Agenda item

Crime and Disorder Strategic Assessment


The assessment is produced annually by the CSP looking at crime and disorder priorities based on data and information across partner organisations. The assessment allows us to look at data and identify priorities to ensure partnership are cited and committed to the priorities for next 12 months. The assessment is also used to identify emerging trends that will impact CSP agenda.


The workshop provided feedback on the emerging trends and priorities set out locally, regionally and wider cross cutting areas.


Feedback on assessment:

  • Positive feedback on the refreshed assessment, content is well recorded, and assessment is more user friendly.
  • Environmental Crime and ASB additions were welcomed.
  • Worth highlighting / showing where the reduction in MARAC referrals have come from on page 7.
  • Would be useful to look at risk to life crimes for future reporting.
  • Public perceptions to be changed to Residents Survey.

  Feedback on priorities:

  • Beneficial to include perpetrators of SYV, also to include an understanding of who will be collecting data on gun discharge for Keeping Children and Young People safe.
  • VAWG priorities were agreed but need to address borough manifesto to align priorities.
  • Need to be mindful of young individuals being exploited by adults (including those outside the borough) who are being exploited to commit organised crime.
  • Explore changing the robbery priority to focus on IOM.
  • Need clarification on prevent, we need clear line of accountability for where prevent sits. Currently agreed to be included within LSCB.
  • Need to clearly highlight what the borough manifesto targets are as well within the document.
  • More focus on Substance Misuse as a cross cutting issue
  • Emerging Trends – Include MH and wellbeing, support with transition from youth to adult by partners, shew report identifying emerging trends and work around regen, changes to drug markets and organised crime, how changes to finance impact the borough, legislations (devolution CJS, role of Mayor taking on greater remit of Criminal Justice, Brexit)
  • Include perceptions of safety
  • Brexit and its implications need to be included


ACTION: Jade Hodgson to add emerging trends section to the CSP Subgroup reports.

ACTION: Angie Fuller to invite John Poynton from Red Thread to future CSP to bring some learning to members of the board.

ACTION: Jonathon Toy, Fiona Taylor, Rita Chadha, Chris Bush and Teresa DeVito to meet to discuss prevent.

ACTION: Fiona Taylor to liaise with Pat Hayes and Jenny Coombes with regards to a Be First rep on the CSP board.


The development of a trauma informed health intervention model was discussed and requested to be presented at the next meeting.


ACTION: Jade Hodgson to add trauma informed health intervention model to agenda for June CSP.

ACTION: Fiona Taylor to liaise with chairs of SAB and LSCB so information is not missed between the boards.


RC highlighted more work is to be done on victim profile and changes to reporting to understanding why under reporting is an issue locally. Potential to explore whether the insight team can pick this up.


ACTION: Fiona Taylor to liaise with Tom Hook around potentially having the insight team to look into reasons of under reporting locally.

ACTION: Jade Hodgson, Jonathon Toy and Dan James to make amendments to the assessment and circulate to members.


Potential to publish in May 2018. Work up action plan to come a future board.


Supporting documents: