Agenda item

CSP Sub Groups - 12 Month Plan


a)  Safer Borough – Tim Barfoot

Forward plans were submitted early and finalised with help.  Key targets are violence with injury; anti-social behaviour around Barking Town Hall.  Key actions to focus on VOLT meeting with key partners, repeat victims of ASB and working with partners referred to moped crime initiative of getting them off the streets and looking at where the activity is happening. 


A burglary initiative is planned across the 3 boroughs identifying where burglaries are taking place.  Promoting property marking and visiting neighbours where a burglary has taken place.


School delivery team looking at crime prevention and enforcement of public areas and PSPO for Barking Town Centre.  Focus will be on street beggars, street drinkers and drug users.  There will be a consultation on public space protection orders in October this year for the next phase.  Looking at Broad Street ASB and the PSPO is out for consultation.


The issue of “drifting” (road track racing) on the South A13 with young men.  First operation took place on 11 August and 26 people were fined £100 each on the spot.  A second operation took place last Friday where 23 people were again fined on the spot.


We are supporting work on gangs concerning youth violence and are working with partners.


The Chair stated that we need to be clear on what sub groups are focusing on what so there is no cross-over.  Once plans are in this should become obvious.  The Chair requested that work plans for each sub-group need to deal with activity.


ACTION:  Work plans for each sub group to be sorted between now and end of month and the end report to contain activity.


Discussion took place around the community trigger process when residents are not happy with way things are being dealt with.  The Chair has concerns around this and said “yes” if we are doing it and it will make a difference.  It is not for statutory partners to trigger the process.


Jonathan Toy asked whether dates had been set for the Ward Panel Chair meetings? 


ACTION:  Penny Pyke to set up meeting dates for the rest of the year.  Dates to be run past Steve Thompson before being sent out.


Stephen Norman also stated that he is not aware that the fire safety group under the Safer Borough sub group has met.


The Chair reported that VOLT is the operational mechanism for this and not the CSP partnership group.  The Safer Borough Group should be meeting separately and this should be discussed outside of this meeting.


ACTION:  Matthew Cole to discuss membership with Penny Pyke and Tim Barfoot outside of the meeting for handover.  Stephen Norman to be involved in the Group.


b)  Children and Young People – Angie Fuller

The Youth Offenders Management Group has been extended to incorporate targets and the first meeting is being held in October.  Targets covered include reducing first time offenders, reducing knife crime, reducing first time entrants and to develop a matrix within the borough.  Rob Harris is dealing with recruitment of support workers. 


·  Maintaining monitoring decrease in trends.

·  Mentoring schemes

·  Put prevention packages in place earlier

·  Re-offending mentoring ongoing

·  Serious Youth Violence Group has been reinstated


There are ongoing projects around knife crime and more educational work with schools.  CSE linked in with co-ordinator across the borough.

The Chair advised that there is a new group supporting safeguarding.  Contact Erik Stein as the target has not been set and could add in what the young people want.  We need to rationalise the groups that people go to.


Supt Scotchbrook reported that it is a fact that under 25 year olds knife crime over a rolling 12 month period is down 23%.


c)  Managing Offenders – Greg Tillett

·  Focus is on victims at the centre of what tackles re-offending and supporting re-offenders back into the community.

·  Looking at information and intelligence sharing on how we track offenders

·  Supporting offender’s objectives re drug, alcohol and housing and the impact this has on the borough i.e. universal credit

·  Enforcement and communication – how we work with the police and how we work with non-engagement and where to prioritise

·  Supporting victims – this is not fully developed

·  Review statutory support for victims (non-duplication of service).

Three meetings have been held of the sub group and these have been well attended.

The risks include lack of data and analyst support; there has been no representative from CLC.  Rita Chadha advised it would be helpful if an independent advice sector representative attended this group.


ACTION:  Rita Chadha to facilitate an independent advice sector representative to attend the managing offenders sub group.


d)  Hate, Intolerance & Extremism – Rita Chadha

Rita Chadha reported that the Hate Crime Strategy had expired in March 2017.


Looking at tension monitoring and prevention, raising awareness.  Strategic work will be bounced off Hate Crime week and we are testing the ground from areas to be put into the strategy. Thanks were given to MPS for providing the data sets at the last meeting.  Attendance from NELFT is needed. It was noted that schools do attend these meetings.

Clarity was sought on tension monitoring meetings.  Rita Chadha reported that Brexit was on the agenda as this will have a huge impact on workload. Cohesion is being kept separate. Community Solutions is a big part of the discussion area. BeFirst has inputted already. There is a draft Plan in place which amendments are being made to.


The Chair returned to tension monitoring meeting and reported that some routine meetings should be put into diaries otherwise there is a risk of losing control. Members agreed that tension monitoring meetings should be reinstated. 


ACTION: 6-weekly tension monitoring meetings to be put into diaries.  Matthew Cole will chair these meetings going forward.


e)  Violence against Women and Girls – Melody Williams

This is a new sub group and the inaugural meeting was held in July.  The TORs have been shaped and Membership agreed.  Working through how to bring data together to support the commissioning process.


A plan has been developed virtually and the final version is not in the pack. The next meeting is being held on the 3rd October to ratify the plan. There are a number of actions which may be streamlined, and a strategy developed.  It was agreed that this should wait until completion of VAWG needs assessment.


Training is being developed through the LSCB and plans are being made for White Ribbon Day. It was noted that buy-in is necessary from all agencies.


The Chair proposed that a format is developed for updated progress reports and only products come to CSP. 


Discussion took place on data analysis and the Chair advised that there would be other analysts to help on data other than Dan James. 


ACTION: Dan James to liaise with Vikki Rix around data resources.