Agenda item

Chair's Report


The Board noted the Chair’s report, which provided information on a number of events / issues, and comments made as set out below:


(i)  Health and Wellbeing Board Development Session on 16 April 2015
The theme of the development session had been ‘Making Integration Real’.  The session had been well attended by Board Members, partners, sub-group members and colleagues and had special guest speakers.  The Integrated Care Sub-Group would now consider how the proposals from the workshops will now be taken forward.  The Board watched a video of the Session around moving forward and getting back the ‘innovation mojo’ to meet the growing demands on service provision in the future and making services ‘personal’.


  The Chair commented that the Board had made a commitment and now we needed to get on and do it. 


(ii)  Abbey Leisure Centre and #makeachange pledges
Provided a reminder of the facilities at the Centre and the ‘Make a Change’ campaign.


(iii)  The Care Act 2014 Update

  This had become operational on 1 April 2015 and was in a process of embedding changes and reefing practices in 2015/16.

(iv)  Quick Cards
The Quick Cards were developed to help practitioners keep at the front of their minds the new requirements.  The Cards cover key parts of the Act and provide prompts and reminders about the detail of the Statutory Guidance, as well as relevant parts of local policies and procedures that must be considered.


(v)  Care and Support Hub

  The Hubhas been updated with a number of new features / functions following feedback from service users, providers and staff to make the Hub more user friendly, as well as Care Act compliant.  Partners were asked to promote the hub as the definitive source of information about local care and support services and provide updates and changes to ensure it is kept current.


(vi)   Independent Living Fund (ILF)
The ILF closure of the Fund to new applicants comes into effect on 30 July 2015.  Funding for 2016/17 will be decided by the Government at later stage.  A review of all 38 recipients of ILF in the Borough was being undertaken 


(vi)  Local Authority Self-Assessment: Transfer of 0-5 Public Health Commissioning responsibilities
The Regional Oversight Group would provide a progress report to the Local Government Association, which in turn would help national partners to resolve outstanding issues. 

still had concerns that there would be inadequate funding to commission the service at the level required without putting additional pressures on the Council’s Public Health Grant.  Clarity was still needed on funding arrangements for staff supervision and management and the potential effect on staffs’ current terms and conditions and MASH staff being taken from health visitor allocations.


(vii)  North East London Strategic Alliance (NELSA) 

  The vision set out a new approach to decision-making and service delivery to unlock the potential of the boroughs.  Barking and Dagenham, Enfield, Greenwich, Havering, Newham, Redbridge, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest had taken the first step towards presenting a case for greater devolution of powers from central government and London regional government and further updates would be provided to the Board as the devolution plans progressed.


  The Board felt that it was important to work together and to agree a synergy.  Conor Burke said that he felt that, rather than a national lead, local or sub regional action on potential areas for development was needed and that had now started. The Chair commented that the innovation and synergy was needed in order to be able to meet the next five years of funding pressure.


(viii)  News from NHS England


·  New plans for Mental Health Care -

The Government had set out a blue-print for improving care over the next five years and had announced a £1.25b funding increase for your people’s mental health care which would include new access and waiting times and plans to make specialist therapies available across the country.


·  National Review of Maternity Care

NHS England had announced details of a major review of the commissioning of NHS maternity services.


·  Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day

The first National Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Awareness Day was held in March and was dedicated to raising awareness across all agencies.


(ix)  Make a Change - Turning the Tide on Obesity in Barking and Dagenham

  Monday, 18 May, 1.00 to 4.30pm, Barking Learning Centre.

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