Agenda item

Housing Repairs and Maintenance Service


Further to Minute 29 (23 August 2011), the Cabinet Member for Housing presented a report on proposals to extend the level of in-house provision following the expiry of the current housing repairs and maintenance contract in April 2013.


Since the Cabinet meeting in August 2011, further opportunities to provide services in-house had been assessed and the Cabinet Member stated that he was confident that the latest proposals would enhance the delivery of an efficient and effective service to the benefit of the local community, the workforce and the Council.  The Cabinet Member added that the procurement of some external services referred to in the report were intended to supplement the new in-house services but would also be applied where in-house provision was not able to meet requirements.


Cabinet agreed:


  (i)  That the day-to-day responsive housing repair, gas servicing and voids services be provided primarily as an in-house function from the end of the current contract in April 2013;


  (ii)  The current Housing Repairs and Maintenance procurement exercise approved by Cabinet on 23 August 2011 be revised to provide for the procurement of a service provider for voids and repairs services (to supplement the in-house function) on a call-off term contract;


 (iii)  A procurement exercise be conducted for the selection and award of one or more contracts to external providers of gas servicing and maintenance services (to supplement the in-house function) with contract lots based on geographic areas;


 (iv)  The Council continue with its procurement exercises for the selection and award of contracts to external providers of mechanical and electrical services, aids and adaptations services, and a range of small contracts including asbestos testing and removal services;


  (v)  A procurement exercise be commenced or incorporated in the existing procurement exercise for the procurement of a stores function, any necessary infrastructure requirements, equipment, vehicles, ICT hardware, software, licences and services, and all other necessary supplies and services, required for the operation of in-house services;


 (vi)  The existing proposals to provide an in-house client and complaints team continue to be developed;


(vii)  The existing OJEU procurement strategy and process be revised as necessary to facilitate the implementation of the above recommendations, and that any new or revised notices in respect of voids, repairs and gas servicing services, values and scope, be issued and published;


(viii)  To reaffirm the earlier decision to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Housing and Environment, in consultation with the Corporate Director of Finance and Resources, the Divisional Director for Legal and Democratic Services and the Cabinet Members for Housing and Finance and Education, to agree the procurement strategy (including the procurement procedure, contract structure, contractor selection and evaluation criteria and detailed proposals for client management ) and take any other related or necessary actions to facilitate the implementation of the above recommendations, including assessing and agreeing TUPE requirements and associated staffing structures;


 (ix)  That the existing proposal to provide an in-house call centre through Elevate East London LLP continue to be pursued subject to satisfactory delivery and cost proposals;


  (x)  That Section 20 leaseholder consultation requirements be amended and reissued as necessary, and capital and revenue expenditure needed to deliver these revised arrangements be identified and funded from HRA balances and the Housing Capital Programme;


 (xi)  That appropriate discussions and consultations with Trade Unions take place; and


(xii)  That a Communications Plan be developed and implemented.

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