Agenda item

Review of Legal Services and Future Proposals


Received a report from the Leader of the Council on the outcome of an initial review of the Council’s Legal Service recently undertaken by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services at Thurrock Council, following discussions between the respective Chief Executives.


The initial review focussed on the following objectives:


  • The effectiveness of the current arrangements within the Legal Service compared with the expectations of the review carried out by Rockpools in 2007
  • The future requirements for the Legal Service
  • Options for providing the future service given the need to make significant savings


Four options for the future delivery of the Legal Service were identified, namely (a) possible wholesale merger of Legal and Democratic Services at LBBD and Thurrock; (b) shared legal services between the two authorities but with separate heads of service; (c) a shared head of service between the two authorities with sharing of services where feasible; and (d) separate services with separate heads of service. 


The Leader advised that option C is preferred as it would allow the idea of a shared head of service to be piloted at the same time as proceeding with an early, full review of the service and the implementation of a changed structure during the first half of 2011/12.  The arrangement would not involve any formal merger of services but would allow any opportunities for the sharing of services to be explored.  At the same time a restructure of the Legal Service at Barking and Dagenham would be implemented which, in particular, would see a reduction in the number of managers in order to make savings of approximately 20%, previously agreed as part of the budget considerations for 2011/12.  This option would also give the flexibility to decide towards the end of 2011 on whether to have a permanent shared head of service and Monitoring Officer.


Agreed, in order to assist the Council to achieve the revenue savings targets identified as part of the 2011/12 budget process and to ensure that the Council has an effective and efficient legal service, to:-


(i)  Pursue option C as detailed in the report, under which Barking and Dagenham would second from Thurrock for the period 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012, on a part-time basis, their Head of Legal and Democratic Services to jointly fulfil the role as head of service and Monitoring Officer for both authorities on a shared basis;


(ii)  Authorise the Chief Executive to negotiate and finalise the arrangements, which will be subject to the approval of Thurrock Council;


(iii)  Note that the relevant JNC Assembly Panel(s) will be asked to consider any relevant issues, and that the Assembly will be required to make the final decision in terms of the appointment of the individual concerned as Monitoring Officer; and


(iv)  The situation being reviewed after six to nine months by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Corporate Management Team, Legal Service managers and Thurrock colleagues, and reported back to the Cabinet by the end of 2011 in order that a final decision can be taken on future arrangements. 

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