Agenda item

Questions With Notice


Question 1


  From Councillor Fergus


“Following the recent announcement that Coventry University plan to lease the Civic Centre to provide degree-level education, can the Leader outline how the Council will ensure the building retains its civic purpose?”




Councillor Rodwell, Leader of the Council, advised that Coventry University had understood from the outset the importance of the building to the Borough  and therefore would enable the Council and others to still have use of the building.


Question 2


From Councillor Freeborn


“Following her recent appointment and the Shadow Cabinet’s recent visit to Dagenham to mark International Women’s Day, can the Cabinet Member for Equality and Cohesion set out her priorities and ambitions for the borough?”




Councillor Bright, Cabinet Members for Equalities and Cohesion, confirmed that she intended to engage with as many of the diverse communities in the Borough as possible, and would be focusing on the actions set out in the Councils Gender Equality Charter which included working more closely with the LGBT community, responding to changes to the population in the Borough and ensuring the Ambition 2020 programme reflect and progress equality objectives.


Supplementary Question


Councillor Freeborn enquired as to whether older people would be included within Councillor Bright’s work. Councillor Bright confirmed they would.


Question 3


From Councillor C Rice


“Can the Leader update Members on the future of Fanshawe Hall which has faithfully served our community for so many years?”




Councillor Rodwell advised that Cabinet agreed in March 2016 to enter into a management agreement and grant a 30 year lease for the whole of the Fanshawe Community Centre complex to the Fanshawe Community Association.


Question 4


From Councillor Choudhury


“Will the Leader commit to working closely with the new Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, to promote the Council’s priorities?”




Councillor Rodwell confirmed that the Council would be working with the new Mayor of London and had already been in contact with the Mayor Office.  Work would also be undertaken with London Councils to assist in supporting the Mayors priorities.


Question 5


From Councillor Shaukat


“Can the Leader set out what the Chancellor’s decision to invite Transport for London to bring forward proposals for financing the A13 Riverside Tunnel as part of his 2016 Budget means for the future of the project?




Councillor Rodwell advised that he would be discussing the project with the new Mayor of London.  The A13 needed to be redeveloped and the introduction of a tunnel would unlock land for more housing in the area.


Question 6


From Councillor Miah


“Can the Leader or the relevant Cabinet Member explain when we will be launching our shared ownership housing scheme for council tenants?”




Councillor Twomey, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Growth and Investment, advised that in March 2016, Cabinet approved proposals to introduce a Right to Invest – Tenant Shared Ownership Scheme, subject to consultation with tenants.  Consultation took place earlier in the year and following overwhelming support for the scheme, the Cabinet would consider whether to adopt the policy in June 2016.


Supplementary Question


Councillor Miah asked if there would be a rent increase to tenants and was advised by Councillor Twomey that tenants would buy a 20% share of the property and the rent would be worked out and reduced accordingly.


Question 7


From Councillor Freeborn


“Can the Cabinet Member for Social Care & Health Integration set out what progress we are making in promoting healthier lifestyles?




Councillor Worby, Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health Integration, advised that the Public Health Annual report was due out shortly, however significant changes to lifestyles including smoking, diet, alcohol, sexual activity and substance misuse.


Supplementary Question


Councillor Freeborn asked for information on Care City and was advised that this was an innovation for elderly people to stay longer in their own homes.


Question 8


From Councillor Ahammad


“Can the Leader outline how the Council benefits from Britain’s membership of the European Union?”




Councillor Rodwell advised that the Borough and therefore the Council benefited from membership of the European Union through funding.  Examples included £150m for the Gascoigne Estate regeneration and support to help local residents to get into work. 


Supplementary Question


Councillor Ahammad asked if the Leader agreed that the Council was best placed to harness growth in the UK. Councillor Rodwell confirmed he agreed and the recent report from the Growth Commission confirmed that also.