Agenda item

Questions With Notice


Question 1


From Councillor Freeborn


“Following the introduction of the first government approved Boroughwide Landlord Licensing Scheme, what is being done to protect residents living in private rented accommodation within our Borough?”


Response from the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Social Housing


“First of all, can I congratulate Councillor Mullane as the responsible Cabinet Member and all those officers involved in helping us secure the very first borough-wide landlord licensing scheme which we will continue to develop and strengthen.


Under the scheme, all privately rented properties are audited for compliance through visits and regular checks. Through the scheme the Council audit occupancy numbers and ensure that private landlord properties are regulated and through the threat of enforcement that they are taking their responsibilities seriously and are carrying out works to meet required standards.


Home Fire Safety checks are carried out by the enforcement officers to ensure tenants are given fire safety advice. Although as we know from the recent fire in Barking Riverside, we would want more powers to go even further. The enforcement service is also working collaboratively with others and any number of issues can be addressed by our officers, such as fly tipped waste, over producing waste from private lets, parking etc.


We also have a dedicated tenancy sustainment officer who specifically supports tenants. They also investigate complaints of illegal evictions and harassment. Part of the role supports vulnerable tenants.”


Question 2


From Councillor Quadri


“Can the Leader of the Council update the Assembly on the outcomes of the first phase of the CPZ programme?”


Response from the Leader of the Council


“I pay tribute to the work of Councillor Mullane and officers. It has not been an easy journey and at times matters have become personal in public meetings and on social media. 


The first four Controlled Parking Zones were fully implemented on 1st July 2019 and the uptake of permits in the zones has been very encouraging. Understandably there has been a mixed reaction to the introduction although antidotally the evidence is that many residents have welcomed the introduction of CPZ’s with one resident saying at a recent ward meeting with their MP that they welcomed that fact that there was now places to park during the day. Other residents were also very positive once a few issues regarding visitors’ permits had been addressed.


During the first three weeks of operation the enforcement team has taken a light approach, visiting the areas to show a presence and issuing warning notices where appropriate. However as of this week PCN’s will be issued if necessary. It is important to remember that one of the principle reasons for introducing the CPZ’s was to improve traffic safety for children and future generations.”


Question 3


From Councillor Miah


“As part of our ambition to be London’s Green Capital, what action is being taken to protect the local environment in new developments?”


Response from the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Social Housing 


“The Council’s adopted Local Plan, in combination with the National Planning Policy Framework (or NPPF) and the adopted London Plan, currently require developers to comply with protection and enhancement of the environment. This includes preventing air and water pollution, preventing noise nuisance, and protecting open spaces and nature.


The new Local Plan for 2019 to 2034 will update these policies and ensure the Council is in line with the latest version of the NPPF and the new London Plan. The new Local Plan will include a Strategic Policy setting out the ambition for Barking and Dagenham to become London’s Green Capital, supplemented by development management policies on energy, air and noise pollution, decontamination of land, managing flood risk and managing and reducing waste.


The Council and Be First have commissioned a number of studies that are informing the development of the new Local Plan. These studies include the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, which identifies areas at greatest risk of flooding and measures needed to reduce and mitigate flood risk; a biodiversity survey of the borough which assessed existing Sites of Nature Conservation and makes recommendations for new ones; a Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Strategy that will encourage active travel, mitigate for climate change and increase access to open spaces and nature; a Parks and Open Spaces Strategy.


The latest Local Implementation Plan – LIP 3 – sets out the transport strategy for the borough and identifies projects that will reduce air pollution, create healthy streets and encourage walking and cycling.”


Question 4


From Councillor Chand


“As London City Airport launches public consultation into its expansion, what is the Council doing to engage residents in the process?”


Response from the Cabinet Member for Community Leadership and Engagement


“We are encouraging residents to get involved in the public consultation, by promoting is on the Council’s social media channels. Posts are scheduled on both Twitter and Facebook from next week, continuing until the closing date of 20 September.


The consultation will also be promoted in the next fortnightly e-newsletter ‘One Borough’, which will go to over 14,000 residents on 2 August and then again on 13 September. A hard copy of the consultation plans, for anyone without internet access, are also available to view in Barking Town Hall reception area. The consultation will also be put on our new resident engagement platform ‘Engagement HQ’ early August.


While there appear to be no public consultations events taking place in our borough, we are encouraging residents to attend the following events taking place in neighbouring boroughs:


·  Wednesday 11 September, from 12 noon - 7pm, The City Centre, 80 Basinghall St, London EC2V 5AR


·  Thursday 12 September, from 3.30pm - 7.30pm, Southern Grove Community Centre, Southern Grove, Mile End, London, E3 4FX


·  Saturday 14 September, from 10am - 4pm, Royal Docks Learning and Activity Centre, Albert Rd, Royal Docks, London E16 2JB.


In reply Councillor Chand stated that if the planned expansion proceeded it would have major environmental implications for this Borough and his concern was that it appeared that unlike the three adjoining Boroughs this Borough has not been directly consulted.


The Cabinet Member assured Members that the Council is taking all necessary steps to ensure our residents have their say.”