Councillor Rodwell, presented the Select Committee's in-depth review of community cohesion, which had been presented to the Cabinet on 15 March 2011.


He recorded his thanks to officers and to the local community and voluntary groups for the outstanding support they had given to the Select Committee throughout the review.  He noted the wide range of work already undertaken by the Council and partners in promoting a cohesive Barking and Dagenham and stated that he saw this report and the 21 recommendations as the initial step in a continuing review process.


The Cabinet Member for Crime, Justice and Communities introduced the Cabinet's comments on the report, stating that the Lead Member had provided the clarification sought in relation to Recommendations 2 and 9, as set out in Appendix B.


The Cabinet Member for Children and Education referred to the examples in the report of the work undertaken by a number of schools in the borough in building community cohesion.  He further acknowledged the role of school governors in terms of opening up school facilities to the community and stated that Members, in their capacity as school governors, should give particular consideration to recommendations 18 and 19.


In response to a question as to the available resources to continue resident surveys as set out in recommendation 1, the Chief Executive advised that some surveys were carried out nationally, but that this was something that we as a Council should continue to look at to identify where progress is being made, and that she would consider the resource implications.


Agreed to adopt the Safer and Stronger Community Select Committee's recommendations as set out in the report and to note the comments of the Cabinet (as set out in Appendix B to the report).

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