Agenda item

Counter Fraud 2019-20, Q1 - Q3 and Counter Fraud Policies & Strategy Report


The Council’s Head of Assurance presented a report on counter fraud work undertaken in Quarters 1 to 3 of the financial year and the Counter Fraud Policies and Strategies.


The Chair referred to a statement in the report that as part of the outcomes of the counter fraud work, two cases were identified that did not involve fraud, but did raise serious concerns in relation to the procurement process. She asked what action would be taken to address these concerns and the Head of Assurance confirmed that these cases formed part of the internal audit plan which would be reported on in the summer.


In response to a question, the Head of Assurance confirmed that the majority of the properties recovered as a result of counter fraud intervention related to cases where the property was not the tenant’s principle home and could be recovered to provide homes to people more in need of them.


The Committee agreed to note the contents of the report and the Council’s updated Counter Fraud Policies and Strategy; and commend its principles to school governing bodies, and where appropriate to other stakeholders, including partnerships, arm-length organisations, and to contractors.  

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